Inuyasha-Chaos From Within
(A/N: I don't own Inuyasha or its character's unless they were original characters that I created to further a story.) Okay now that is out of the way time for the much needed summary. Inuyasha and the gang are headed to a village that Inuyasha has not seen since his childhood only they arrive on the night when there is no moon and Inuyasha looks human and thus unrecognizable to the more elderly people in the village. Save one old person who lets them stay at his large estate of a home. Someone who was slightly older then Inuyasha back when he was child and saw the abuse he was taking from the other villagers. He tells them what happened back then and some bad stuff about Kagome is discovered that gets Inuyasha's attention making him leave the home and into the woods not far from the home where he finds someone else he didn't expect to find. From their on out...things get good, bad, and nasty all in one. Enjoy!
Chapter 1-Nightmares of the Past Revisited
Inuyasha along with his friends that were also a group of jewel shard hunters had walked for sometime till they reached a hill above a village that made Inuyasha slightly nervous and not because it was nearly nightfall. The group itself was tired from walking so much that they all agreed it would be best to stay in the village though it was clear to everyone of them that Inuyasha less then thrilled at staying in the village, but it seemed to be due to some unknown reason. When asked by Shippo about Inuyasha had wouldn't answer right away as if he were thinking about something else all together. "I bet if I said that I smell Kikyo's scent down there you would listen," said Shippo trying to get Inuyasha angry and then get away as Kagome "Sit" him for fun.
Surprisingly to everyone Inuyasha did not retaliate at all, but was just silent as he stared at the village below him with an unreadable face. "Hey! Inuyasha! What's wrong?" said Sango waving a hand in front of the temporary human Inuyasha who finally came out of his daze to meet everyone's slightly worried faces.
"Its nothing Sango trust me I just have some private issues running through my head that I needed to think about on my own," said Inuyasha as he walked ahead of everyone who then looked at each other before following him into the village.
When they all got to the entrance of the village they found Inuyasha had surprisingly as well as uncharacteristically waited for them with that same unreadable look on his face. When they met up with them all he could do was give a brief nod before continuing on. "Is it me or is Inuyasha acting...different?" said Miroku in a whisper to Sango who only nodded her head as they were behind Inuyasha who couldn't here their whisper due him not having his dog ear that let him hear a pin drop in the middle of complete silence.
"Its odd I will admit, but I'm sure he has a good reason for it. Especially if he chooses to ignore Shippo's teasing and the mentioning of Kikyo's name meaning we should at least be considerate of his feelings for tonight since he is still not use to being human on these nights," said Sango in an equally small whisper as she noticed that some of the villagers were staring at them though it did make sense as the group was an unorthodox one when you considered it had both demons and demon killers within such a group coexisting.
It was then that a white haired as well as bearded elderly man walked over to them with his wooden cane along with a very large smile on his face making them know they were welcome here. "Welcome travelers you must be tired from your walking through the pass above as it is treacherous to be walk through for a group such as yourselves. My name is Hiroshi please come stay at my house for the night as you will receive plenty of food and rest their," said Hiroshi who was urging them to follow him to his home, which they realized upon seeing was one of the bigger ones in the village.
Hiroshi walked in first followed by Miroku, Sango, Kilala in her little cat form, Shippo, Kagome, and finally in another surprise move Inuyasha was the last to enter and rather reluctantly to boot. 'I know this place, but I thought...' thought Inuyasha only to suddenly be bombarded with an image from his childhood making him sweat slightly as the past he left buried in his skull started to rise to the surface.
"Father! Why do we allow this THING and its mother stay in the village its wrong? They will corrupt us with this child and this child's mother as well. They should both be killed and have their bodies burned to be purified to the next world," said an angry looking man in his mid-twenties with a sword by his waist looking back and forth between Inuyasha, his mother, and the elderly man's father who looked like he was slightly ill at that current moment from what he could remember.
"No! Ken the way of the elder of this village is law and I have been an elder before I even met your mother when my father died from an illness that gave me the title of elder. This child though half-demon is innocent as he did not wish to be born a half-demon yet he is and his mother now seeks refuge with him so the child may live. To deny (cough) them such a thing (cough) is dishonorable of an elder and I (cough) I will not have my own son of all people (cough) speak of doing something dishonorable in my own (cough) house!" said the elder in a strong voice for one his age though he went into a small slight fit of horrible coughs shortly after.
