Authors Note: After a long awaited wait here is the next chapter  sorry for taking so long and for the chapter being really short, I kind of had family problems to deal with  but I'm back and I'll carry on writing so its all good I kinda had writers block being away form this story for soo long so it might take awhile to get back on track apologies again for any inconvenience.

Chapter 12: Avoidance

After avoiding Mulder all day Scully thought it is best if she got out of the house for a bit. Forgetting she had now grown quite a lot since yesterday she banged her head on the door while mumbling all the threats under the sun. After about 7:00pm she thought it would be best if she went to check on Mulder and to see if he had gotten into trouble while she was away. As she walked in through the door she smirked yep he had defiantly gotten himself into trouble because there on the floor withering in pain was Mulder who seemed to be tied up in her stockings and had unsuccessfully tried to free himself.

"Mulder" I say and when he doesn't

"Mulder" I repeat

When he shuffles around and sees me there he manages a tearful smile 'wow he must really miss me' I thought

"What have you gotten your self into Mulder?"

"Scully" he gasps in between short bursts of pain

"Help me I think I'm dieing"

"What's wrong Mulder" now going into full doctor mode

"My stomach cramps are going to be the end of me I don't know how you women do it" he shakes his head then realizing it's causing him more pain gives up and slumps to the floor looking exhausted.

I just laugh in his face after what he says it was just too much stress first waking up as a man then the whole embarrassing masturbation thingy and now Mulder complaining about period cramps, if you had told me this was going to happen the next day I would of laughed in you face and that would have been the kind response.

This was defiantly something to tell the kids!