Hey this is my first fanfiction so if it sounds super gay let me know ok? OK? So LET ME FUCKING KNOW! my friends thought it cool so help me out what do you think?

Disclaimer: I do not own inuyasha...Yet (lawyers all turn around?) What was that? nothing , nothing

Sisters, best friends forever?

Character Introduction

Kikyo- popular, headcheerleader, and dating most popular guy and jock Inuyasha

Inuyasha-popular, rich, heir to Takahashi Corps, dating Kikyo

Kagome - Kikyo's sister, who just moved back with her father from New York City, Rich and Kikyo hater

Sango- Co captain of cheer, Kikyo hater, and has a crush on inuyasha's bestfriend Miroku

Miroku - Jock, Inuyasha's bestfriend, and a very perverted guy

Chapter 1 – Kagome's arrival

It was a normal day at Shikon High. Kikyo was cheering while kissing Inuyasha, Miroku was groping ladies including Sango, and Sango was just slapping Miroku. That was until a brand-new Black BMW X3 pulled into a parking slot, which caught everyone's attention. Because you don't see expensive, new cars like that unless Inuyasha was driving his car. Everyone waited silently while that person got out of the car. Then a girl who looked just like Kikyo stepped out of the car. But she dressed in black baggy pants with chains everywhere, a black t-shirt that says 'don't piss me off I am running out of places to bury bodies', with black and red vans, a chain chocker, wearing black eyeliner, wearing black gel bracelets, and her hair was with long red bangs in the front and a short Hair cut in the back. They watched as she came out and grabbed her book bag and skateboard. Sango noticing the awkward silence and decided to break it by, stopping the girl and saying," who are you?" The girl said, "well I'm Kagome and I just transferred here from New York City, and why the hell is everyone staring at me?" Just as Sango was about to respond Kikyo said "Kagome is that really you?" .Kagome responded by saying who else would I be." "Well why is everyone staring get back to what you were doing Kagome sister let me introduce you to everyone."

Kikyo ran up to the car, grabbed Kagome by the wrist, and dragged her to the group. Kagome tried to keep up with her as she began to twist her wrist.

"Kagome this is My Boyfriend Inuyasha, just as I described in my letters, his perverted friend Miroku, and that's it!"

Sango stood there red with fury whispered under her breath "bitch, you are such a bitch"

Kikyo was so excited that she stated to crowd Kagome in asking questions like what was it like in New York City, were there a lot of hot guys there, did someone get shoot in a burglary, and if she was going out with someone, and how was the flight to Japan.

But before Kikyo asked another question Kagome got frustrated with her,"KIKYO WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP, you really haven't changed have you?" Kikyo in a silent scared voice" What do you mean?" "What do you mean, what do you mean, you are such a blabber mouth, that's why I decided to go and live with my father in New York while you and your father and mother stayed here in Tokyo!" "So you did pick up some traits from your father, huh Kagome!" "What do you mean?" "You are just like your father, that's why mother left him because he was always yelling at her!" "You know Kikyo I never liked you because you were just a little Fucking bitch who ruled over everyone's lives, you were just a brat, well you need to grow up ok!" "And you need to shut up and chill!" Just then and there, the bell rang.

Kagome so angry and frustrated with Kikyo turned and stormed off to head to class. Sango stood there speechless, till she came to her senses and ran after Kagome yelling,"Kagome! Hey Kagome! Wait up! I want to talk to you." Kagome stopped and waited for Sango to catch up. Kikyo stood there tearing, than all of a sudden she fell to her knees. Inuyasha kneeled down to comfort her as she sobbed. "Kikyo don't let her get to you she is way younger than you are" "Inuyasha how would you know how old she is?" "Because she looked younger" Kikyo looked Inuyasha straight in the eye and said "She is the same age as you but younger by a few months." Inuyasha speechless looked in Kagome's direction. is she serious, Kagome looks younger than Kikyo

Kagome so frustrated yelled at Sango "Where the HELL is the office!" "D-d-down the h-h-hall to y-y-your left" Sango stuttered. Kagome marched into the office and through the door open with a loud BANG that the door nearly fell off its hinges. The secretary horrified, jumped up from typing on the computer. "GIVE ME MY DAMN SCHEDULE OR I WILL REALLY LOSE IT!" Kagome yelled at the top of her lunges. The secretary assuming who it is gave Kagome her schedule as she sat back down quietly. Kagome walked out of the office to find a terrified Sango .Kagome stood there realizing what she did and silently said "Oh.. well I am sorry that I yelled at you, my sister Kikyo always gets on my nerves, by the way my name is Kagome, what's yours?" "Sango" She said quietly. Kagome looked at her schedule and asked "what do you have first hour?" "P.E. you?" "That is wicked awesome I have P.E. next too!" Kagome shouted. "read me your schedule" Kagome took her paper and read it off slowly "1st P.E., 2nd Social studies, 3rd English, 4th Algebra, 1st lunch, 5th Homeroom ,6th Art, 7th reading, 8th study hour, and 9th Home economics. Than I have Skater competition to go to after school" "whoa hold on one second, your schedule is the same as mine but I have nothing after school so maybe I'll go with you to your skater competition." Sango said. "Cool!" Kagome said with glee. "Check your locker number," Sango said. "It's 8573" "Damn it's on the other side of the school, mine is in this hallway" "oh.. well would love to chit chat and all but we should get to 1st period" Kagome said. "yea your right we need to go get changed for P.E., come on lets go" Kagome followed Sango to the Girls Locker room.

How could she do that to Kikyo, Kagome Is gonna pay for that Inuyasha thought as he walked to the boys P.E. lesson.

But Kikyo deserved it

No she didn't

You like kagome admit

no I don't I like that wench, although I have to admit she was pretty and I love her attitude and she looks awesome looking like AAGGHHH WHAT AM I THINKING

Admit it you love Kagoooomeee

Shut up STUPID!

ha you just called yourself stupid!

who are you and what are you talking about

I am you conscience and I exist in you head


Ha you just called yourself an IDIOT!

(A/N. don't you just love mental arguments)

Inuyasha shook those thoughts out of his head and countiued walking to P.E. "Inu-Baby, wait for me!" He heard a voice cry out loud as stopped and turn around to see Kikyo in her P.E. uniform still a little red from all the tears earlier.

There that was my fisrt chrappy so i need atleast 15 ideas for the next chrappy and 63498632496324 reviews PLzzz...bonk sorry i apolidize... my sister bonked me on the head for writing 63498632496324 reviews, SOOO i just need 15 reviews Or no next chrappy!