A/N: Okay, the last chapter took longer than expected. I think I'm going to update faster since it's school holiday, WOOT! Well, here's the next chapter for Know Your Stars. The next person to be up that stage is Momoshiro Takeshi!

Victim Three: Momoshiro Takeshi

Like Ryoma, some of Tezuka's merchandise was sold to numerous fan girls. Only instead of posters, the evil voice sold Tezuka's permanent record on the spot and on eBay. Who would've thought that anyone will buy permanent school records. It got a very positive response from Tezuka's fan clubs especially.

Tezuka was humiliated that he didn't came out of the bathroom right after the show was over. Poor thing. It was unlucky for him that the Know Your Stars crews are also a Prince of Tennis fanatic.

The stage was dark once again. The director was empty. Waiting for its next victim to be tortured.

Momo, was oblivious that the walls had magically clear up a path for him to follow.

"Ah, Harahetta!" he whined," This maze is killing me!" though the walls had clear up, he's still circling around at the same spot.

Only one way to solve this problem.

After a while, a sweet smell of hamburgers filled the air. Being the food-lover he is, Momo sniffed it right away.

"Huh?" he sniffed," FOOD!"

He, then, followed the smell that led him straight to the stage, and the chair. On the chair was a tray filled with mouth watering, delicious looking hamburgers.

"AH! Come here my love!" he exclaimed. He quickly dives in for the hamburgers. But, alas, he couldn't touch the delicious hamburgers.

"Eh? What happened?" he tries to pick up the burgers again, but failed miserably.

"I can tell you," said a voice suddenly.

"Who's there?" Momo asked, spinning around to figure out where that voice came from.

"I'm up here," the voice said.

"Where? I can't see you," Momo was now confused.

"You cannot see me. No one can," the voice explained.

"Oh, so you're a ghost," after realizing what he had just said," YOU'RE A GHOST! ARGGH!"

Momo screamed at the top of his lung.

"Calm down! I'm not a ghost," said the voice.

"You're not?" Momo stopped screaming.

"Wow! You're much denser than I thought," the voice commented.

"Watch it dude!" warned Momo.

"I'm a girl! It's Chie by the way," the voice introduced herself.

(A/N: I should've done that from the beginning.)

"Yeah, Chie. Why can't I touch the pretty burgers?" Momo asked.

"Pretty, burgers?" Chie raised her eyebrows.

"What? I think they're pretty," Momo defended himself.

"Okay, issues. By the way, they're holograms," Chie explained.

"What's a hologram?" Momo asked. Chie slapped her forehead a few times.

"This boy knows nothing! Except for food!" Chie yelled, getting annoyed. Momo just stared at the hologram blankly.

"Sit down Momo," Chie commanded.

"The pretty holo-thingy burgers will be ruined!" he protested.

"Just sit, dammit!" Momo quickly sat on the director chair.

"Know Your Stars, Know Your Stars, Know Your Stars.." Chie's voice echoed.

"Momoshiro Takeshi, he's part human, part robot, part pickle," Chie started.

"I'm not part robot or pickle. I don't even like pickle," he replied.

"Whatever you say, Robo-pickle boy,"


"Momoshiro Takeshi, he's a murderer," Chie continued.

"Am not! I'm not a killer."

"Oh? Then why do you eat your own family?"

"I don't eat people!" he retorted.

"Who says about people? You're part pickle. You eat pickle. You eat your own family," Chie shot back.

"I don't eat pickles!" he shouted.

"Yeah, you do! Everyday! Lots of them," Chie stated.

"No, I don't! The only thing I ate a lot is burgers!"

"Didn't you know that burgers have pickles in them?"

"Really? Arggh!" Momo returned to his hysteria state.

"Sit down! Momoshiro Takeshi, he hates Tachibana Ann,"

"I don't hate her," a blush starts to creep up Momo's face.

"Then you like her," Chie teased.

"I don't like her," he replied timidly.

"You don't like me?" Ann appears from the back, looking shocked, angry.

"Yes! I got Ann all to myself!" Kamio starts dancing at the back.

"No, Ann. I like you," the audience starts to ooooooh. Momo realizes this.

"I don't like her that way!" he protested. Ann came up to him and slapped him right in the face.

"Ouch! That's gotta hurt!" said Chie.

"Why did you do that for?" asked an embarrassed and angry Momo.

"Its fun," Chie replied with a grin," Besides, Kamio paid me to."

"He did what?"

"Ookay! Moving on. Momoshiro Takeshi, wishes that he was in Fudoumine instead of Seigaku, so that he could flirt with Ann," Chie starts again.

"That's not true!"

"Momo, how could you betray us!" said Eiji who appeared out of nowhere.

"I- I can't stand it," said Oishi who also appeared out of nowhere.

"Fsshh! Traitor," said Kaidoh.

"Where are you all come from!" Chie yelled, but seeing they all were ganging up on Momo," That's okay, continue."

"MOMO! YOU BAKA! BABY!" clearly that was Taka-san with his racquet.

"Momo, you'll regret this!" the blue-eyed tensai glares sharply at him.

"It's a lie! She's lying! Don't listen to her!" Momo tries to deny it.

All of them shot menacing death glares towards him. Ryoma and Tezuka weren't there for obvious reason. Inui's disappearance is still a mystery.

"Look at what you did! Now they all hate me! It's all your fault!" he starts pointing his finger. Suddenly there were those moving stage lights.

"And the Emmy for Best Evil Announcer goes to drum rolls Chie from Know Your Stars Prince of Tennis!" said a voice out of nowhere.

"Thank you, thank you! I promise to keep up my evilness level for future victims," Chie gave her award speech. Then there was an applause from the audience.

"That's was weird," said Momo.

"At least I'm not part pickle," Chie replied.


"Hay is for horses," said Chie.

"That's it! I'm gonna beat you up until to pulp!" Momo held his racquet, which he got it out of nowhere. Where does all this stuff come from anyway?

"Aww, that's cute! Another one tries to kill me," said Chie.

"You're going to get killed!" shouted Momo.

"That's adorable. But no one had ever succeeded," Chie said darkly. Momo stepped back.

"Now you know, Momoshiro Takeshi! Part human, part robot, part pickle, murders his own family, hates Ann and wishes that he was in Fudoumine instead of Seigaku, so that he could flirt with Ann!" Chie finishing the last line.

"Not true! Not true!" Momo starts to run around until people from the mental hospital caught him.


A/N: Yes! The third victim! I love doing Momo's. But there's someone I love even more to torture.

Next Time! The blue-eyed tensai never saw this coming! FUJI SYUSUKE, prepare yourself!