A/N: So here it is, my first ever X-Men fanfic, Romy and multi-chapter fic! Cool, no! So, R&R, because I need to know what you guys think and it would help a lot. I take any kind of criticism, however, pointless, anonymous flaming will not be tolerated. You've been warned. Anywho, X-Men and Romy lovers, ENJOY! I'll try and put in some more pairings, if there's anyone you really want to see together then ask me nicely and I shall deliver.

The young girl stepped off the bus, nineteen years old. A pretty Southerner blessed with deep, green eyes and auburn hair in curls which hung down to the middle of her back. What made it impossible for this girl to walk by unnoticed were the two streaks of pure white hair which hung by her face. She often cursed herself for standing out so easily when all she wanted to do was disappear.

As she walked by the side of the bus in her dark green coat which covered her right down to her knees, a man in his mid-twenties fell in-step beside her. "It sure is dark out here, are you sure you should be walking alone?" He asked.

"Ah'm sure," was her short reply, she was in no mood for conversation.

The guy didn't take the hint. "Know where you're headed?"

She slipped a black glove off her right hand. "Yah."

"I don't mean to be rude, miss, but it sure doesn't seem that way. Now I, on the other hand…"

'Great' she thought, 'the man wants ta make a speech. Why do people always think ah wanna be talked ta?' She looked at the man talking away beside her and sized him up. She knew she could fight him but thought better of it. She turned a corner into a dark street and carried on walking down to the end of the street. She dropped her bag on the floor and held the metal fence about 10 feet tall in front of her. 'Shit'.

She sighed when she realised that her stalker had stopped talking when she turned the corner. 'Dang, ah thought he was just talkative.'

She yawned and knew that she needed to end this quickly. 'So, how do ah play this?' she asked herself.

The green-eyed girl slowly turned around and came face to face with her 'attackers'. Two grown men faced her, one with a small blade, only about five inches long, the other man being the one that wouldn't leave her alone previously. She rolled her eyes and took off her remaining glove, shoving it into her coat and deciding that it wouldn't be necessary to take off her coat and instead settled for rolling up the sleeves.

The guy with the blade pointed to her sports bag. "Give us the bag."


Her stalker decided to speak up. "He wasn't asking you miss, he was telling you."

She put on a concerned face and let them think she was scared, she turned to stare at her bag and when she turned back to face the men the look of concern had completely disappeared from her face and instead a youthful smile played on her lips. She even giggled slightly when she told them once again and for the final time, "No."

Her stalker was getting pissed. "Cut her" he said.

His friend advanced towards the young woman, holding his blade in the most ridiculous way. 'Amateur', she thought and launched her right foot to his hand and knocked the blade clean out of it. She remembered that she wanted this over and done with so she could sleep soon and moved forward. Looking at him straight in his shock-filled eyes, she reluctantly moved her left hand up to his face.

His memories, thoughts, ambitions, everything ran straight into her. Two little girls playing in a paddling pool and laughing, a blonde woman running up to the girls with a couple of cheeseburgers from the barbeque further down the garden. 'Gee, ah bet his kids 'd beh proud o' their daddy, muggin' young girls.' The thick set man fell onto the floor, limp. She knew he wasn't dead, she wouldn't hold on long enough for that. She stared at the man and then looked up to find his 'friend' had disappeared. "Was it something I said?"

"Maybe, you seemed to have a slight attitude," she heard someone chuckle. She looked ahead and her eyes met those of an older man, maybe almost sixty years old.

"Do ya want something?" She asked, her voice not faltering despite the great sense that she was being watched.

The old man stood firm, not advancing or retreating. "My name is Erik, I'm like you and I don't underestimate your incredible power, unlike that moron." He pointed to the girl's latest victim. "I like walking, I think it's the best thing I can do at my age and tonight I was rather in the mood. I walked past the bus station and saw you. I thought nothing of it at first but then I also noticed two men tailing you, one probably without your knowledge. I slowed down a little and then you turned this corner. I was curious as to how you'd handle it; I had the feeling that you were a lot smarter than you made out. Then I saw your little performance and I thank God for my curiosity."

"Ah see, an' what do ya want?" said the young girl, turning increasingly impatient.

"I run an operation aiming for mutant superiority, I am in charge of five powerful mutants and I want you to join us," Erik replied. The young woman was speechless. "You look very tired, if you join us at the base, you can have a room for the night, free of charge, then hear what I have to say in the morning."

"And ah'm supposed to trust ya!" She almost found the situation laughable.

"No, you don't have to trust me, but I am telling you now that I haven't lied to you once since we met and I think that's a good start. Also, you're a tough girl, I'm sure you would be alright at our base." Erik said this sincerely and she knew it. She was so tired she would have slept anywhere that night so why not in a warm bed? Plus, this guy just saw her in action, she doubted that he'd try to mug her.

"I guess-" she started.

"Splendid! My dear girl, I'm sure you will get along with us all. Like I say, you can have a room for the night and take as much time as you need to decide what you think about our cause," Erik said happily. "I know you're tired but I'll introduce you to everyone and then you can go to…Gambit's room. He can stay in the living room, I'm sure."

The girl was happy she'd be on her own, she needed time to sort through the newest memories of the guy still unconscious on the floor. At least with a mutant she got a new power and got something out of the blinding headaches but this asshole was just taking up mind space. 'Dick'.

Erik paused by her side. She realised that he had stopped moving and looked at him. "What is your name, young lady?" he asked. She didn't even think to divulge that information but what harm could it do?

"Mah name's Rogue."

"What a unique name, I like it." Erik said. "Don't think you ever have to tell me your real name, okay?" Rogue smiled. "Tell me, Rogue, do you like chess?"

A/N: Coooooooooooooooool, I did it. I like it, what did you think? The chapters will get longer, I am just very tired. Goodbye, I am off to eat cookies...