His eyes were so empty…

His body so cold…

His heart so lonely…

His home was so dark…

His walls so quiet…

His garden so lifeless…

His smiles were so rare…

His insults so familiar…

His love so foreign…

Crying for him is a natural thing for me, it comes so easily…

Yearning for him is a selfish thing, wanting something I can't have…

Smiling for him is something I feel he needs…something I can't seem to stop doing…

I want to be your friend…

I want your trust…

I want your love…

I want to be in your presence all days of the weeks…

I want to be the reason for your happiness…

I want to know what you expect of me…

I want to be what you expect of me…

I want your approval, I want to be the type of girl you admire, or at least acknowledge.

I want many things don't I? Guess I'm just selfish…but I can't help it…you didn't ask me to, but I fell in love with you, and now I can't stop…

And you know what really hurt? That when you look at me, you never see anything, just an annoyance.

I became strong to prove I can do something useful, but I also became strong to show I could be someone you could approve of.

I was wrong. You would never approve me would you? Too bad I don't really care, I don't want your approval, I want your love.

Just a small collection of one-shots I am starting based around the pairing SasuSaku.

This particular one was centered a little with the return of Sasuke in the manga, but mostly Sakura's thoughts of Sasuke throughout the show/manga.

Please review, leave a comment, critique, etc.

Until Next Time,
