Here we go, people. The EPILOGUE. The dreaded end to "Next Generation: …And So It Begins (Again)". And so, my great adventure ends. It's been a pleasure writing this and I'm glad everyone who read my fic appreciated the hard work I've put into this.

At this point in time I would like to thank the following people:

First, there are the people who sent in the profiles for their characters. You know who you are! Without you, the story would be nothing.

Second, the people who reviewed me also deserve a hand. It's because of you that I regained my zest and zeal for writing. Before, I was depressed because my writing was unappreciated and scorned. Now I know that I am truly what I want to be: a writer. I thank you for that.

And last but not least, I want to thank my two best friends, known here as Fauve and trixieStarrlight. They are my inspiration and I simply could not function without them.

Ahem. Now I'm done. On with the epilogue. (Due due due…~ scary music ~)

Next Generation: …And So It Begins (Again)

Epilogue: It Never Ends For Heroes

In the weeks to follow, none of them had any time to stop and think about what they had spent an entire month of their lives doing. They certainly had no time with all the schoolwork they had to catch up on. With the resiliency of youth, they finally managed to overcome that particular obstacle and continued to study diligently. Dr. Kido's notes were never questioned.

When the enormity of what they had been doing finally crashed down on them, they dealt with it in their own ways. The Kamiya children were able to quell their frustration about having to leave their partners by absorbing themselves fully into sports, and in Leon's case, into his new girlfriend. He and Jenna were barely ever seen away from eachother on the weekends and after school. After she graduated and enrolled at his high school, it was even more apparent that those two were going to last a long time.

Chris was able to pull himself out of the downward spiral he had been struggling against since the death of his stepbrother. He managed to scrape by first semester exams with a 89% average and made the honor roll. He was even beginning to learn his father's art of kendo. Hikaru was there with him every step of the way, and although they both knew they felt something for eachother, they realized it would be a long time before their relationship was not frowned upon.

Jenna and Cleo's ways of dealing with it was through their boyfriends. Cleo met a nice guy named Trent weeks after their stint in the Digital World and sometimes went of double dates with Leon and Jenna.

Now that Kinaka's dad was around much more often, they finally had a chance to bond. Their newfound relationship inspired Matt to pick up his guitar again and write an extremely moving song about how much he loved his daughter. Angel Little heard it on the radio one day and came to see him. Before long, the estranged couple married again, and had a little boy they named Julian. Kinaka now had a little brother, a mother, and a father who still loved her no matter what. She wasn't lonely or bitter anymore.

Deanna's family made it back home eventually. She and her immediate family moved back to their home in Maine, while Catherine, John and Lucas moved to Versailles. At first, Deanna was bewildered with the complex and sometimes dangerous new world she was in, but she settled into her new life comfortably after a month or two.

Under her mother's instruction, Kim began to take photographer courses. She delved herself into her work, eventually deciding that it was her calling to be a photographer.

The Izumi children began to delve into the complicated world of computer technology. Mike seemed to be especially adept at his new skills and put them to good use…by teaming up with Kiko to re-open the Digi-Ports again.

It was through their efforts that a new adventure took place…but that's another story.

Author's Notes.

AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!! IT'S OVER!!!!!!!!!!! ::blows nose repeatedly:: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!

Well, hope y'alls like it. Look for "Predestined" in April!