
He stood in shock as he stared down at the petite woman, who was looking up into his dark eyes with flushed cheeks and widened eyes. She backed away from him, with her arms wrapped around herself.

"I...I'm sorry. I don't…" he stuttered, cursing himself in his head. He never stuttered.

Honestly, he didn't know what to say, especially after that reaction. Maybe he had too much to drink. Or maybe it was too soon. Whatever it was, it was definitely a mistake.

Hinata turned her gaze to the side, her finger went up to her mouth. "Why? I don't understand."

Sasuke rubbed the back of his neck. For the first time, he was at a loss for words. Generally he didn't feel embarrassed, but with the atmosphere surrounding them now, he just wanted to just jump out of the window.

"Wasn't that girl someone to you? Why would you…" She narrowed her eyes at him.

Sasuke frowned. "No. She's not important to me. It's complicated," he cut her off.

Hinata finally turned her attention to the raven haired man. "It didn't look very complicated…"

Though it was said in a whisper Sasuke could hear it loud and clear. His relationship with Karin wasn't conventional, and he knew this. Hinata just left a relationship that turned sideways due to cheating. Of course she'd be wary of him. Each step he took forward, she took one back. He never felt so rejected in his life.

"I know it seems like I don't know much. Shikamaru always makes comments about how naive I can be sometimes, but," she paused, her white eyes connected to his gaze. "I'm not stupid. I don't know if you're being serious with me, but I refuse to become a play thing for your entertainment."

He had to resist the urge to smirk. The woman in front of him had always been the reserved and shy type since the day he met her. Her words were lace with confidence and determination. In a way, it made him feel somewhat proud. Though, now wasn't the time to say anything because he knew it'll come off as if he were mocking her. The last thing he wanted was to piss her off even further.

He didn't want her to think he viewed her as a "play thing". The feelings that were brewing within him for her were hundred percent real. Through her eyes, he can see how it may seem the opposite. Karin was blatantly flirting with him in front of her. Anyone with eyes would assume that she could have possibly been his girlfriend or something else. What bugged him the most was that he gave in. It wasn't like giving in while in private, but he allowed it. Not only had the redhead grabbed his butt, but she also touched him in the one place he hadn't been touched in months. Was it a normal reaction for his body to react to the touch? He felt it was, but he knew in Karin's eyes it meant something much different.

He felt like kicking his own ass for allowing something like that to happen, especially in front of Hinata. No doubt he'd be receiving a call from Karin later asking why did he leave. He'd have to deal with that later.

He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I know you have a lot going on, especially after your last relationship with him," he said bitterly, he couldn't even get himself to say his name. "It's not my intention to hurt you."

Hinata turned away from him and took to the chair in front of the desk. She sat her purse down on the wooden table. "What...are your feelings for me, Sasuke? Why did you kiss me?"

"Isn't it obvious? I thought you weren't stupid." He teased, enjoying the way she tightened her small hands into a fist, her face contorting into a frown. She was being serious, but she looked so cute.

"Now isn't the time for joking. I thought you were just inviting me here to show me around Tokyo and to this banquet, but you had your driver show me around instead and then we barely stayed long at that party. Why invite me here?" Hinata asked.

"Because I like you."


He ignored the dark flush on her cheeks as he tried to control his own, trying to maintain his focus on her face. "I'm not repeating it."

Silence filled the room for what felt like an eternity. He wondered when or if she'd say anything, but she continued to stare up at him with a widened gaze and opened mouth, lips that he had the pleasure of briefly kissing...before the aforementioned slap happened.

She averted her gaze to the side, shifting in the chair. "I don't know why you like me."

"How can you be so dumb?" He had to resist the urge to yell at her, but apparently his tone was enough to make her finally turn to look at him. "You're beautiful, kindhearted and whenever I'm near you I feel like I could conquer the world. In the beginning, I didn't like you. You annoyed the hell out of me, but as time went on...things changed and I started to fall for you. Damn it," he cursed.

