
Chrissy sighed as she walking into the crowded lunchroom a few minutes late, she had just gotten out of history after asking for help. She looked around and saw Warren sitting at his usual table, as Chrissy walked over to him she noticed he wasn't alone. Layla, Magenta, Ethan and Zach were also sitting with him.

"Then I'm in," He smiled. "But I'm not renting a tux," Chrissy turned and walked quickly out of the cafeteria.

'Change of plans, Ang,'


'I'll meet you in front of the school, I need to get out of here, NOW!'

'Okay, see ya in a few,'

Chrissy made it to her locker and opened it just as her cell rang.


"Hey sweetness,"

"Hey dude,"

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, don't worry about it. What's up?"

"Nothing, just wanted to see what you were up to,"

"Oh, nothing," Chrissy shut her locker, out of the corner of her eyes she saw Warren several feet away from her. "Hey, Frankie?"


"Do you wanna go to homecoming with me?" Chrissy asked as she headed toward Warren, who was right by the front doors.

"Yeah, sure."

"Cool, I'll go ask Angie if she wants Greg to come with you," As she walked past Warren she felt one emotion radiating off of him. Jealousy. She pushed the front doors open and walked up to Angie.

"Yo, do you wanna go to homecoming with Greg?"

"Uh, okay," Angie said she looked at Chrissy who started talking on the phone.

"Yeah, it's next Friday. Starts at 8 Angie will come and get you both. Oh wear those white tuxes!"

"You got it sweetness,"

"Okay, I'm out,"

"Love ya,"

"Love you, too,"

Chrissy hung up the phone, made her hammock and Angie flew them to a little town outside of London, Glasgow.

"Sixteen Byres Road?" Chrissy asked as they walked in and were seated.

"Hey, I thought you might like it," Angie said.

"Yeah it's nice," Chrissy sighed.

"Okay, do you wanna tell me what's wrong?"

"Layla asked Warren to homecoming and she knew I like him!" Chrissy said.

"I'm sure there's an explanation she wouldn't do it on purpose," Angie said.

"Oh god, this always happens! Just when I start to like a guy someone takes him away! Remember Jessica?" Chrissy asked, their waiter came, they ordered their food and he left.

"Yeah, well. She was a slut." Angie said.

"And Holly?" Chrissy asked.

"Holly's a skank,"


"Bitch, hun I promise Layla wouldn't do this on purpose and you know that," Angie said.

"All right, let's just eat and get back home. Now I have to finish my dress, you want me to make you one?" Chrissy asked, their food came and they started eating.

"Sure ," Angie smiled

"Okay come with me after school, we'll pick out a pattern and the fabric," Chrissy said

"Ok cool," They finished eating and they headed back. After school, Chrissy and Angie went to Joann fabrics after school, got a design and the fabric for the dress. Angie dropped Chrissy off at home and over the weekend she worked on her and Angie's dresses.

Monday and Tuesday went by without any problems, Chrissy had finished both dresses and hand them hanging in her closet. She was still angry but what Angie had said seemed right, Layla wouldn't do that. She knew Chrissy liked Warren.


It was Wednesday, which meant save the citizen Chrissy sat with a group of people in her Hero training class. She could feel Layla's stare on her along with Warrens but she ignored them. Lash and Speed had gone up and defeated the first 6 groups of people.

"Next round. Lash, Speed. Do you want to be Hero's or villains?" Boomer asked.

"Villain's!" Lash smiled.

"How surprising, who do you want to beat next?" Boomer asked.

"How about... Parker," Chrissy's head shot up, Lash was looking right at her. She felt Warren getting angry.

"And Kent," Speed said.

"AHHHHH!" Chrissy jumped up, ran to Angie and jumped on her back. "Let kill 'em!" Angie flew down to the ring, Chrissy got off and walked over to Boomer, and she climbed up the plexie glass and smiled.

"Angie and I don't need the protective gear; we have our own," Chrissy smiled.

"Fine," Boomer said, Chrissy flipped down and ran over to Angie.

"Foot apart," Angie said, Chrissy lifted her hand.

"Invisible shield, mold!" A blue mist flew out of Chrissy's hand, surrounded the girls and molded to their bodies.

