AN: Whoa…here I am, with the epilogue of Two Brothers! (I know, about time) Well, here it is!


"Lord, please bless this day…"

Bakura tuned out the droning priest and glanced at the surroundings again. He had picked this place out specifically for Ryou. The clearing had great trees resembling cherry blossoms, but with white petals, surrounding all sides. Fall had just started, but petals covered the ground, giving the place a seemingly 'innocent' look.

He had to stare at the ground. He couldn't bring himself to look at the coffin.

Ryou, if only you knew…

"It's nothing," he blurted, feeling the flare of pain burn his insides. Ryou's eyes started watering. He hated seeing Ryou cry, so he quickly said, "Aw, Ryou, you're such a crybaby. C'mon, food! Let's grab some grub before sis eats it all."

He turned around and tried to trudge down the hall.

"Arigato, niisan," he heard.

Then a small hand slipped itself into Bakura's.

Bakura glanced down at his brother. He smiled.

I know I didn't smile and laugh as much as you…but…

Ryou grinned. "Niisan, I'm glad you're my brother."

Bakura felt really pleased at knowing he was doing something right. "I'm glad you're my brother, too."

Even though I didn't act like it sometimes…I was really happy, Ryou.

"Whatever. We just don't want the little puny guy."

Bakura saw Ryou's shoulders sag. He wanted to punch that punk's nose in! Instead, he gave a lop-sided grin and patted Ryou on the head. "I ain't playing on anyone's team if my little brother isn't on my team."

Just seeing Ryou's elated face was enough to make his day.

I'm going to miss you, little brother.


As everyone turned to leave, after paying their respects, Marik alone saw Bakura. He stood rigidly, gazing behind the priest, near the edge of the clearing.

He was smiling softly, silently crying.

There, half in the shadows, half in the light, a soccer ball glinted in the sunlight.

AN: Finished…I re-edited chapters two and six a little bit…I hope the epilogue wasn't too short. Hoping you liked it! Please review!