This woman was making him come out of his character, but he was going to welcome it if it meant he could win her over somehow.

"I don't know what to say," she whispered. "What about Naruto? He's your friend."

"He knows how I feel," he paused when he noticed her expression. Walking towards her, he knelt down in front of her, placing his hand on top of hers. "He still loves you and I know he'd do anything to get you back. Our friendship might suffer, but I think you're worth it," he said.

Her cheeks were flushed, but her unwavering gaze was on his. "I don't know what to say. You're friends with Naruto and if we started dating Naruto might assume…"

"Forget what he thinks. That asshole cheated on you and you're worried that it'll hurt his feelings if we started dating? I don't care what he thinks," he said.

At least he didn't care what he thought when it came to her. He'd never expected to fall so hard for a woman like this. He'd briefly imagined what it would be like to wake up in the morning with her by his side. She was definitely a breath of fresh air that he wanted to welcome into his life with open arms.

"Can you give me some time to think about it?" She bit down on her lip, a nervous habit he had noticed about her.

He moved his hand away, nodding. "I'll be waiting to hear your answer."


For the past couple of weeks, the blonde has been showing up to work looking like he just rolled out of bed. Blonde strands of hair were always sticking from each and every direction. He even opted to wear shirts riddled with rips and stains on them.

People in the office were beginning to whisper, but no one outwardly pulled him aside about it.

Sakura hadn't been by the office either.

It wasn't hard to connect the dots. Gaara knew exactly what happened and got the confirmation needed when he reached out to Shikamaru.

Hinata broke up with Naruto.

He wouldn't lie and say he wasn't happy about the news. He felt thrilled, especially what he had seen in Naruto's office. He wanted to fire him right then and there, but it took all his self control to maintain a professional stance and not react due personal reasons.

It had been a few years since he had seen the blue haired beauty. She was his best friend since they were in elementary. He thought nothing of her until the junior year of high school, but he decided to keep his feelings to himself when he noticed how close she was with Shikamaru. Their bond had always been a rather strange one. He'd caught his lazy friend giving Hinata forehead kisses quite often, embracing her in his arms and even holding hands whenever they all hung out. There was a time a street vendor was passing out roses and gave one to Shikamaru to give to his girlfriend, Hinata. Gaara remembered how embarrassed they looked, but Shikamaru found the situation too troublesome to correct the man and accepted the flower.

If Shikamaru had a thing for her, Gaara didn't want to get in the way, even if it did hurt. However, Shikamaru called him that summer and bluntly asked him if he had feelings for Hinata.

He had told him the truth. He did.

Surprisingly, he was very supportive and told him that he should confess. A few more years went by, and he couldn't get himself to do it. He was afraid of the rejection, but had hoped his actions showed he cared more for her than just a friend.

He'd call and text her often, take her out to eat and even bought her gifts here and there. There was even that time she got drunk for the first time and had a horrible hangover the following day, he stayed with her. Not once did he leave her side that day. Brushing the loose strands of hair out of her face and they even fell asleep in each other's arms, of course he woke up with her gone, it had been the best sleep he had at the time and a moment he treasured.

He'd thought it was obvious enough that he had feelings and he didn't have to say anything.

However, everything changed when he noticed her getting distant. He'd ask Shikamaru what was going on with her, but he didn't know either. Shortly after he discovered she was in a relationship with Naruto.

He had never experienced a heartbreak before, but when he saw her on a date with the blonde from a distance, he felt as if someone ripped his heart out. Shikamaru tried to console him the best way he could, but it didn't help when all he could say was 'I told you to confess to her. Why didn't you do it? That could have been you.'

He appreciated him, but Shikamaru hadn't been much help.

When Hinata stopped by his apartment during the time to apologize for the distance, he couldn't even get himself to look at her. The girl he had fallen in love with was with someone else. He wondered if the guy could love her the way he knew he could. Would he be by her side when she drank too much or when she secretly hated the sound of thunder, would he be there to tell her it's okay?

It had been too much for him, so when she told him about the relationship with Naruto, he took the time to finally confess and end their friendship.

