A One Tree Hill Reunion

By Maureen M. Sullivan

"Lucas, wait! Lucas!" Brooke said as Lucas dragged her down the hall of Tree Hill High School. "Where are we going? We're going to be late for graduation."

"No we won't." Lucas disagreed. "This will only take a few minutes."

"What will?"" Brooke asked as Lucas opened the door to an empty classroom and pulled her inside. "Lucas, what—

Lucas interrupted her with a kiss. Brooke kissed him back, but then stopped to ask, "Wait, did you bring in here just so we could make out?"

Lucas smiled and nodded his head, "Yep."

Brooke stared at him seriously only for a moment before she smiled and said, "Works for me."

They continued to make out as they moved over to an empty, wide teacher's desk while still kissing. Brooke pushed Lucas away again.

"Should we be doing this in here?" She asked as Lucas wiped his lips. "Not that I don't want to, believe me, I am so totally hot for you right now, but you do remember the last time we snuck into an empty classroom to make out, right?"

"Oh yeah." Lucas smiled. "That was great."

Brooke smacked him playfully. "We got like two weeks detention because of that."

"Yeah, but it was worth it, don't you think? Lucas moved some of Brooke's hair behind her ear. "And besides, everyone is outside getting ready for the ceremony. No one will catch us, and even if they did, it's not like they could give us detention. We're graduating today."

"Good point."

"Don't worry. We're not going to get caught."

But just as he leaned in to kiss her again, the door opened and Brooke and Lucas looked over and saw Haley, Nathan, Peyton, Jake, and Mouth all staring at them.

"Well," Jake said smiling, "It looks like we found them."

"Hey guys." Brooke said as she hopped off the desk she'd been sitting on.

"You guys never give it up, do you?" Haley asked.

"Yeah." Peyton joined in, "Didn't you two learn your lesson the last time?"

"I guess not." Lucas replied before kissing Brooke again.

"Okay guys, break it up." Nathan said.

""Yeah, we're going to be late for graduation." Mouth added before they all left the building for their graduation ceremony outside.

After about an hour and 45 minutes of the principal's speech, the guest speaker, the valedictorian (which had been Mouth) and the handing out of diplomas, the Tree Hill High graduation ceremony was almost through. All that was left was the closing remarks.

"Before the ceremony comes to a close," the principal spoke again, "There are a few more things I would like to say. I have been a part of Tree Hill High School for several years and have therefore seen many unique classes had a number of bright young minds within it.

"But out of all the classes I've watched pass through here, I've never met a brighter group of students. And as sad as I am to see them leave here, I know that their time here was well spent and their education well earned. I know that each and every one of these remarkable individuals has a great future waiting for them. So I advise you all to take every possible opportunity that comes your way because you never know how it may change your life.

"It has been wonderful teaching you all and I offer you my congratulations and best wishes as you continue your education, your careers and your lives. Make the most of what you have and don't take anything for granted. Now I'm sure you're all ready to throw up your hats and get the heck out of here, so I'll stop droning on and let you get to your favorite part of the ceremony, the end."

The crowd chuckled and the principal continued, "So students, if you will all please stand and let your families get one more look at you with your classmates as high school students, we can finally bring your high school career to an end."

The students all stood in front of the stage. Lucas, Brooke, Nathan, Haley, Peyton, Jake, and Mouth all stood together, ready to throw up their hats.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the principal continued, "family and friends, here they are, the graduating class of 2006. Congratulations everyone, you did it!"

As soon as congratulations were uttered, the large group of students threw up their hats and the crows applauded. And in the background, some sort of alarm was going off and getting louder and louder…

Brooke lifted her head from her pillow and hit the snooze button on her alarm. She closed her eyes again, but a few minutes later, a short, blue eyed little girl with shoulder length brown hair wearing purple, silky pajamas with butterflies on them and wearing matching slippers, came running into the bedroom and over to Brooke's bed. She leaned in closely to her mother's face.

"Mommy?" She whispered.

Even though she could hear her daughter, Brooke did not answer. So Lilly ran to the foot of the bed, climbed on to the oak trunk sitting in front and crawled onto the bed and over to Brooke's back side.

"Mommy?" She whispered again in her mother's ear. "Are you awake?"

Brooke smiled. She couldn't help but smile. Her daughter had the cutest little girl voice. And she did this every morning since she had reached three years old and had learned to climb out of her crib. This routine of Lilly coming in to wake her up, Brooke looked forward to every morning when she hit that snooze button.

"Come on, Mommy. I know you're awake." Lilly said just before the alarm went off again. Lilly leaned over and turned it off. Before she could return to her spot, however, Brooke started tickling her stomach, making Lilly giggle hard and Brooke sat up while she tickled.

"Stop, Momma, stop!" Lilly giggled. "That tickles. Stop, Momma, please!"

Brooke stopped tickling Lilly and lifted her onto her lap.

"Finally you waked up, Mommy. I been waitn' for you to."

"I'm sorry, sweetie." Brooke said. "I was dreaming."

"About what?"

"About your daddy, mostly."

"Do you have lots of dreams about my daddy?"

"Yeah, we meet each other in my dreams and we talk."

"What do you talk about?" Lilly asked inquisitively.

"We talk about lots of things, like where we are, where we've been, or our friends, or you even."

"You talk about me?"

"Are you kidding?" Brooke hugged her daughter. "You are our favorite subject."

"That's 'cause I'm so cute!"

Brooke laughed and kissed Lilly's cheek. "Yes, you are."

"So what are we gonna do today, Mommy?"

"Well, we have a lot to do now that we are home from California. First thing we need to do is stop by my store and let my workers know I'm back. Then we are going to meet everyone at grandma's café. And after lunch, we are going to go shopping with your aunts."

"Yay!" Lilly threw her fists into the air and climbed off the bed. "I'm gonna go get dressed."

"Wait, do you want me to help you pick out your clothes?"

Lilly turned around and said, "Mommy, I am almost five now. I can pick out my clothes. I totally know what's cute."

Brooke smiled as Lilly went running for her bedroom next door. She climbed out of bed, walked over to her dresser and stood in front of the mirror. She watched herself yawn before looking down at a picture on her dresser. She picked up the picture of Lilly in white tights, a pink leotard, and a pink tutu; smiling the same smile Brooke always smiled.

Then Brooke spoke, "You were right, Lucas. She's the perfect mix of both of us. She's caring and compassionate and loves reading like you, and she's cheerful and stubborn and loves shopping like me."

Brooke thought about her late husband for a minute before Lilly's voice interrupted.

"Mommy! I need your help!"

Brooke laughed and set the frame back on the dresser before leaving her bedroom for her daughter's.