Author Crazy Dog

Disclaimer: I do not own Code Lyoko, or make any claim to doing so to any of the characters. This is my first and only fic, so I thought I'd try my hand at J/A Fluff…If I get positive reviews, I'll continue the story, if not, just a failed experiment, no biggie!

This story takes place during season one, specifically during frontier, it starts off the same way (not taking credit for the opening dialog)…

It was late at night at Kadic, with a full moon shining in the sky. Jeremie was sitting at his desk in his room hard at work on finding a way to de-virtualize Aelita, who was doing her best to help him from her end on Lyoko inside the deactivated tower in the forest region.

"It's fine up till now. I'll test this part here again," Jeremie said with hope in his voice, his monitor showing all of Aelita's vitals as the virtualization simulation progressed. "COME ON," he shouted with sweat dripping down his face.

Just then, the sound of failure and an accompanying red explanation point let Jeremie know he had failed again.

"I don't believe this! Why does it always happen right then!" Jeremie exclaimed in frustration.

"Aelita, did you deactivate the external sinocuidal modules like I told you to?" Jeremie asked with frustration still in his voice.

"Yes, of course, and I even de-fragmented the internal matrix." Aelita responded sweetly despite Jeremie's frustrated tone.

Jeremie stood up from his chair and turned around putting his back to Aelita who was now looking at him from the computer screen.

"I already did that! The system is bound to screw up if it gets the same data twice! If we keep working against each other, we're never going to succeed, ever!" Jeremie shouted in a mean tone.

Aelita's eyes dropped and she began to frown, looking away on the computer screen, only managing to say "I'm sorry."

Jeremie quickly turned realizing he had hurt the girl he secretly loved. "No Aelita, I'm the one who should be sorry, I should not have gotten so angry."

Aelita cut him off. "It's alright, but I think we should stop for the night. I'll see you tomorrow," she said with obvious hurt in her voice.

Jeremie tried to protest, but Aelita signed off and disappeared from his screen before he could get another word in. He fell to his bed, just as the wind started to howl outside his window. He stood up and looked out at the full moon with tears in his eyes, listening to the wind. He fell onto his bed, thinking out loud, "What have I done?"

The morning did not come quickly enough for Jeremie. He awoke to find it was overcast out; and a little cold. He found this weather very fitting for his current mood. He took a shower and got dressed, not bothering to comb his hair. He sauntered down to the cafeteria for breakfast, where he found his two friends already sitting at a table. He walked over and joined them, moping.

His two friends had already started eating. Odd was on his third plate while Ulrich was nit-picking his eggs.

"Odd, I just don't understand how someone so small can hold that much food", Ulrich mumbled.

"I'm not small, I'm stout!" Odd shouted back, annoyed.

Ulrich, at that point, picked up on Jeremie's obvious bad mood. Jeremie was just sitting there, staring at his food.

"What's wrong with you this morning?" Ulrich asked inquisitively.

"Nothing," Jeremie responded in a monotone way.

"I know! Einstein got into a fight with his precious Aelita," Odd laughed

Jeremie began to blush at Odds comment, "How did you know?" Jeremie asked his spiky-haired friend.

"Well, you were perfectly happy yesterday, and we all know the last thing you do before you go to sleep at night is flirt with your darling Aelita, so obviously you must have had a fight," Odd explained, grinning from ear to ear at his explanation.

"Wow Odd, that was a pretty good deduction. I'm impressed," Ulrich stated, amazed that Odd made an intelligent analysis.

Jeremie pushed his plate away and sighed. "So spill it," a voice said from behind him. Yumi put her arm around him from behind and sat next to him, having arrived just in time to hear what Odd had said.

Jeremie was about to speak when Odd abruptly asked, "If you two aren't going to eat those, pass them my way?" Ulrich and Jeremie both flashed him a disgusted look and pushed their plates to him. Odd dug in like he was still famished.