She never knew of his feelings. Regret and guilt was behind those Hyuuga eyes after he revealed his feelings. She begged him not to end the friendship, but he knew his heart wouldn't be able to handle seeing her with another man.

It took all of his strength to see the man for an interview after Sakura had recommended him. He thought he'd do it for Hinata.

Looking out of the large window of his office, his green eyes followed Naruto walking towards the copy machine.

Grimacing, he stood from his chair and walked out of his office towards the blonde. Ignoring the stares he was receiving from his coworkers, Gaara called out to Naruto, who looked over his shoulder at him.

"Come with me," Gaara said, walking past him into the empty conference room.

After he walked lazily inside, Gaara closed the door behind him. Looking his employee up and down, he had to admit that he looked exactly how he felt years ago.

"I don't know what's going on with you, but you've been slacking. You need to pull yourself together," said Gaara.

He didn't want Naruto to know that he knew about the breakup. Though it wouldn't take a genius to figure out what happened.

No more Sakura coming into the office to pester Naruto behind closed doors.

Naruto was coming into work later and later, with unkempt clothing choices.

Words didn't need to be spoken because he knew. Sakura cried to him about how awful she felt because Hinata decided to end their friendship. Not once did he comfort the pink haired women. It was what she deserved. Gaara was proud of Hinata for doing it.

"I'm sorry," Naruto said in almost a whisper. "I'll do better."

Gaara crossed his arms. "Please do."

Naruto kept his gaze to the grey carpet. "I really fucked things up," he laughed bitterly. "Now I might lose her to my best friend."

Gaara raised his nonexistent eyebrow. Another man? Shikamaru left out that detail, and he knew Shikamaru probably already knew all about it. Hinata would tell him anything and everything, so he wasn't surprised when he told him that she was staying with him until she found a place of her own.

Maybe his friend was trying to spare him just in case there were still any lingering feelings inside for Hinata. He hadn't thought much about it since he hadn't seen her in a few years, but he knew he'd always care about her. However, the news about another man intrigued him…

"Why do you think that?" The question slipped out before Gaara could stop himself. He shouldn't be meddling inside her relationship, but he was curious.

Naruto finally lifted his gaze. "It's a long story, but my best friend likes her. They've been hanging out and I just heard from Shikamaru that she went to Tokyo. He lives there."

To be honest, he was a bit happy to see the pain in his blue eyes that looked hollow compared to the brightness they normally shined. He wanted the idiot to feel every bit of pain because he deserved it.

If it were him, he would have never hurt Hinata like that.

"She agreed to meet up with me when she returns," he said.

"When is that?"

"Later this evening. Shikamaru is supposed to be picking her up from the airport. I wanted to go with him, but he said no." He chuckled. "I think he hates me. Maybe you do too, huh?"

Gaara said nothing. Shikamaru didn't hate him, that much he knew. Upset with the situation, yes. Hate? No.

"I don't hate you, but I don't like you either. Hinata has always been someone with a personality. No one deserves to be cheated on, especially with their best friend. What you did was dirty. Stop walking around here like a zombie and start doing your work, or you'll be out of work soon."

With those words Gaara left out of the conference room. He was going to call Shikamaru about this later.


Shikamaru hates crowded areas. He almost declined when she asked if he could pick her up from the airport. It was always hard to find parking and trying to find her through the crowd was difficult. She was always a tiny little thing, despite her blue hair, he still had a hard time locating her.

Glancing down at his phone, he stared at the text again. She told him to meet her in front of the front gate, and he'd been waiting for nearly thirty minutes with no sight of her.

"Maybe she hasn't left the plane yet?" Gaara said.

He groaned. "This is troublesome. I hate airports."

Two hours ago, Gaara asked him if he could come along. He wanted to tell him no because of the sheer awkwardness that would definitely linger in the car. He'd suggested maybe stopping by his apartment when he wasn't home, that way he wouldn't be there for their reunion. Why did he have to wait until now to finally want to see Hinata? He had so many chances, why choose today of all days?

