DisclaimerI don't own FF8. I own the video game and I play it...a lot, but I don't really own the ideas.

Chapter 1 - Crash.

It was one of the best times of my life. Just me and Squall on a motocycle, running through the city streets of Timber. My hometown never looked more beautiful as it did whizzing by at midnight. I was wearing Squall's only helmet and his beautiful, brown hair was blowing straight back. I leaned my head on his leather jacket and smiled.

"I love you, Squall." I didn't know if he heard me or not, but it seemed like he knew. & I knew he loved me. Nothing felt better in the world then knowing by someone, that you're loved. It was a time for celebration anyway. Today was Squall's birthday, and the only thing he wanted was to go on a ride at midnight with his one and only. Me.

We were laughing, and believe me, Squall's laugh has always been the most blissful sound to me in the world. I could never, ever feel safer then just like this with my arms around Squall's waist. Even speeding around in the dark I felt nothing bad could ever happen.

He sped up, I clung tighter. We were approaching the bridge. I looked out and I saw the beautiful water reflecting the stars and the moon. Could life be any better. At the end of the bridge, it looked darker then usual. Then all of a sudden...


Next thing I knew the motorcycle was being hit by some type of car and me and Squall went flying off. I cringed every moment I was in the air knowing that the ground would soon come. My arms let go of Squall.


I blunk and looked around. It was still dark, but headlights from that car illuminated the road just enough to see where I was. I tried to move my arm. It shot pain down my spine. My leg felt like it was on fire. The ground was wet as if I had landed in a puddle. Slowly I lifted my other hand up in front of my eyes.

It was red. I was literally laying in my own blood.

Damnit. Where's Squall?

I looked around and I saw another puddle along with what looked like a limp body. With my remaining arm and leg I dragged myself over to where he was.

"Squall..." I managed to say. He didn't move. I took my arm and shook him. He slightly trembled.

"Rinoa...?" I tried to smile. By now I was crying. The man in the car was on his phone, hopefully calling an ambulance. I turned Squall over and I couldn't believe it. His head was covered in blood, perhaps soaked would be a better word. He had a huge scrape on his chin and his leather jacket was ripped and almost torn apart. His eyes started to close.

"No Squall, stay awake. Please. For me." I couldn't allow him to lose conciousness. I wouldn't be safe if he were taken away. I put my only moving arm under his and held on tight. Safety seemed to be slipping away.

"I'm sorry Rinoa."

"For what?"

"I'm supposed to protect you...I promised you I would." I smiled. Squall always blames himself for the irrelevant, inevitable, and impossible.

"I'm not banged up too bad. It's not your fault. If you would've worn your own helmet you'd be feeling a lot better right now." He laughed. I was blessed to hear that as the sirens of the red ambulance came rolling up. I felt his light breathing as his eyes were closing. They first took him out of my arms onto the stretcher.

"Don't take him away..." I knew I had lost a lot of blood and they thought I'd be delirious. Maybe I was, but I knew without him I wouldn't be safe. They lifted me up too and put me in a seperate ambulance.

"Don't worry mam', you'll be fine." I shook my head.

"Only Squall can keep me safe." I fell asleep, whether it be from exhaustion or blood loss.

For a moment I was in peace.

Alright, so second FanFic! I Love FF8, it's my favorite video game, along with FF9. This story is gonna be soo cute. I'm probably going to be writing it for a while now. I'd appreciate any Reads and Reviews... This is a story I just thought of while I was laying down...so I hope you'll like it.