With the elder finished with this matter he had some of his servants show them the house the two would be staying at, which in itself was pretty nice size for a mother and her half-demon child. "Mommy...why did that man hate me and look at me with those really mean eyes?" said Inuyasha as he walked next to his mother who caught every bit of his curious attention so he wouldn't see the hateful looks given to him by some of the women as well as the men themselves muttering to them about having their children stay away from the child should he taint their souls.
"Unfortunately Inuyasha, some people both demons as well as humans are like that and just as before back at your late father's castle there is nothing we can do at the moment for them to see the truth," said his mother's innocent voice as she kissed his forehead before they entered their home hoping for a fresh start.
Their fresh start stopped before they could even have it.
(End Flashback)
'If only she were alive to see me now. Would she still love me as her son? Or would she hate her own son...just like my own bother does for being a half-demon?' thought a ever so slightly sad looking Inuyasha, who masked his sadness with an emotionless face just before anyone could notice it was their.
Well almost everyone as Kilala being the more perceptive one of the group at that very moment noticed the sadness and frowned at this. She herself had never seen Inuyasha sad before in his human form and it slightly remind Kilala of her mistress Sango and her little brother Kohaku when they were said and always masked the sadness as to not show it as a possible weakness to others. She quietly walked over to Inuyasha and started rubbing against his leg purring trying to cheer him up as only she knew how. 'Why is he suddenly sad all of a sudden? Could it be this house? Is it this village perhaps?' thought Kilala as she wished she could speak to him and ask what was wrong, but found it impossible at the moment as she didn't have the vocal cords like Shippo did.
Inuyasha sees her and picks her up right as the man who is giving them a tour of the place passing servants as they went and was now showing them the rooms they will be staying at after dinner. "Hey Kilala. I guess you saw it huh? (Kilala nods) Well don't worry about it as its all in the past and it will stayed buried in the past where it belongs," said Inuyasha in a silent whisper that only Kilala could that seemed to echo his sadness to such a degree that it made even Kilala shiver feeling the sorrow that he had felt all for being a half-demon.
'So much pain resides in what I just felt just now. His eyes show it if one were to look deep within them,' thought Kilala as she mewed affectionately and rubbed her little cat body against his chest all the while hearing his heartbeat that even to her sensitive hears was beating a sad beat of a tune.
Eventually after the tour was complete the old man Hiroshi led them to the dining area of the castle and shortly after that the servants brought them each a dish of food and they all ate in a comfortable, but still strange silence. That is...until Kagome decided to speak her mind. "Inuyasha you have been extremely quiet today through this whole village is there something wrong?" said the girl from the future as such word now had everyone looking at Inuyasha who just came out of his thoughts moments ago.
"Where is he? Where is the spawn of evil that is your son you wench?" said a slightly built man along with a few others, who were all holding unidentified weapons in their hands as he walked towards Inuyasha's mother while he hid in a secret compartment in the wall with a little peaking hole to look out of to see if it was safe to leave.
"My son left to gather berries for tonight's supper. Why are you asking about him?" said Inuyasha's mother standing tall and not being intimidated by him or his fellow comrades.
"He busted my boy's noise and beat him up with the help of his demon strength so were going to give him the beating your son so rightfully deserves," said the man while the other yelled in agreement.
"You mean the same boy who was older, bigger, and assaulted my son first with the help of his friends like you wish to do now on your sons behalf?" said the young woman in a calm voice, but her eyes were blazing with anger at them.
"That's not the point your demon spawn of a son deserved that beating whether my son started or not and when we find your son were going to either beat him till he's near dead or to death depending on how angry we are when we find him," said the man as he and others left.
"You can come out now Inuyasha they are gone now and won't be coming back," said Inuyasha's mother and slowly, but surely the said half-demon came out of his hiding spot and then ran up to his mother.
"I'm sorry mommy I thought what I did was right. Wasn't it? Dad once said, 'If you are surrounded and you know you're going to get beat you might as well go down on top and not at the bottom.' Was he wrong?" said Inuyasha and saw his mothers expression as she to remembered her late demon lovers words as she was their when he had spoken them to Inuyasha.