He gazed down at the shorter redhead. He wanted to ask him about it, but before he could open his mouth he heard his name being called.

Turning around he saw Hinata running towards him with her suitcase rolling behind her, but her steps slowed when her eyes landed on Gaara.

He pointed his thumb towards the male. "I brought a surprise with me," he smirked. "He wouldn't take no for an answer when I…" his words cut off when Hinata ran past him, reached out to the redhead and hugged him.

To say he was shocked was an understatement, even Gaara looked surprised.

"I should be mad at you for avoiding me for long, but I've missed you so much." She cried into his chest.

Shikamaru couldn't help but to smile. Gaara seemed at a loss for words, his green eyes were wide for a few moments until he wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on top of her head.

"I'm sorry," he whispered into her hair. "I've missed you too, Hina."

Hinata leaned away from him with tear stained cheeks, her eyes drifted over to Shikamaru as she gave him a hug as well.

He patted the top of her head. "I didn't know how you would react to seeing him. I'm glad it's a pleasant reaction. It feels good to have us together like this again," he said as he slid his hands into his pockets when she let go of him. "No let's get out of here. I'm going to lose my mind if we're in here any longer."

He watched as Gaara and Hinata awkwardly beside each other in silence, but both seemed pleased to be near each other. The car ride back to his place wasn't as awkward as he assumed it would be. Hinata was the first to break the ice and started to reminisce about their school days. Memories that he had long ago stopped thinking about, including his first love Temari, Gaara's older sister, who was now married to someone else.

Gaara and Hinata seemed to pick up on his silence and were decent enough to change the subject. Just hearing her name pained him.

Pulling into the driveway, he cut off the car, handing house keys to Hinata. They all got out, as he grabbed Hinata's suitcase from the trunk. When he walked inside, Hinata and Gaara were already sitting on the couch in the middle of a conversation.

Taking a seat in the recliner chair, he observed the two. In his opinion, they would have made a good couple. If Gaara had confessed to Hinata when he told him to, he knew Hinata would have accepted his feelings. She had once confided in him that she had a small crush on their friend, but she too also never said anything.

If only they were both opened and honest with each other, things could have turned out differently.

"Naruto looks like shit recently," Gaara said.

Shikamaru winced. It was a touchy subject, but Gaara was jumping right into it. Glancing at Hinata, her expression was unreadable. Usually she was a very easy person to read. Her emotions were always on her face, but this time it was a bit difficult.

"How has he been doing?" She asked. "At work, I mean."

Gaara stared impassively. "Like I said, he looks like shit," he repeated.

"How was your trip?" Shikamaru asked, trying to change the subject.

Her face turned a bright red. It was at that moment he realized that he asked the wrong question. She was invited to Tokyo by Sasuke, and there was no doubt in his mind that guy liked her based on the things he'd heard from Hinata.

Although it had been a few years, he wasn't sure how Gaara felt about Hinata. Was it the same? He didn't want to make things difficult for Hinata. She already went through a tough time with Naruto. If she starts dealing with two love interests she'll become even more stressed.

Her eyes hesitantly shifted to Gaara.

"Don't feel you have to hold back because of me," he smiled. "We're friends, right?"

She seemed taken back, but smiled and nodded "Sasuke confessed," she said.

He wanted to say that didn't surprise him, but decided to keep his mouth shut and observe Gaara. Although he seemed to be fine on the outside, he wondered what was going on in that mind of his. Was he jealous? It was hard to tell.

He hasn't talked to Gaara for almost six months, when he randomly called him one day to ask about Hinata. He felt a bit sided considering the call wasn't to see how he was doing, but nonetheless he was happy to hear his voice. Shikamaru wanted their friendship to return to how it used to be. The two became like family to him and he didn't want to lose that again.

"What did you say?" Gaara asked.

"I told him to let me think about it." She sighed. "It would be awkward to date him considering we both share a connection with Naruto," she added.

