Disclaimer: If I owned Naruto, would I really be on this site? Please..

Not So Simple After All

It had seemed so simple. Too simple…

And now, it was the hardest thing he ever had to do. If it had been any other person, it would have been easy. But no, it just had to be her.

His mission was to gain the Mangekyou Sharingan to defeat his brother. In order to do that, he had to kill someone that was precious to him. He had failed to kill Naruto 5 years ago, so he decided instead of making a fool of himself again, he would find someone else.

Someone else precious to him: Her.

She had been precious to him when they were on the same genin team that was a basic fact that he accepted. But he refused to consider her precious now; he had no precious people now that he was part of the Sound. But he cherished her memory, so hopefully that would be enough to gain the Mangekyou when he killed her.

At least, that was his reasoning before he actually got here.

He didn't understand. Sasuke had killed both young and old out of simple boredom. Why could he not kill her? The answer was so simple; he still cared for her, not just her memory, but her.

But all his rational thoughts contradicted that. They told him she was a silly little girl who let her emotions control her. She wasn't worth his time. She was the absolute worst excuse for a ninja. She was weak. She was pathetic.

And yet, he could not bring himself to even raise his kunai against her.

She was so annoying…Always had been, always will be, but now more than ever…

She was a silly little girl…

No, she was a woman now. He could tell by just looking at her form curled up on top of her covers. He could feel a bead of sweat going down his neck. 'Damn, she had filled out nicely.' She was still smaller than him, but he could see her toned muscles and hourglass curves.

Who let her emotions control her…

Well, he couldn't prove that true or false. But she did have a jounin vest lying on her floor and a jounin badge on her dresser. And he knew it was absolutely essential for jounin to control their emotions.

She wasn't worth his time…

Yet, he had squatted outside her window for almost 2 hours watching her sleep. He could not bring himself to even open the window, knowing it would be one step closer to her death.

She was the absolute worst excuse for a ninja…

She was a jounin now. A medic nin too. She went on important missions just like every other strong ninja. She spent her time saving lives, each and every one was precious to her. He destroyed lives as if they were nothing.

She was weak…

Certainly not. Rumors had even reached Oto that the only person who was better than her at medical jutsus was the Hokage herself.

She was pathetic…

Then he was really pathetic outside her window, peering at her sleeping form. He had claimed himself heartless, but he had to hold this emotion for her somewhere, right? If he had to choose, he'd consider himself the pathetic one, running to the evil Snake Sannin for power.

Why did he leave her? To get more power…Why? To avenge his clan and kill Itachi…Why? Because his bastard older brother had massacred his entire clan…Why? To test his capacity, to see if he could do it.

That. Heartless. Bastard.

Now, Itachi could kill her without a second thought, seeing as he killed his mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle, cousin…and the list went on. But he had promised himself he would never be like his brother. Ironic how over the years, he had practically followed in his footsteps by becoming a missingnin. All he had to do now was kill her, and he'd be just like him, but it was the only way to get the power he needed.

He unlatched the window and raised it up as quietly as he could. He stepped inside, his eyes locked on her sleeping form.

Her breaths were light and feathery as her chest rose and fell. Her brow was furrowed, 'Bad dream?' he ventured. Her silky pink hair fell around her face like a halo. 'She grew her hair long again?'

Great, now he had both feet inside. Just a few more steps left to go. 'Walk forward.'


'Walk, damn it!'

'She is the most annoying person that ever lived.'

'Just pretend she's a complete stranger. It'll be easy.'

'Goddamn it!'

"It won't bring you happiness. Not you, me, or anyone…"

'No, no.'

"I love you with all my heart…"

'Please don't.'



He slowly walked towards her bed and kneeled beside her. His heart pounded as he reached out to stroke her cheek gently. Her sea foam eyes snapped open and widened when they locked with the obsidian orbs of her long lost love.

Moments passed and neither said a word. All she remembered was her hard work and training and crying. Had her wish really been granted? All he remembered the night he left her and a pleading voice begging him to stay. Did she still love him?

He leaned in closer till their noses were touching and inhaled her scent.


He closed his eyes and winced, jerking his head away as if he had been burned or something. It hurt so much. There was a tightening pain around his heart, like a tight leash. It was going to choke him to death. He hadn't felt anything like that in years.

"Shhh, Sakura."

He stared at her silently, and she stared back. An idea was forming in his mind, a plan. And he was going to follow it this time, no matter what.

He softly whispered a jutsu to lull her back to sleep. Her tugged the cover out from under her and tucked her in. Her half-lidded eyes followed his movements lazily. She was still too overwhelmed by the situation to think straight, and she couldn't find the energy to stay awake.

"Sakura, I'll come back to you. I promise, I will return." He paused at he noticed her eyes were shutting completely. "You see, I have a mission to finish, but then I can come back, to figure out a few things." 'Like why you make me feel this way.'

Her eyes were shut now, and he could safely get away without a scene. He left her a few last parting words, "See you soon, Sakura." And with that, he was gone.


Sakura woke up with a start. It was still very early in the morning. 'Was I dreaming? Sasuke-kun was here. He said he'd come home. Please don't let that be a dream.'

Inner Sakura sighed and said, "Or course it was a dream. You dream about him every time. Why can't you dream about something nicer, like candy, or me?'

'You? Nicer?'

"Shut up. Well, now that we've cleared up that you were dreaming, again, let's get back to dreaming. I need my beauty sleep."

'Wait, if I was dreaming, why is the window open?'

Whew! That was my first fic. Hope you liked it! If you didn't, I don't give a crap.

Reviews are much appreciated. If you are going to criticize me, at least make it a bit constructive.