We are the Story Weavers. So sit and hark as we weave to you our first tale. Please keep in mind, all our sane readers, that we are obsessed with Elrond. We are the Lion and the Lamb: with our opposite personalities we weave all the necessary aspects of the story… so enjoy, my friends.

Disclaimer: We do not own anything (except a few random characters we made up). Lord Tolkien owns all characters, places, and languages used in this story. We don't even own Elrond, though we just might be working on that.

Three rings for the Elven Kings under the Sky,

Seven for the Dwarf Lords in their Halls of Stone,

Nine for Mortal men doomed to die,

One for the Dark Lord on his Dark throne


Chapter One: Bane of Night

The pale moon shone down upon scattered rocks and long-forgotten runes. If you looked just

close enough you could see figures, though they might seem no more then lost statues alone in

the night. The wind picked up slowly, blowing their dark cloaks around their solemn forms.

Finally one of the forms moved an Elf with dark hair and dark eyes gazed up to the heaven's field of stars, then to his companions. The name of this elf was Rhuicunn and he was the leader, so to speak, of this small group.

"Three rings for the Elven Kings under the sky... but they are not truly the Elven Kings' possessions..."

Another elf stepped up: this one was younger, and his name was Ihathron. "That wrong shall be righted soon," he said, his voice soft but aggressive.

Rhuicunn turned to Ihathron. "Then are you ready?" he asked the younger elf. A murmur of excitement ran through the group.

"Well, not really," Ihathron answered. "But I don't think we can wait much longer."

Rhuicunn nodded and looked to the North. "Go then and do what you must."

The sun shone down brightly bathing Rivendell in a golden glow. Arien slowly made her way up into the sky, and the Elven valley slowly woke up. Arwen opened her eyes slow realization of the day washing over her. She jumped quickly out of bed filled with excitement and rushed out of her room.

"ADA, ADA!" she cried rushing in to Elrond's room waking up the sleeping Elven Lord. " ADA ADA ADA GUESS WHAT TODAY IS!"

Elrond raised an eyebrow. "The day my daughter no longer saw fit to let me sleep?"

Arwen jumped on to the bed further disturbing her father. "NO SILLY! IT IS MY BEGETTING DAY!" Elrond rolled over in bed, hoping she would go away. "Alright, alright," he said, slowly standing up, "leave so I may dress."

Arwen nodded – "Alright, ada!" – and she bounded out of the room to seek her brothers. Elrond smiled and lay back down in his bed, it would be at least an hour for her to realize his trick.

Arwen made her way first to Elrohir's chambers. "RO RO RO RO!"

Now Elrohir took after his Ada and was a smart elf. Arwen ran into his room to find it apparently empty. She scanned the room once more and sighed, going now to find her eldest brother.

As soon as the door closed, Elrohir rolled out from under his bed, grinning; Arwen was too loud for her own good. He climbed back into his warm sheets and fell back into elven dreams.

Arwen quietly opened the door to Elladan's room and sneaked in. "EL- MPH!"

She was cut short as she was hit in the face with a pillow. Before she knew it she found her self being pushed out of the door and heard the click of the door locking. She rolled her eyes and walked off annoyed. Her family should treat her with more respect on her thousandth begetting day.

She looked out a nearby window and saw that it was still very early; she turned to go and thought out of the corner of her eye that she saw a horse gallop through the lawn. She shook it off and went back to bed.

Some time later...

Arwen turned in her sleep. Something felt odd... she fully opened her eyes and jumped up in surprise – she was in the middle of the woods! Her mood had now been updated from annoyed to

homicidal. She walked quickly back to the house all of a sudden she stopped she had the weird

feeling someone was watching her, and then, for a minute, through the trees she saw him.

She squinted: was that Elladan or Elrohir? she wondered. But he vanished almost the minute he had appeared so she went on her way thinking no more of it.

Inside the dining hall Elrond, Elladan, and Elrohir sat eating breakfast when Arwen came

trudging into the hall, glaring at her brothers. Elrond instantly decided that he wanted nothing to do with this and tried to slip out of the hall unnoticed, this failing when his daughter took his arm in a death grip. The elf lord grimaced as his daughter addressed him.

"Ada," she said in a whiny voice, "Ada, do you know what my awful brothers did to me?"

Elrond sighed. "Obviously something do to the leaves and dirt in hair and your apparent desire to have me punish them," he offered.

"I woke up in the middle of the woods, and I had to walk all the way back here! And then one of them was watching me stumble through the woods and wo—"

Elrond now cut her off. "Arwen the twins were here with me eating, I don't doubt the played the prank on you but you couldn't have seen them on your way back to the house."

"Wha... are you sure Ada? I... um, well, I should go get ready… a lot of visitors are coming today..." she walked off to her room feeling slightly scared... she didn't know why.

The rest of the day way a flurry of activity in order to get ready for Arwen's celebration that

night. A young kitchen boy rushed through the hallway, already late; suddenly a young elf with

dark hair and eyes stopped him.

"Let go! I have to get to the– Uh, sorry, Lord Elladan or Elrohir... or… uh… well, what do you need?"

The stranger paused in surprise for a moment and then smiled, this could work well for him. "Where is Lord Elrond's study?" he asked.

The boy gave him a strange look. "I'm sorry, my lord, but... I don't have time to mess around, I have to go—"

But the stranger grabbed his shoulder; he was getting sick of this reaction. "I SAID TELL ME!"

The boy's eyes widened in fear, and he hastily told the older elf the directions, then ran off.

Later that day...

Night had now come and everything was underway. Thranduil and Legolas had come from

Mirkwood, Lady Galadriel came as well and unlooked-for Gandalf randomly decided to

show up. The party was going and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Legolas sat in the corner, highly bored, as no one was willing to listen to his story about how he caught and killed one of the Mirkwood spiders. He sat looking out at the hall, and just then he swore he saw Elladan or Elrohir pass… he got up to follow who ever it was and see what was going on.

He thought he had lost the twin when he saw someone's shadow moving he walked cautiously forward to the door of Lord Elrond's study. Curious, he pushed open the door...

Everyone was enjoying themselves as Elladan and Elrohir came into the room out of breath,

Arwen walked up to them, demanding, "Where have you been?"

They shared a look and smiled. "Working on something." they said in unison. She shrugged and walked away.

The night drew on, and Thranduil realized he had not seen his son for a awhile. He started to ask around and search, to no avail. Suddenly the doors to the Hall of Fire burst open, and Legolas staggered through them, covered in blood, with a knife embedded in his chest...

Hahahahaha, to be continued, the Lion does not fear your scorn.

We thank you for reading our first chapter; stay tuned as they say.