Ok peoples this has nothing to do with my current one. Its a present for JACKIE!

I don't own Alex or Grim. But I do own Jodi and Sabre.

Once upon a time, in a place closer than you think...


Not THAT close for Gods sake! Anyway, look beneath your feet. Let us go on a magical journey downwards. We burrow into the soil after hitting our noses on the pavement. We recover and continue going down. We pass pipes, tins, moles, rats and dinosaur bones, dinosaur bones eating other dinosaur bones until we come to...

The Underworld! Here is were all souls that have commited crimes regarding murder, rape and hitting presidents with hammers as is the crime of this young demon we call Jodi. Next to her is Alex. Her crime: Assisting Jodi in hitting presidents with hammers. Lifelong friends, partners in crime, weird personalities and same likes and dislikes. Honestly, how many people like hitting presidents!

BUT, back to the girls! Jodi is drinking some sort of wierd drink only available in the Underworld. She has long, blue hair that match her blue eyes and white-blue leather jacket and white jeans. Alex, on the other hand, was shaking her drink around, staring at nothing in particular. She has long, brown hair (long blue long brown see similarities?) and hazel eyes. She wears blue jeans and a black, long-sleeved t-shirt which said GREEN DAY.

Jodi frowned and shook her hand in front of Alex's eyesight. Alex is not responding and keeps on shaking her drink around. As a last resort, Jodi pours her drink on Alex's head. The brunnette yelped from surprise.

"What was that for!" she yelled. Jodi grinned.

"You needed to come back to earth." she replied, still grinning. Alex sighed and started waving her hand around until it started glowing gold. Alex placed her glowing hand on her wet head. In an instant, her hair was dry! MAGIC!

Suddenly, the cafeteria doors opened to reveal Sabre. Sabre was a sabre-tooth tiger with brown fur and amber eyes. Long, curved teeth came out of his mouth and gleamed whenever the light caught it. He seemed out of breath so he downed a couple of cartons of water from a nearby table (no happy demons on that table)

"Everyone be quiet!" he yelled and patiently waited for the noise to die down.

"WE ARE ALL GOING ON HOLIDAY! FOR ONE WEEK WE CAN GO BACK TO THE MORTAL PLANE!" he continued and waited again for the news to sink in. The cafeteria was filled with pandemonium and noise. Whoops and cheers were heard all over the place.

"On one condition."

The cafeteria grew quiet once again. Behind Sabre was Grim, the most feared Lord in the Underworld. His name said it all. Grim for Grim Reaper.

"Your powers will be taken for that one week. You will still retain immortallity but if anyone starts creating havoc up there you will be sent back here and tortured. You are only allowed to kill 5 people. Anymore and its curtains. Clear?" the demons nodded their heads as one. Grim smiled then created a MASSIVE portal. The demons could barely retain their excitement so everybody rushed as one towards the portal.

"Come Alex! Time to PARTY!" howled Jodi, grabbing Alex's arm and nearly tearing it out of her socket.

"But I don't want to party!" complained Alex as she was dragged against her will towards the portal. For Alex's sake they were stopped by Sabre.

"I'm coming with you!" he declared. Jodi looked at the cat, then at Alex, then back at Sabre. She shrugged and grabbed Sabre, giving him the same torture as Alex. They were soon near the portal and passed through into what we call the real world.

"WE ARE BACK BABY! FEAR THE RETURN OF ALEX AND JODI ALONG WITH SABRE! PARTY TIME!" yelled Jodi and Alex couldn't help but laugh with her. Sabre gave out a yelp as the mad girls jumped into the portal.

Oh boy, we are in for a bumpy ride!