The New Sam

Chapter One – Sam's gone

Danny Fenton aka Phantom and Sam Manson had been going out together for about Five months now and they seemed to be really happy together.

They enjoyed the ghost fights and the nights in which they had shared in each others arms and each others beds of course Danny preferred to be in Sam's bed as it was three times bigger than his.

"Sam these are the best feelings in the world and I never want them to end" Danny let Sam no as he looked at her that he meant every word

"I no the feeling your having Danny there the same as mine" Sam smile as she returned her words

"I wont ever do anything to hurt you either, you do know that don't you" Danny looked deep into her eyes when he said he asked this

"Of course I know this Danny it took you long enough to tell me you loved me I don't think you would throw it all away now" she said in answer to Danny's question

At that moment they heard the cries of everyone outside running away from something and above the screams he they heard

"I am the box ghost"

"Not now" Danny said

"I'm going ghost, Sam don't forget the thermos" he said as he flew out of the window

Sam searched for it but couldn't find one just as she opened her closet to see if it was in there she got sprayed with sleeping gas

"Plasmius" she said as she went into a deep sleep

Well Danny was fighting the box ghost he seen something flying off with Sam

"SAM" he shouted but she didn't answer

later that evening when everyone was in bed Danny decided to go and search the ghost zone for Sam but everywhere he looked he just got into more ghost fights and the guys in white were following him through the ghost zone but he kept losing them all Danny was interested in was finding Sam

"Did you hear bout the girl plasmius stole" ember was saying to the lunch lady

"Yes it's believed to be Danny Phantom's girlfriend isn't it"

"Yeah and he stole her because she's……"

buts that's all Danny managed to hear because he had set straight off for Vlads castle knowing very well where Sam was

He got to the castle and knocked three times he was very surprised when his father Jack Fenton answered the door.

"Where's s…, dad what are you doing here" Danny said shocked to his father

"Danny ma boy have you come to see your uncle Vlad, and just how did you get here"

"Erm well I came here by the bus and yes I did what to see uncle Vlad" Danny answered

Well there you go my first chapter to my second fic I hope this is more of a success than my first one please R&R

If you want to read my first its called hurricane ghost


love sazbo88