"Alright, so let's hear it Einstein, assuming there are no further interruptions," Ulrich said loudly, looking in Odds direction, who didn't notice he was being talked about.

"I was getting frustrated because the de-virtualization program kept failing at the same spot and I took it out on Aelita. She got upset and logged off . . . I'm sure she's mad at me now," Jeremie said depressingly.

"I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. You two will patch things up. No problem," Yumi explained.

"Yeah, I'm sure it will blow over. You're probably blowing things out of proportion," Ulrich added.

"Yeah, you two are crazy about each other. I'm sure it can't be that bad," Odd said with food falling out of his mouth.

Jeremie blushed at Odd's comment about his feelings for Aelita. Everyone knew how he felt about her, and knew Aelita felt the same way about Jeremy, but neither of them had worked up the courage to say anything.

"Guys, I need you to help me with something– and be open-minded about it," Jeremie said.

"What?" they all asked.

"I need to go to Lyoko; I need to apologize to her in person," Jeremie said pleadingly.

"Jeremie, I understand how you feel, but that's kind of ludicrous. Only you know how to work the super computer," Yumi stated matter-of-factly.

"Plus, you don't have the experience on Lyoko. What if you get attacked by Xana's monsters?" Ulrich added.

"We will go with him and make sure he gets to her," Odd countered. "He's gotta do what he's gotta do."

"Thanks Odd," Jeremie said, relieved.

"Ok, if this is what you really want, let's all meet at the factory after school," Yumi offered.

The rest of the day went by very slowly for Jeremie. He was extremely nervous about traveling to Lyoko, and even more terrified of the scanners. All through his classes he day-dreamed about what he would say to her when he finally saw her. After the last of their classes, they made their way to the factory and met up once they got there.

Jeremie explained in detail how to work the scanners so Yumi could virtualize him. Yumi seemed pretty optimistic she could follow the procedure.

"Are you ready to go Jeremie?" Ulrich asked.

"Yeah, as ready as I'll ever be," Jeremie groaned

Jeremie, Odd, and Ulrich took the elevator to the scanner room. Jeremie was more nervous than ever, slowly walking forward.

"Your scanner awaits," Odd announced.

They all stepped into a different chamber; Jeremie took the middle one. Yumi operated the controls just as Jeremie instructed, and the last thing he heard was her voice shouting "Virtualization!"

They all appeared in the forest region, near the tower where Aelita was hiding. Odd and Ulrich landed on their feet; Jeremie fell and landed face down on the ground.

Jeremie appeared exactly as he would on earth, having no virtual form pre-programmed, although he was in 3-D like the others.

"Wow! This is amazing," Jeremie exclaimed.

"Yeah, but let's get a move on towards the tower, before Xana realizes we're here," Ulrich pointed out.

The other two boys agreed and ran toward the tower. They ran through the forest region; Jeremie kept up with the more experienced warriors.

When they got to the base of the tower, Odd proclaimed to Jeremie. "Well Einstein, your princess awaits you in the tower. Kind of fairy tale-ish, don'cha think?"

"Hurry up and go in. We will stand guard out here," Ulrich commanded boldly.

Jeremie gave them each a long look before looking down at the ground.

"Guys… De-virtualize yourselves. I appreciate your help, but I'm not going back," Jeremie mumbled.

"What?" both Ulrich and Odd yelled. "You're freaking crazy," Odd added.

"You can de-virtualize me tomorrow morning before class. I need to be here until then. You guys go back, I'll be fine."

Odd and Ulrich were stunned. Knowing he couldn't change his friend's mind, Ulrich tossed Jeremie his saber. "You might need a weapon, take this just in case," Ulrich said with a slight smile.

"Yumi, de-virtualize Odd and me. I'll explain everything back on earth," Ulrich told Yumi.

"See you tomorrow Einstein; enjoy your date with Aelita," Odd said while he and Ulrich were being de-virtualized.