"No Inuyasha. As long as you go down on top of the pile in a fight that you do not start unless provoked then you have done nothing wrong," said the woman as her black hair fell on his silver and he could feel it with his dog ears as well as her tears falling from her eyes and he knew by brining up his late father that he opened up a still slowly healing wound in his mothers heart.
(End Flashback)
Little did either of them know that the dark hatred of this village was yet to come at them at full force where no one in this village would forget...ever. "No it's just that...well...," said Inuyasha, but Hiroshi interrupted him before he could try and speak further.
"You should not hide your past so deep within you Inuyasha no matter how painful as it sadden me the way the villagers treated you all those years ago," said Hiroshi shocking everyone including Inuyasha that the old man knew about his past and recognized him in his human state.
"How know?" said Inuyasha as he felt his heartbeat accelerate in worry and feeling unsafe around his current area of space.
Had it not been for Kilala jumping on his shoulder and licking his cheek purring Inuyasha would have made a run for it then and their. 'I hear his heart beat going crazy! Whatever happened here when he was younger must have had a horrible effect on him,' thought Kilala along with everyone else in the group to some level from the look on Inuyasha's face that clearly told the story.
"I was one of the older kids in the village Inuyasha who witnessed the abuse you had to endure at their hands. You don't really remember me I imagine because it has been such a long time since you returned here and that you are different looking now. Not that being a half-demon is wrong, but your change into a human form is to be honest...a blessing in disguise for you as most villagers here do not like half-demons. Present host excluded of course though my servants...I'm not so sure their tongues are easily silenced by me even if I ordered them to do so," said Hiroshi frowning slightly at the ignorance and arrogance of the village as well as their continuous hatred of half-demons even though it was their own hatred that nearly destroyed it after the last incident all those years ago.
"You would think people would learn from their mistakes after seeing and experiencing it first hand that such things are wrong. Right?" said Inuyasha regaining some of his calm demeanor back as he patted Kilala who now resided in his lap loving the attention she was getting from him.
"If only Inuyasha. I remember the elder's son's words calling for your death at such a young age and it was only the current elder at the time that spared you and your mother that day from certain death. When the elder died and his son took over it was then as I'm sure you may recall that elder's son called for your head and your mother claiming her soul was tainted by a demon. You do remember don't you?" said Hiroshi who saw that according to Inuyasha's eyes that he didn't want to remember or he had suppressed it for so long that only now being back here brought it to the surface.
"Yeah I remember though I wish and pray to the god's everyday of my life that I couldn't remember that night even when I blacked out when...when...," Inuyasha couldn't even speak as he had to cover his head with his hand to cover the pain from the memory written on his face from everyone.
Well almost from everyone as Kilala was still on his lap and from the now horrified look of an expression on her face the others could tell Inuyasha was in a place that not one of them dare not enter. Still Shippo decided to gather what courage he could and press the matter further. "When what happened Inuyasha?' said Shippo who was worried and scared at the same time.
Hiroshi filled the words in for Inuyasha as it was clear Inuyasha could dare not speak the words himself at that moment as it would be like ripping open a diseased wound with a rusty knife if he did. 'The villagers in the form of a mob killed Inuyasha's mother and then proceeded to burn the house down," said Hiroshi as he could clearly remember what Inuyasha's mother was like very well.
Even in his old age he recalled her walking through the forest picking berries only to walk up to him as she saw him pouting and frowning at not getting the apple in the tree above him. He remembered her getting him the one piece of sweet fruit in particular in the tree above her when she approached as it was out of his reach for one such as him at such a young age. "I was in the house when it happened in a little safe spot my mother and I made as soon we were sure we weren't being watched by the others through the windows. She tried fending them off and to tell them that this was absurd and that they should honor the wishes of the late elder by letting them to continue to live in the village in piece. She took the end of a wooden staff by one of the villagers landing her right next to my hiding spot. She looked at me with blood running down the side of her mouth and smiled at me with that warm smile she used to give when my father was alive whispering the words, 'I love you no matter what,' to me. Right before the new village elder that was the old one's son took out his sword and pierced her right through her heart ending her life and a part of mine in the process as I saw her eyes die out like flame on a candle. After that I black out only remembering my mothers words as smoke fills the house before I reawake to find myself stained in human blood with most of the village behind me in flames and hearing the people screaming in pain as they suffer from dying, death, or passing from one to the other. Since that moment I was on my own and I never looked back," said Inuyasha while everyone just stared at him utterly perplexed at his man before them basically confessing to the world that was them what he had done to these people when he was only a child.
