The Baseball Game

Taco-chan: Hello, everyone! I know I really need to update Penpals. But, my friend Kellie wanted me to post this story ASAP, so here I am!  Anyways, I think I'll get my brother, Nacho ((Get it? Nacho…Taco…hilarious!)), who is a major baseball fan, to help me on this. He literally does not shut up about baseball, which is amazing because he is so short. #giggles# seriously, my friend Kellie (the same one as up there) came with my family to a baseball game at the Metro dome, and in the parking lot, she says, "I knew you said your brother was short, but I never expected him to be that short. Holy crap!" Or something to that effect. Anyway…none of you probably care, so…onto the summary!

Summary: While at Wacdonalds, Yuka invites Inuyasha, Kagome, Hojo, Ayumi, and Eri along with her to a baseball game. Will Hojo and Inuyasha fight? Duh!

Disclaimer: I own neither Inuyasha nor any other character. Just the Ani-Manga books.


Chapter One:



Kagome Higurashi sat in Wacdonalds with her 3 friends since Pre-K, Yuka, Eri, and Ayumi. Yuka was having some cell phone chat with her dad, which seemed completely unimportant to Kagome, because they were speaking in another language for some stupid reason. Eri kept gushing on about how 'This summer I get to go to Hawaii and meet a bunch of hot guys' or something else along those lines. And Ayumi held the same bored expression as Kagome, only half-listening to Eri's 'cute guy' theory. Kagome sat there, sipping her Livewire Mountain Dew, replaying her current fight with Inuyasha over and over again. That two-timing creep! He wasn't able to look me in the eye to ask for ramen yesterday. RAMEN! Oh well, not like anything's new there…I'll forgive him…for now… Kagome thought then sighed.

Ayumi, happy to change the subject, asked, "What's wrong, Kagome?"

"I wonder if I should forgive him…"Kagome murmured.

"What? You mean that boyfriend of yours?" Eri asked. Kagome nodded.

Yuka was now off the cell and interrogated, "Did you two get into another fight?" Kagome nodded again.

"I swear! A boy shouldn't treat his girl like that! You shouldn't go out with someone like him, Kagome! He could really hurt you!" Eri ranted. Kagome looked at Eri. I know where this is going - 'you should date Hojo! Yeah! He's nice! And treats you with respect blah blah blah blah blah…' not to mention he's the dullest kid I've ever met… "You should go out with Hojo!" What did I think?

"Yeah! He's nice! And he treats you with respect! Unlike that two-timer you're always talkin' and thinkin' about!"

"I don't wanna date that kiss-ass…" Kagome muttered.

"What?" Yuka questioned.

"I said: I DON'T WANNA DATE THAT KISS-ASS HOJO!" Kagome yelled. "Look, Hojo may be nice and all, but have you guys ever dated him? If you did, you'd know that Hojo is DULL!" A man with silver hair and a hat on and a 10 year old boy were watching in interest, but none of the girls seemed to notice. "Plus, what if this robber came and attacked us? Would I have to be the one to knock him unconscious? Huh!" Her left eye started to twitch in irritation. "At least Inuyasha's strong! I can depend on him! And even better – he isn't a kiss-up!"

"You got dat right!" A masculine voice said. Kagome turned to see the hanyou hero Inuyasha. "'Course I ain't no kiss-ass." Kagome started to blush. "You were talkin' 'bout that Homo creep, right?" Kagome started shaking. "Oh, yeah, he's a total kiss-ass. 'Thank you, Lady Kagome!' Pfft! Idiot."

"SIT!" Kagome hollered.

Oh. So she was blushing and shaking in anger.

"What the hell was that for, wench!" Inuyasha yelled.

"What are you doing here?" Kagome hissed at him. Suddenly Sota appeared next to him. "Sota? What are you doing here?"

"Inuyasha was taking me here for dinner." Sota replied, unaware of the fact that Inuyasha was glued to the floor, Kagome had smoke coming out of her ears, and Kagome's three friends had eyes the size of dinner plates. "Then we're gonna pig out on ice cream and play video games until we pass out!"

"And why would mom let you two do all those things?"

"She wouldn't! Inuyasha is so dimwitted, I could do anything I wanted to and he wouldn't know it was wrong!" Sota laughed. And laughed. And lau-

Oops. Inuyasha hit him on the head.

"Oi, brat!"

Eri, Yuka, and Ayumi are still in shock mode. Oh well. Wait! Yuka snapped outta it! Yay! On with the story!

Yuka stood up and said, "Excuse us! We're being rude! Hello, I'm Yuka! Are you Kagome's boyfriend?"

What the hell is she talkin' about now? Inuyasha thought, but said, "Yeah, I'm Inuyasha." since Kagome was glaring at him.

"Well, I have some information, and I haven't told anyone yet, so you guys listen too." Yuka said. Kagome's face returned to it's normal color and Eri and Ayumi snapped out of shock mode. "My dad got 6 baseball tickets from work and said I could go and bring 5 friends along! You guys wanna come?'

"Sure!" Eri replied.

"Ok." Ayumi said.

"Yeah!" Kagome answered.

Inuyasha hadn't answered yet. Kagome sent him a glare that obviously said, 'Say-yes-or-I-will-HURT-YOU'. Inuyasha gulped and replied, "Sure."

"Hojo's coming too."

"What about me!" Sota wailed.

"Don't worry Sota." Inuyasha said, patting him on the head and grinning like a maniac. "We can pass out from lack of sleep and ice cream intoxication some other time."

The throbbing vein returned to Kagome's forehead.


"Seriously, how do you do that?"


Taco-chan: So, what do you think? Good? Bad? Please review and tell me!

Next Chapter:

They got to the stadium twenty minutes before everyone else. Huh. Wonder why?

"I can't believe we got here so fast." Kagome said in awe.

"Why?" Inuyasha asked. "They drove here. You and I both know I'm faster then any car."

Kagome straightened her Justin Morneau jersey. "Yeah…well, since we're here so early, we might as well get our seats."

They walked into the stadium and got their seats. Then they had to get snacks. They walked over to the food stands and Inuyasha's mouth started to water.


Taco-chan: Please review!