Shikamaru could understand the dilemma. Despite how upset she may be upset with Naruto, she didn't want to hurt him in that way. If he were her, he wouldn't think twice about it. Anything to make the blonde feel the pain and jealousy he'd do it without thought.

Though he was a bit more cutthroat in comparison to his shy and caring friend.

"You should just follow your heart," he decided to say.

Gaara nodded. "The worst thing to have is regret. Trust me, I know." His smile didn't reach his eyes, but seeing that moment Shikamaru knew he should take the moment to step out of the room.

Gaara and Hinata needed to finally settle things between them.




They both looked at each other, both flushed gesturing for the other to start talking first, until Gaara took the moment to speak.

"I wish I wasn't being so childish. If I had confessed to you when I meant to...then maybe," he paused, unable to meet her gaze.

Hinata places a gentle hand on top of his. "You hurt me a lot that day, because it came out of nowhere. I had no idea how you felt about me, but a part of me wishes you did tell me. I would have accepted your feelings back then, you know."

His eyes widened. "What?"

She nodded. "I used to have a small crush on you ever since we were in elementary. Maybe I should have said something too," she laughed. "I didn't want to ruin our friendship, so I thought it would be best if I kept it to myself and eventually I met Naruto. The rest is history."

When they first met in the playground of their school, he had been trying to play with some of the other students, but everyone kept calling him the panda monster and would run away from him. Gaara always had dark circles around his eyes for as long as she'd known him, and was constantly teased about it during their elementary days. He had told her he used to have terrible night terrors and he was too afraid to go to sleep.

Hinata managed to befriend him when he was sitting alone on the swings that day. He had been a bit apprehensive, but slowly opened up to her and eventually Shikamaru.

He was a unique boy, often cold towards others but whenever they were alone he'd shown her a softer side that grew on her. By the time they were in high school, he had gathered a following of fan girls. One girl, Matsuri, even managed to capture his attention and they started to date from freshmen to their sophomore year.

She was jealous, but decided if he was happy that should matter. When they broke up, Gaara wouldn't give a reason as to why it happened and just said to leave it alone. Her feelings still lingered, however she decided it would be best if she kept it to herself.

And she did for the remainder of high school and a few years after that.

Would things have been different if she did tell him? She'd wonder about it briefly, but once her relationship started with Naruto she knew she had to move on from those feelings.

"I guess we're both idiots." Gaara smirked.

"I think so."

"Can we...start over? I just recently reconnected with Shikamaru, but with you it's been years. I'd like to have my best friend back in my life. If you'll like me back in your life, that is."

Hinata squeezed his hand. "Of course, I have missed you after all."

Before she could react, he pulled her into his chest, hugging her. "I'm happy," he said,

She could feel the vibration of his words through his chest. Relaxing into the embrace, she felt the same sentiments.

"Good. I thought if I gave you two some time you'd get all that stuff you've been keeping in, out." Shikamaru came back into the room holding a brown mug. Glancing down at his watch, he spoke. "Aren't you supposed to be meeting Naruto?"

Hinata jumped out Gaara's arms and rushed towards the front door, slipping on her shoes. She had forgotten all about it. It was a quarter past seven at night. They had made arrangements to meet up at Ramen Ichiraku around six, and she's already an hour late.

"I'll be back a bit later, Shikamaru." She turned her attention to Gaara. "It was nice seeing you again."

He nodded. "I'll still be here when you get back."

Shikamaru frowned. "Who said you could stay? This isn't some sleepover."

"This is the first time we've all been together like this. I want to enjoy it. Besides, I'm not leaving." He said crossing his arms.

"Whatever," Shikamaru mumbled.

Though there was a frown on his face, Hinata knew he was just as happy for all of them to be together again. She gave another wave until she slipped out of the door.


Naruto tapped his foot anxiously on the ground. Maybe she stood him up. He wouldn't blame her if she did, but he was beginning to feel rather stupid waiting at the table watching customers come and go, while he still sat in the same chair.

The owner and his daughter were starting to give him those pitiful looks that he tried to ignore.