Currently during all this unbeknownst to Inuyasha the said half-demon's left hand was holding a pair of chopsticks at that moment. Only he was holding them at an odd angle and was putting pressure on them due to his hand trying to make a fist to compress his anger deep inside him that they broke, but went right through his hand making the blood spill slightly on his leg and slightly on the floor beside him. "Inuyasha your hand!" said Sango as she could now only gasp like Kagome and the others who realized that even though that must have hurt Inuyasha greatly it was nothing to the sheer mental pain of remembering his mother's death.
It took approximately 10 seconds for Inuyasha to register what he had done and to realize that his hand was mostly covered in blood. 'I...I'm sorry Hiroshi. I have spoiled mood of the dinner for this evening and I shall leave now," said Inuyasha who put Kilala down only to have her jump onto his shoulder as an indication that she wasn't going to leave him alone like this.
"You did no such thing Inuyasha as you remembered something from your childhood that no one should remember. Please go clean your hand of its wound while I tell the others what you do not when you blacked out," said Hiroshi whose eyes showed no hatred in them towards Inuyasha as he didn't hate Inuyasha for being a half-demon.
"Thank you Hiroshi I shall take care of this quickly and then perhaps I will...retire for the night till mourning before slipping out as to not alert others of my...return," said Inuyasha as he bowed and left with Kilala on his shoulder while holding his left hand carefully as to not spill anymore blood around him.
When Inuyasha left Hiroshi could only sigh as it pained his old heart to see someone like Inuyasha like that. To take so much and give back none of such hatred back on that level was astounding as it clearly showed the half-demon had a good heart showing that half-demons were not evil creatures. "Its times like these that I have experienced that make me feel my age when I shouldn't," said Hiroshi as he took a sip of his drink and sighed again.
"I've never seen Inuyasha like that before. It was like all the life in his body had left him and what was alive before us wasn't really alive at all. It was like he was a shadow of his former self or more like the walking dead," said Sango as it hurt her to see Inuyasha like this as she too saw pain of dead family members, but not at such a young age and to see the life in their eyes die right when they did...that was wrong for any child to see.
"I'm afraid you don't know the half of it my dear. For you see...right after Inuyasha saw his mother die and the smoke from the fire within the house appeared...Inuyasha went ballistic causing him to transform into a berserker state and killed a vast majority of the villagers here," said Hiroshi making everyone's mouth's open in shock at the news of such things.
"You mean he transformed into something like a full demon with blood red eyes, claws, and fangs?" said Sango curiously as they had all seen it before in Inuyasha, but under different circumstances.
"Why yes! However, I believe that Inuyasha had some form of control even though he didn't realize it at the time. Tell me has he done it before in front of you?" said Hiroshi who was surprised that they had experienced something like this with Inuyasha.
The group didn't speak for a moment even though the silence probably gave Hiroshi the answer he needed to hear. It was then that Sang decided to speak in Inuyasha's defense since he wasn't here and Kagome wasn't sticking up for him even though the girl should have for all the times she would "sit" him for mild discretion that one would consider to be affectionate in some cases. "Its not that Inuyasha attacked us or anything in that form it's just his sword keeps it at bay and if he's severely injured and without it then it comes out as a last resort to protect him even though it does more harm then good," said Sango seeing Shippo as well as Miroku nod their heads as well and if Kilala were here with them the demon slayer was sure that her little friend would agree with them too.
Kagome was the only one who didn't nod her head in agreement, but instead frowned slightly as she drank some of here drink that came with her meal. "I take it from your current action and the lack of you do not agree with the demon slayer's assessment young lady?" said Hiroshi watching the girl in strange clothing turn her head to look at him and right away he knew he was correct as those eyes held a similar look like the villagers did for Inuyasha all those years ago.