Odd and Ulrich explained what Jeremie was doing for Yumi, and although she was concerned for her friend, she thought it was sweet. The three traveled back to Kadic, and Yumi walked back to her house, all of them praying in their minds that Xana would not launch an attack while they were vulnerable like this.

Back at the tower, Jeremie took a deep breath, even though there was no air to breath on Lyoko. He entered the tower, still holding onto Ulrich's saber. When he entered, he saw Aelita lying down, facing the other direction. At the sight of her, he dropped the saber on the ground. Aelita quickly stood up and turned around, poised to run, figuring Xana's monsters found a way to enter the tower.

"JEREMIE!" she exclaimed, very surprised when she saw him standing there.

Jeremie started to choke up. All he could manage to get out was, "Hi, Aelita."

"Jeremie, you came all the way here to see me?" Aelita asked, awestruck.

"Yeah. I wanted to apologize about our fight last night. I felt horrible for yelling at you, and I just needed to see you," Jeremie stuttered very badly.

At this point, both would be blushing crimson red if they were on earth, but because they were on Lyoko, they were saved from that embarrassment.

"I thought you were mad at me for messing up and doing the same programming you had already done," Aelita confessed, looking down.

All Jeremie could think about as he looked at the sweet innocent girl was how much he was in love with her, and how badly he wanted to tell her and have her feel the same way.

"Aelita, I could never be mad at you. You are everything to me," Jeremie said, embarrassed.

He immediately looked down at the floor of the tower; he could not believe he let that slip out of his mouth. He would really be blushing on earth now.

Aelita could not have been happier to hear him say something so sweet to her. However, her happiness quickly turned into concern.

"Jeremie, I only wanted to come to earth to be with you; everything else was just an excuse. But I'm just a computer program; I didn't think you would want to be with me," Aelita explained in a soft voice that made Jeremie melt inside.

With courage he didn't know he had, he looked up from the floor and stared into her green eyes from across the room.

"Aelita, I'm completely in love with you. All I want is you. I've loved you since the day you contacted me on my computer. I don't care if you're a computer program or not, if I can't de-virtualize you from Lyoko, I'll stay here with you forever." Jeremie declared to Aelita with all the love for her that he had been bottling up bursting out.

Aelita, looking like she was about to cry (though impossible), felt so much love and happiness wash over her. "Jeremie, I love you too, sooo very much," she exclaimed.

Aelita and Jeremie looked at each other for a second before instinctively running toward each other, meeting up in the middle of the tower. They melted in a deep embrace. Jeremie picked her up and twirled her around in the air for a few seconds before setting her down. They continued to hug for several minutes.

Neither of them wanted to let go of that hug, but finally Jeremie broke it. Aelita looked a little dismayed at this action, until Jeremie took her face in his hands and looked her in the eyes. After only a second's hesitation, he closed his eyes and put his lips on hers. Not completely understanding, but loving the sensation, she began to kiss him back. They continued this for several minutes, not needing to stop for air. They broke the kiss after what seemed like an eternity. Aelita put her head on Jeremie's chest and he wrapped his arms around her, resting his head on hers.

"Jeremie, if I would have known this would happen when we got in a fight, I'd have tried to start one a long time ago," Aelita said with the biggest smile on her face.

"I would have too, Aelita," Jeremie responded, equally as happy with her in his arms.

"I love you Aelita," Jeremie whispered to her.

"I love you more Jeremie," Aelita whispered back.

Just then, they began hearing very loud pulsations from outside the tower. Aelita gripped Jeremie tighter as a horrified look ran across her face. Jeremie began to hold her tighter, trying to hide the concerned look on his face.

"It's going to be alright Aelita," Jeremie said in a shaky voice.

The pulsations started to get louder; Xana had just launched an attack.


Well, that's it for the first chapter and my first attempt at fan fiction! It was a lot of fun guys, and I would love nothing more then to continue this story, but that all depends on you and getting some reviews telling me to go on! If not, it's been fun!