"Parker, Kent. You're the heroes and you have three minutes to get past Lash and Speed and save the citizen. Ready.... Set... BATTLE!" Boomer yelled. Chrissy and Angie looked at each other then back at the boys.

"I'll take Lash, you take Speed," Chrissy yelled before walking around toward Lash.

"Hey sweetie!" Lash smirked.

"Hey hun... Catch!" Chrissy threw an energy ball and hit Lash on his side.

"Hey now, is that anyway to treat your future husband?' Lash stretched his arms out toward her but she was quicker and flipped back away from him.

"Future husband? Please! You're not my future husband!" Chrissy yelled, she launched some webbing at him but he easily dodged it.

"And who is? Peace?" Lash yelled, he sent both of his arms at her but she flipped backwards and he missed.

"Try Frankie!" Chrissy flicked her wrist and sent him into a newspaper stand just as Angie close lined Speed, she looked up at the clock and saw they had 2 minutes and 10 seconds left. Chrissy ran over to Angie and smiled.

"Go!" Angie flew up, grabbed the citizen and tossed it to Chrissy who held it up for Boomer to see.

"She's alive! HEROES WIN!" Boomer yelled, Angie set down on the floor across the way from Chrissy. They bowed to each other and Chrissy dropped the citizen.

"Awesome job Angie!" Chrissy laughed.

"Chrissy!" Angie pointed to her side, Chrissy turned her head just to see Speed charge and hit her, and she flew into the air and right through the plexie glass. Chrissy would have been fine but her right ankle hit one of the metal bars and she fell into the stand. She rolled down the concrete benches and landed on the floor with a thud.

"Chrissy!" Someone yelled, she groaned and opened her eyes. She slowly sat up and opened her eyes wider.


"WHAT?" Chrissy yelled back, she got onto her knees and used the wall to get up. Chrissy put pressure on her right foot and was greeted with a large amount of pain; she dropped to her knees. "Oh!"

"What's wrong?' Angie asked.


"What kind of pain?" Ang asked, Chrissy grabbed the wall and lifted her head over to glare at Angie.

"The kind that hurts!" Chrissy got back up to her feet and hobbled toward the doors with every intention of heading to the nurse's office when a pair of arms wrapped themselves round her waist and her knees. She was lifted up and came face to face with Warren.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"The nurse's office," Chrissy sighed, Warren nodded and he walked out the doors with Chrissy in his arms.


"Well, it's not broken, but it is sprained," Nurse spex said, Chrissy was sitting on the examining table.

"Oh, thank god!" Chrissy sighed.

"Your going to have to stay off that foot for a few days," Nurse Spex wrapped it up and she gave Chrissy a lollipop; she smiled and limped out of the office. Chrissy had almost made it to the door when another pair of arms wrapped themselves around here and she was lifted up, again.

"You shouldn't be walking on that ankle," Chrissy looked over and saw Warren again.

"Oh, whatever," She sighed, they got a pass from the nurse and Warren brought her to the locker room, he set her down just outside the room.

"I'll be right back," She limped in, changed and limped back out in record time but Warren still beat her. He lifted her back up into his arms and headed for painting. Admitting defeat she wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder. Once they got to Art class, handed the teacher their passes and they sat down at their desks.


Class flew by and Chrissy started limping for the door but Warren grabbed her and carried her outside.

"Where's your bus?" He asked.

"Uh, Angie's taking me home," She pointed to Angie who was waiting over by the edge of the school platform, he carried her over to Angie. "Up," Angie flew up, Chrissy made her hammock and Warren set her in it.

"Thank you," Chrissy said and Angie took off before she got a reply. Angie set her down gently on her front step and knelt down next to her.

"Hand," Chrissy and Angie clasped hands and with her free hand, Angie put it over Chrissy bad ankle and a golden glow came from Angie's hand, it healed her ankle.

"Thanks dudette!" Chrissy stood up, they parted and she went inside. "Hey ma?"

"Yeah sweetie?" MJ called from the conservatory.

"Did you find my shoes? The white ones?" Chrissy walked over to her mother.

"Yeah, I did. I put them on your bed," MJ smiled.

"Thanks mom," She smiled and ran upstairs, on her bed were a pair of white chunky dress shoes. Chrissy picked them up and put them next to her dress. She sat down at her desk and did all of her homework.