Keeping the Secret

The Relationship

Rating: Teen

'They gang' had all been best friends since elementary school. They were like brothers and sisters; they would do anything for each other.


Everybody broke out into laughter except Chad, "Sorry Chad, but the look on your face when she rejected you was pretty memorable," Sharpay said laughing.

"Its okay Chad we still love you," Gabriella said patting his head and they all laughed.

"Why does everybody think we are dating each other?" Kelsi asked.

"I know, like eww," Taylor said.

"Hey!" all the boys said in unison and the girls laughed.

"Come on boys you know that is wrong on like so many levels," Sharpay said.

"So many levels like we are related," Ryan said.

"Come on girls are we really that repulsive?" Troy pouted.

"Yep," they all replied.

"Well fine," Zeke said, "then we should leave."

"Oh shut up Zeke, we love you." Gabriella said.

"What about me Gabi?" Chad asked.

"Nope, sorry," she said sarcastically and they all laughed.

"Well we better get going," Kelsi said once the laughter died down.

"Yeah," they all said.

"Thanks for having us Troy," Sharpay said.

"Like I have any other choice," he replied and they laughed.

"You wanna come over Gabs, or are you gonna sleep here tonight," Taylor asked. Gabriella frequently slept at her friends houses, especially Troy and Taylor, because her mom was away a lot.

"I am gonna stay here," she replied.

"Okay," she replied.

They all said there goodbyes, and Troy and Gabriella were left in the living room cleaning everything up. They laughed about Chad and his pursuit for the new girl in school.

"Wanna go upstairs?" Troy asked.

"Yeah," she replied and they made their way to his bedroom. She went to his drawer and started to look through.

"Feel free to dig in," he said sarcastically and she glared at him. She grabbed his basketball jersey from the bottom of the drawer.

"Why are you so obsessed with my basketball jersey?" he said.

"Cause it is soft," she smiled and walked past him to the bathroom. He grabbed basketball shorts to change into then he heard the door to the bathroom open. Gabriella stood there in the doorway in his jersey, and little bootie shorts (pretty much underwear).

He turned around stared and looked her up and down, "Wow you're kinda hot."

"Kinda?" she said raising an eyebrow.

"What I meant to say," he said walking towards her and pushed her against the doorway, "was very very sexy." He then bent down and passionately kissed her.

She pulled away, "I am going to brush my teeth, change so we can get to bed." She said to him.

"Yeah," he sighed and went to his closet. He put on a pair of basketball shorts and took off his shirt.

She looked at him through the mirror as he walked towards her. "Will you put on a shirt before you kill me," she said and he laughed. He walked up behind Gabi and grabbed her waist. He started to plant kisses on her neck, while she was still brushing her teeth. She turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. He lifted her up and placed her on the counter. He pulled away and planted kisses on her neck and shoulder, which made her sigh. "Wanna go to bed?" she whispered in his ear. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he lifted her up off the counter. Without breaking the kiss he walked over to the bed and carefully laid her down, him falling on top of her.

"Baby, not gonna lie I am kinda tired." Troy said pulling away.

"Yeah me too," she responded. She rest her head on his chest and wrapped an arm around him and he pulled her close.

"Love you, Gabs," he said kissing the top of her head.

"Love you too Troy," she responded.

Please R&R…Next Chapter up soon…I really liked the 'we are hiding our relationship' plot and I didn't know whether to do Troy/Gabriella or Zac/Vanessa. Obviously this one is Troy and Gabi, but if you want me to I will make a Zanessa one. It will be relatively the same general plot but because it is in a different environment it will be pretty different.