This is my first yaoi fic, And I really don't know what to say about it.
I don't own Gorillaz, or yaoi, or anything, I AM NOTHING! (sobs)
"Oh man I had way too much to drink last night," Ben said as he was waking from the alchohol induced sleep.
He looked around, "Wait, this isn't my room," he said, as he looked around he saw many keyboards, a three screened TV.
"oh god please don't tell me I am where I think I am," he looked over next to him. And he saw what he had feared, a blue haired,
20-some year old man, "SON OF A BITCH!" he yelled.
Ben had tried to stop drinking so much, he thought it would ruin his image. He lived in Minnesota (Which is probably why he was so suprised)
and went to a bar the night before, and had gotten so drunk he couldn't even remember walking into the bar.
The Gorillaz were just done with a concert and 2D had gone to the same bar because he had herd that the drinks were great, and found Ben unconcious on the floor.
2D, being the idiot he was (and slightly drunk too) decided to take Ben to the hotel to take care of him.
Ben was still drunk when he woke up to 2D staring at him with those empty onyx eyes.
Now three problems complicated the situation...
1. Ben was very drunk, and admired the Gorillaz (Especially 2D)
2. Ben was Bisexual
3. 2D was also pretty drunk
"are you okay?" 2D asked, Ben responded "Never better," as he gazed into 2D eyes. Ben was extremely aroused at the fact that 2D had no shirt on.
The truth was that 2D was just changing when Ben woke up, 2D thought that Ben was the most handsome man he had ever seen (Being drunk of course)
and walked up to him, "same 'ere" 2D responded, and leaned in and kissed him. Ben then wrapped his arms around 2D and opened his mouth, letting D's tongue lazily massage his, Ben moaned in pleasure upon feeling this. they both felt the bulge in each others' pants and soon took them off, and pretty soon both were naked in bed.
But not much else resulted as far as Ben knew, he couldn't remember any more.
And now he was in bed with the singer of the Gorillaz, in his room at Kong in Essex!
After he yelled, 2D obviously woke up startled, thinking it was Murdoc about to beat him up, but instead found an 18-year old boy in his bed naked,
yelling, "Whoa what va fuck!" he said, "My thoughts exactly," Ben said as he stood up, looking for something to wrap himself in, "Now where the hell am I "
Brad asked, "Your in Essex" 2D responded, "Aw shit! how'd I get fuckin here!", "I don' know, las' I 'member I found you pass' out in a bar" 2D responded, he hadn't exactly expect to find a teen wearing no clothes in his bed with him, but was slightly aroused at the thought. "aw man, I don't know how I'm going to forgive myself for this!" He checked his pockets, "Oh this is not good," Ben said, "what's not good?" 2D asked, after a second he felt pretty stupid to ask that question. Ben just gave him a wierd look and said "My fuckin wallet's gone, I have no money! How am I going to get back home! I don't even have clothes." "Well you can borrow some of mine," 2D responded, "Okay, thanks 2D,"
2D watched as Ben grabbed 2D's "Hello Kinky" shirt and said "I'm gonna take a shower."
Brad hadn't noticed but 2D was exremely aroused at Ben taking a shower.
wow, I mean just, wow...