Author: Hinata6

NaruHina later SasuHina

Full Summary: Naruto asked Hinata to be his girlfriend and they both were dating for quite a while. Of course this was a dream come true from our favorite Hyuuga Hinata but things did not go so well between the two as planned. You guess it Naruto still had feelings for a certain pink haired ninja…Sakura. Sasuke comes in the picture later, at first he didn't seem to like the dark haired girl but he began to grow accustom to her. What will happen? Will Naruto and Hinata break up? Is Naruto cheating on Hinata? Will Hinata and Sasuke start to date each other? I know what's going to happen but you don't so read and found out. Enjoy

Only You – Chapter One

The blonde haired ninja was running towards Ichiraku ramen bar. As he was running towards the ramen bar he spotted Hinata. Over the last couple of weeks Naruto started to have a crush on her. He continued staring at her; Naruto couldn't help but feel mesmerized by Hinata's innocent beauty. He walked towards her attempting to talk with her until he saw her teammates walking towards her.

"So she was just waiting for them" Naruto thought as he looked as watched Hinata and her teammates walk off. He noticed that Hinata happen to glance at him blushing as she quickly looked away. Naruto smiled to himself. He knew that he was pretty dense not to realize that Hinata liked him before but he finally realized it a couple of days ago when he had over heard her talking to Kiba.


"Hinata…you like him don't you?"

He heard him say to the young Hyuuga. Naruto being Naruto went to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Ano…yes…I do"

Naruto looked at the Hyuuga from behind the trees, he felt sad that the Hyuuga girl liked someone else because he had a secret crush on her. "So she already likes someone else" Naruto thought sadly as he began to walk away.

"But he likes Sakura and you know that…geez Hinata the guy is so dense I don't know what you see in him"

Naruto turned around when he heard Sakura's name. And wondered could they be talking about him because he knew that everyone knew that he liked her…but then again there was Lee. "Could Hinata like Lee" Naruto thought as he looked at Hinata.

"I know that he likes Sakura…b-but…I still like him…sure maybe Naruto is a little dense and clumsy but I still like him…even though I know he won't ever return the same feelings that I have for him"

Naruto stared at Hinata in an astonished way. He never thought that Hinata would ever like someone like him…well maybe he had thought that she liked Kiba or maybe even Shino but she likes him. Naruto grinned in excitement as he walked away with his hands inside his pocket grinning like there was no tomorrow.

End of Flashback

The hyperactive ninja couldn't stop thinking about her…Hyuuga Hinata. He wanted her so bad but since he began to start liking her he has became really shy around her but it wasn't very obvious which he made sure of.

As Naruto was walking he spotted Sakura walking alone so he decided to walk with her.

"Hi Sakura-chan" Naruto grinned. Sakura turned around to see the blonde haired ninja grinned from ear to ear. She smiled softly at him.

"Hi Naruto…" Sakura responded while still smiling. "Hey are you doing anything today Sakura-chan…maybe we could you know…hang out or something" Naruto asked while blushing and scratching the back of his head.

Sakura looked at Naruto; she honestly didn't know what to say to him. She wanted to hang out with him to make up for being so mean to him all of the time but then again she didn't even want to be bothered with the blonde haired ninja.

"I'm sorry Naruto but I'm going to be really busy today…maybe some other time, ne?" Sakura asked while looking at Naruto. As she was looking at him she noticed the hurt look in his eye as he put on a fake smile.

"Oh that's okay I understand…some other time" Naruto said trying to plaster a smile to his face. Sakura smile sadly at him as she walked away. She felt bad for lying to him but she didn't feel like being bothered by him…not today that is.

Naruto continued walking throughout the day by his self. He had even forgotten about eating ramen after he saw Hinata earlier. He smiled and blushed at the thought of Hinata and to his surprise almost as if on cue he saw her. She was standing there all by herself almost like she was waiting for…him.

Hinata looked up when she noticed that she was no longer alone.

"N-N-Naruto-kun…" Hinata stuttered as he started blushing. Naruto grinned while he decided to sit down next to her.

"Hey Hinata…so what are you doing out here all by yourself" Naruto asked.

"Ano, I…sometimes like to be alone…to think about certain things" Hinata explained while looking at the grounds under her feet. Naruto stared at Hinata and blushed.

"…You're so beautiful Hinata…"Naruto whispered under his breath. Hinata shot her head up and looked at Naruto blushing. "Did he just say I'm beautiful?" Hinata asked herself.

"What did…you just say?" Hinata asked while looking at the blonde sitting next to her.

"I…umm…said…nothing…I didn't say anything" Naruto quickly said as he waved his hands franticly in front of him. Hinata looked back down at the ground. "What was I thinking…Naruto-kun thinking that I'm beautiful…he would never say something like that to me besides he doesn't even like me…he likes Sakura" Hinata thought sadly. There was an awkward silence between the two before Naruto broke it, he hated awkward silences.

