Me: July first and I have a new fic starting. Woohoo! This day can't be ruined. And my sister is over for the fourth. Gonna spend a lot of time with her during her visit. Haven't seen her since Christmas, so it's nice. But enough about my life. Read and review.

Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Teen Titans. I don't even own my friends, so there.

Things were too quiet around the destroyed building.

Not even the sound of wind could be heard.

Everything was still…

But not for long.


A black-gloved hand emerged from the rubble and curled into a fist.

This strong hand belonged to a man, that much was for sure.

More rubble was moved off to the side, falling from the stone mounds. Soon the body of the man emerged from the wreckage. The man was clad in armor and Kevlar from neck to toe. But the man's head sported something entirely different.

A half black and copper mask with one hole where the eye would be… or was in this case.

This man jumped from the mound of which he was under moments before and landed graciously on his steel-covered boots. The man observed his hands, which had curled into fists despite themselves. The man's knuckles cracked.

He walked around, looking at the wreckage. Metal parts littered the ground that once belonged to fighting robots after the defeat of an unknown battle.

But someone did know about the battle that took place.

That same someone who started the battle to begin with.

The man in the black and copper mask.

He walked to a control panel and typed in a few things. The machine turned on, showing a battle between a look alike of the man and a teenager.

"Thought you'd get away so easily didn't you?" the look alike asked. "No one escapes me."

The robot rammed the teenager into the windows, making them crack from the pressure. The older male was choking the child, while the younger attempted to pry the robot's hand off. His feet were inches from the ground. He flailed them in an attempt to get free. The man punched the child in the gut. The boy spluttered. His left eye was shut and was having trouble breathing.

"B-Bastard," he breathed out with difficulty. "No. You son of a B-!"


The glass shattered. The child fell out the window and was falling towards the rocks. As he fell, he turned, so his stomach faced the ground. A boulder flew up to meet him. He Hecrashed into the rock and almost fell off. He held on tight and pulled himself up. The rock flew up into the air, but a booted foot connected with the child's chest. He fell off the rock, falling headfirst. A thick black wire caught around his abdomen. This made the child jerk, the wire cutting into his stomach. He rose quickly into the air and landed on another boulder. The teenager tried to get up, but the robot's foot connected with his back. The child fell back down and didn't get up.

"Did you obviously think you could kill me Apprentice?"

"I-I'm not your-"

"Oh, but you are my child," the robot announced. "Ever since you were born I've had my eye on you. Robin was only the first step. And for your disobedience and turning on me, I'll have to punish you until you can't take it anymore."

The rock was falling towards the ground. The look alike kicked the boy. He fell off the rock. He crashed headfirst into the ground, but took no damage. The robot landed in front of the child, perfectly on his feet. He stepped on the smaller boy's stomach. The child coughed up blood. The robot was about to step on the boy again, but rocks hit him. It drove the robot back towards the Tower. The child turned around and stood up. A large boulder lifted him into the air, taking him to the broken window. The boy got back inside as the robot stood, shooting the same wire towards the broken window. The look alike rose into the air and landed inside the T shaped building. The boy slowly and painfully made his way to the control panel and pushed a button.

"R-Robin!" he called out at the screen.

The screen turned on and said boy appeared on screen.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Slade… he-"

The child couldn't finish as his feet fell out from underneath him. He was sent crashing to the floor. The said robot, Slade, grabbed the boy's foot and threw him towards the couch. He fell over the top of it and landed on the other side. Slade front flipped over the couch and landed on the other side of the table. He turned around and came to the other side.

"The Titans can't save you," he said. "Cinderblock was just a distraction to lure them away from their precious Tower. You'll be gone before they reach you in time."

Slade dug his heal into the boy's stomach. The teenager screamed in pain. He grabbed Slade's foot, trying to push it off, but wouldn't budge.

"Get… off… of… me!" The child yelled.

A large rock crashed into Slade's side. He flew back and hit the wall. The boy stood up despite the pain and sent more rocks at Slade. He summoned a sword and pulled out a Bo Staff. He placed the sword on top, fusing them together to make the ultimate weapon. He raised the blade over his head and hit the floor.

The floor cracked and the shock wave crashed into Slade. He was thrown back against the wall. The boy lifted another boulder and threw it at Slade. He rolled out of the way, the rock crashing down next to him.

He threw bombs at the boy's feet, smoke rising from them. He stepped back and Slade's foot connected with his chest. He fell on top of the glass table. The glass shattered, the boy going with it. He rolled off of it and stood.

"You look tired my Apprentice," Slade said. "I haven't even broken a sweat."

"That's… because you're not… human," the boy said. "You're a heartless monster. You're soul purpose is to make people suffer. L-Like I have… by your… hands."

"You're not so human yourself Apprentice," Slade said, lecturing the boy. "Humans don't have powers. Humans have emotions. They are weak. You… are not. That's why I chose you. You have the powers I need. We're not so human, you and I. We have the power that no one else has. We're the ones in control. But right now, I'm the one in control. You are weak and are more human than you realize. You have so many emotions that you can't keep track of them. I have no emotions. And I can make you live without yours."

The boy glared at the older man.

"I like my emotions," he said, smiling. "I like to laugh with my friends. I like crying when things go bad. I like being happy. I like being angry and I love my emotions and myself. No way in Hell would I let you take these feelings away because I'm in control of them. You can't control me and you have no right to lecture me about what humans have and don't have." The boy stepped towards him, making the man's eye widen. "Go back to Hell where you belong Slade."

A swirling blue, red, brown, and white Tornado rose above the boy's head and was sent flying towards Slade. It crashed into him. The entire wall behind the man was blasted away. The boy fell to the floor, loosing consciousness.

The mask wearing man turned off the video and stepped back.

Beneath the man's mask was a smile.

"This time, Rocky Wolf, you are mine. And you will not escape me... Ever again."

From the floor, a pair of steel-toed boots could be seen. And as the gears turned on and the lights returned to complete functioning, the man's legs, clad in armor could be seen as if a camera were floating up to meet the gaze of the one-eyed man named Slade.

(Fade to black)

Me: How was that for chapter one eh? Hope you liked. So please say so in your reviews. Next chapter won't be posted until next week. I'm sorry about that, but my older sis is in town so yeah. Stay tuned for chapter 2. Bye-cha for now my loyal fan fic readers. : 3 Rocky-White Wolf of Curses