Okay so before you all kill me for not updating sooner...MY COMPUTER BLOCKED FANFICTION!!! There I said it...isn't it horrible? Anyway, I'm on my dad's comp...shhhh I'm not supposed to be...hehe...


P.S. This fluffy little ficlet is dedicated to my fellow fanfiction-buddy...wait for it...Captain Cheese!! Sorry I couldn't update before now, CC!

Unintentional Betrayal

Neal pulled back blushing crimson. "I should, uh, go serve now..." He turned away from her and started out the door when a hand gently pulled him back by his arm.

"Neal," she said softly. "Did you-did you mean it," her voice faltered at the end.

Neal looked at her, his eyes serious. After a few second pause, he replied. "I have never meant anything more in my life. Kel, this may be hard to believe right now, but, I think I lo- I like you a lot."

She smiled up at him. Even though she was very tall, Neal was more so. "More than, say, Lady Uline or Daine the Wildmage?"

"Sadly, yes."

Kel smacked him on the arm and was about to respond when Master Oakbridge called out, "Nealan of Queenscove! Stop flirting and start serving. And it might do you good to do the same Page Keladry!"

Neal blushed before he grabbed his tray and rushed out the door. Just as Kel was about to do the same, Cleon came in.

"Mirage of Delight!" Cleon said gleefuly. "You're still here? If you stay to long you'll get behind," he warned.

"Shove off, Cleon. I won't get behind. Oh, and by the way, what's that on your tunic," she said with dislike. Just after she said this she stepped around Cleon and went back into the great hall calm and composed as ever.

Before he could think of why Kel was acting so cold towards him, Cleon looked down and saw that he had a big, brown food stain in the middle of his tunic. "Gods, what am I supposed to do now?"

"Cleon of Kennan," Master Oakbridge said sternly. "Don't just stand around. Go ser- Great Mithros. What have you got on you tunic? Go change. You'll have 2 bells of cleaning dishes after the dinner. You know better than this."

Cleon hung his head. "Yes sir," he muttered before he hurried to his bedchamber.

Master Oakbridge nodded. "Owen of Jesslaw! Come fill in for Kennan until he returns."


"Gods, I can't wait to get out of here and eat!" Faleron said wearily.

"You're telling me. It's hard work to serve and flirt with the ladies at the same time," Neal said with a sidelong glance at Kel.

"Neal, you have yet to flirt with one lady who is interested in you," Cleon said playfully. "Unlike me. Isn't that right, pearl of my heart?"

Kel looked over at him with disgust. She tried to mask it as soon as she realized but Cleon had already seen it. "Cleo-"

Before she could even finish the first word, she was cut off by Neal. "Great Mithros, Cleon. You really do think to greatly of yourself."

Kel smiled discreetly at Neal. Cleon noticed that as well. Before anyone registered what he was doing he started over to Kel when he suddenly stopped cold.

"Don't you dare," Neal said coldly. "If you haven't already noticed, someone has already kissed the lady page."

Cleon, Faleron and all the other pages that heard stared at Neal with disbelief. Kel turned bright pink.

"Yeah. That's right everybody. Cleon's not the only one who liked Kel and he sure isn't the one that she liked back."

Cleon clenched his fists angrily and was about to respond when he thought better of it. "This isn't over Queenscove," he said venomously.

"Have a nice Midwinter, Kennan." Neal said this with a sweet tone of voice. But there was also a mocking to be heard in it and his eyes were cold with hatred.

Cleon looked at Kel with hope only to see her turn away.

He strode out of the room, already thinking of revenge. 'This is not over. Kel will be mine. Nothing will stop me. Not Kel, not Faleron, not Roald but especially not Queenscove.'

So, how was that? Good...baaaaaaaaaaad? ... heh...

To all my highly trained reviewers:

Green Flames: Thaaaank you... 'A writer is always happy to know that his work is appreciated' ---- from Pirates of the Caribbean with different words.

Lisa: Thanks for reviewing. You might want to look into reading my other fics.

Spy in Training: -teary eyed- I loooooooooooooooooooove kel/neal fics...but just being me, I'll be nice to you because you let me continue. Review!

Blood Tainted Angel: Really? 20 friends? lol I just hope they review. Hope you enjoyed the second chappie...

HeadsInTheClouds: love the hurrahs...but one thing...you aren't a skilled reviewer ... you are a HIGHLY TRAINED (but I guess you can be skilled also) reviewer ...lol...review

justcallmebubba: omg yes! I haaaaaaaaaate yuki. She totally ruined it for kel...and the rest of us...lol...maybe I will put cleon and her together...I could make it a double bashing...hehe...review

star: I got the jealous idea from you!

OpalShine: evil? -tears appear in eyes- I'll just be crying in the corner over here...

My-brutal-romance: I'm glad I made a fic that you liked...and yes you made me very happy by reviewing.

And to all the others:

Black-Rose23, Lady Potter of Tortall, usagifan, the-violet-lioness, anonymousauthor1392, firesangel21, NealsChick, Golden23, and to Kelly Masbolle... REVIEW!!!

But last of all to...

CAPTAIN CHEESE! Sorry about the whole deal thing: update/update...heh...with the whole comp thing I couldn't but I'll try to update Unexpected Change soon!

Tell me how you liked it!

BTW, heart you all to death mwaaaaah!