"Hinata…I lied…"Naruto confessed as he looked to the ground blushing. Hinata looked at Naruto. "Naruto-kun…?" Hinata said while she looked at Naruto in a puzzled way.

"ItoldyouthatIthinkyou'rebeautiful" Naruto said quickly so fast that Hinata didn't even hear a single word of it.

"Mo s'koshi yukkuri hanash'te kudasai Naruto-kun…I couldn't even hear y-you" Hinata exclaimed while looking at Naruto. Naruto couldn't stop himself from blushing as he looked away from Hinata and then he looked her in the eyes.

"I said that your beautiful…Hinata" Naruto said more clearly this time as he rephrased his words. Hinata looked at Naruto, she was speechless. Her crush said she was beautiful, she couldn't believe her ears.

Naruto looked at Hinata and noticed her stunned expression. "Hinata…are you okay?" Naruto asked trying to snap her back to reality. Hinata looked at Naruto and continued blushing.

"D-D-Did you just say you think…I'm b-beautiful?" Hinata asked while looking away from Naruto since she was so embarrassed because she knew she was blushing like a mad dog.

"Yes…I did…I want to ask you something…"Naruto began. When Hinata heard Naruto say that her heart skipped a beat. "Is he going to ask me what I think he's going to ask me…?"

"…Hinata will you go out with me?" Naruto asked while holding up his hand and reached towards Hinata's face as he cupped her chin in his hands and turning her head towards him.

"Will you be my girlfriend…Hinata?" Naruto ask once more looking at her while gazing into her light blue almost white looking eyes as she gazed into his sea blue eyes.

Hinata nodded her head as she looked at Naruto blushing. This was a dream come true for her…her all time crush asked her to be his girlfriend. Naruto grinned as he looked at her expression.

"I've been wanted to ask you that for a while now…but I didn't know how and I didn't even know if you liked me or not" Naruto confessed. Hinata blushed as she put on a small smile.

Naruto took his hand away from Hinata face and place it over her hand attempting to hold it.

"I'm glad that it's you Hinata…I'm glad that I'm finally with you" Naruto said honestly as he slipped his hand inside hers. Hinata blushed as she held his hand as they both stood up.

"I'm going to walk you home…it's getting late and you shouldn't be out this late" Naruto said while placing his famous grin on his face. Hinata nodded her head as they both began walking together hand and hand. They were walking together not saying a word still holding hands. Hinata glanced up at Naruto as he looked at her and smiled.

"I can't believe that…I'm Naruto's girlfriend" Hinata thought to herself as she looked to the ground. Naruto smiled to himself as he looked up and started looking around they're surrounds as he frowned.

"Umm…Hinata…where exactly do you live" Naruto asked while laughing nervously looking at her in a puzzled way. Hinata looked at Naruto and sighed. Naruto continued laughing as he looked away from Hinata in embarrassment.

"Way to go Naruto you baka…next time you say you're going to walk her home make sure you know exactly where she lives" Naruto cursed himself as he blushed of embarrassment.

They both finally made it to the Hyuuga manor. Naruto looked up at it in amazement. "Wow I can't believe you live here Hinata" Naruto said as he looked around the manor.

Hinata just giggled and smiled. "Thank you for walking me home…Naruto-kun" Hinata said while looking away from Naruto. Naruto smiled as he looked at her, but he noticed that it looked like she was trying to debate whether on doing something or not.

"Hinata are you oka-"Before he could even finish Hinata had planted a light feather kiss on Naruto's cheek as she walked inside the gate, leaving Naruto standing there holding his cheek.

"She…she kissed me…on the cheek…" Naruto kept mumbling under his breath as he turned around and start walking home.

As Hinata reached her room she continued blushing thinking about what she had just done. She knew it wasn't like her to do something like that but she wanted to do it so badly so she had to pull out all of her courage to do so…and she did it…she kissed him.

As Naruto walked inside his apartment he continued thinking about the kiss Hinata had given him. Well it wasn't really a real kiss he barely felt it because it was so light but he didn't care because he was so ecstatic that she did kiss him.

Naruto walked over towards his bed and pulled off his clothes and put on his pajamas and jumped inside his bed. "I can't believe Hinata kissed me…my girlfriend" Naruto grinned.

"Hey I liked the sound of that…my girlfriend" Naruto continued grinning as he found himself fast to sleep dreaming about her…his girlfriend…Hyuuga Hinata.

Okay that was the first chapter. I know there is no Sasuke in this chapter but will be in this story soon. I hoped that you enjoyed this chapter please leave reviews.


Mo s'koshi yukkuri hanash'te kudasai: This means 'Please speak more slowly'

Thank for reading this fic 'Only You' Chapter two will be here shortly.