"Are you sure you don't want to order yet?" The owner asked.

Naruto's smile weakened, as he shook his head and stood up. "I think I'm going to call it a night, Teuchi." He waved.

Turning around, he was surprised to see Hinata in the doorway hunched over trying to catch her breath.


She lifted her head, sweat dripping from the temple. "I'm so sorry. Something came up and I forgot. I'm sorry," she apologized again.

He stared at her for a moment. The tension that he had been feeling lifted. "It's no worries." He turned around to Teuchi and grinned. "Two bowls of ramen, gramps!"

Teuchi nodded, giving him an encouraging thumbs up.

Blue eyes flashed with determination as he pulled out the chair for Hinata, gesturing to take a seat. Once she sat down, he took the empty chair to her left. He glanced over at her. Her hair seemed to have grown a few inches from the last he saw her, as she tucked a few strands behind her ear revealing those kissable cheeks that he used to love kissing.

"I was beginning to think you stood me up," he chuckled.

She turned to him. "No, I honestly forgot. What did you want to talk about?"

Not beating around the bush, huh? He assumed he'd have a bit of time to chit chat with her, but apparently not.

"I know I said it more than enough, but I really am sorry. What I did is unforgiving. I hate myself for it everyday," he said, turning to focus on the wooden table in front of him. "If I could turn back time I wouldn't make the same mistake twice. I want you to know that I still love..."

"Sasuke kissed me," she cut him off.

Everything seemed to freeze in time at those words. How could he react? What was he supposed to say? His heart was pounding, hard. Clenching his teeth, he tried to calm his nerves. If he looked at Hinata right now, she's see every emotion that's brewing within him right now.

Tightening his fists, he inhaled and exhaled once the ramen bowls were placed in front of them. Grabbing the chopsticks, pulled them apart and remained silent.

He could feel Hinata's gaze on him every few minutes, but he didn't acknowledge it.

Naruto Uzumaki was pissed, but he didn't want to ruin the evening. He was lucky she even agreed to meet with him.

Still unable to look her in the eyes, he asked, "Did you kiss him back?" His chopsticks pulled out a few noodles.

"I actually slapped him," she laughed a bit.

This got his attention, as he turned to face her with two noodle strings hanging out his mouth. Did he hear that correctly? Hinata Hyuuga slapped his grouchy best friend?

"Whoa, did you really?" It served the bastard right, he thought as he slurped his noodles.

She nodded. "I've been debating accepting his feelings, but I wanted to hear what you had to tell me. It seems you're just saying the same thing you've told me before," she said turning her head to face him. "What you did is something I'd never forget. If we ever got back together, I'd be always wondering if you'd cheat again."

"I wouldn't l! I promise!" He nearly yelled.

"I can't trust you, Naruto. I can't even trust Sakura. At first I thought maybe I'd give us another chance, but it's not worth it. If you truly love someone you wouldn't hurt them like that. Not the way you broke my heart."

"So, is this it?" He asked, slowly.

Instead of responding, she turned her attention to the ramen and began eating. The rest of the meal was a heavy silence hovering above the two.


Originally, I wasn't going to ever have Gaara and Hinata reunite, but I changed my mind. I'm not sure if I addressed this before, but Shikamaru and Hinata are best friends with a sibling relationship (even though I love that pairing lol). As far as Naruto and Hinata, I'm debating removing him from the story from this point on and only have him be mentioned, so I can focus more on Sasuke and Hinata's pending relationship.

Karin will be making a comeback in future chapters, along with Itachi. This story might have around three or so more chapters until it's over.

I also updated Glass Hearts (SasuHina story) a few days ago. Free free to check it out if you haven't already. I'll be updating Abandoned Love (HinaItachi story) soon with its final chapter. Also, I have another story A Sucker For Love (SasuHinaShika) that I started typing the updated chapter weeks ago, but lost my inspiration for it. I'll update that one eventually. For now my main focus are the three stories I mentioned above.

If you have any questions or something you'd like to see happen in this story, let me know in a review!