"Maybe. I mean Inuyasha is always so itching for a fight and always being his own brash self that I can't help wonder if he did transform again would he actually her me or anyone else in our group. I guess that's why I haven't taken off the rosary around his neck yet," said Kagome as she was still thinking about how glad she was that Inuyasha wasn't listening to the conversation.
Unknown to her or the others Inuyasha with a bandaged hand was hearing all of this quite clearly in the next room through thin wooden walls. 'Kagome never trusted me! After all the...the times that I saved her miserable life...and was kind and loving to her...and for WHAT? 'Inuyasha sit!' here and 'Inuyasha sit!' there! I am not her personal toy of a pet anymore. If she wants to be with someone have them be her pet she can go play with Koga for all I care. Hell I bet he would enjoy knowing him,' thought Inuyasha who was seething in anger at hearing her words.
He wasn't the only one as Kilala had heard Kagome's words clearly and had it not been for the fact she was in Inuyasha right arm close to him was possibly the only reason right now. 'That bitch!' thought Kilala as she bared her teeth unknowingly and she imagined tearing the girls face apart with great satisfaction.
Hiroshi decided to speak at that moment to let his opinion as well as wisdom be heard by the others. "I see. So not only to you not trust Inuyasha, but you wish to control him and make him your slave?" said Hiroshi as he wanted to see the girl's reaction to his question though he knew the answer.
"No! Please it's not like that it's just...just...," said Kagome, but she knew there was no excuse for keeping Inuyasha bound to those beads though Hiroshi decide to proceed to speak where she had stopped.
"Its just that you don't want to give up your control over him and the power he has that makes him your pet, slave, and your tool all in one. (Kagome gasps in shock) It's not surprising as with most people who have power are afraid to lose it. In terms of Inuyasha through the rosary he is your power as well as protection and you are afraid to lose what he possess that ironically you dislike. Should I stop while I'm ahead or should I continue to prove just how much you secretly want Inuyasha to stop being a half-demon," said Hiroshi in calm yet stern voice making Kagome fidget where she was sitting and getting angry glares from everyone in the room as they now knew the truth.
While outside the room or more precisely the doors leading into a now seemingly beyond angry Inuyasha put Kilala down and reached for the door to open it, but stopped in a very surprisingly move even for himself as he then looked down at Kilala who like him was furious with Kagome after discovering the truth. "Kilala...(Kilala looks up) I need you to go inside and stay with the others I have to go outside and clear my head. I'll comeback when I feel better okay because right now...I can't go back in their and if I do...I don't I can control my rage. I see you later," said Inuyasha in silent voice as he kneeled down to Kilala petting her and giving her small kiss on the head making the little cat demon blush as Inuyasha left without another word to dwell on his sorrow in the depths of the current moonless night.
(A/N: All right people its time for a small Author's Note as this is VERY important thing that need to be discussed. Okay as you know I ask for votes on the next fic that I would be writing and upon waiting I have received 4 votes for an Inuyasha fic and 1 vote for a Naruto fic. (Of course Inuyasha won out) Now the thing is I got mixed wants for my Inuyasha fic as most wanted it to be an Inuyasha/Sango or Inuyasha/Kilala (HA! I knew you guys were out their) fics and not an Inuyasha/Kikyo fic. However, in a previous review as I was told I was the author so I create the fic for this. before with my previous story Blood Moon Prophecy (if you haven't read it you must) I am going to make the relationship of this story be placed in YOUR hands. That's right as before you guys get to vote through your reviews (or PM's) on the romantic pairings as they will be the options of Inuyasha/Kikyo, Inuyasha/Sango, and Inuyasha/Kilala. As it stands I am (what's the word I want?) swaying towards an Inuyasha/Kikyo side as their will be some form of...romance between the two early on. Possibly the next chapter if I make it long enough. Still after that it's all open game and votes will be tallied somewhere in the 4th maybe 5th chapter depending on how many people review.)
Next Chapter: Inuyasha leaves the area as he goes to the forest and confronts someone from the past while Hiroshi tells everyone what he saw when Inuyasha went...psychotic. BUM BUM BUUUUUUM!