This is story I'm entering in the Ron July short story contest. This story takes place the morning after STD. I decided to do a Mr. and Mrs. Dr. P relationship story. Hope you all enjoy it. I don't know what Mrs. Dr. P.'s real name is so I borrowed one from a story I read a while back. Don't know the author though...Sorry.

I do not own Kim Possible or any of the characters, they are owned by the Walt Disney Company, even though they are not used to their fullest potential.


Kim awoke the morning after the junior prom and gazed out the window of her bedroom, the night had been a disaster until she found romance from an unexpected source named Ron Stoppable. She gazed out the window and then closed her eyes remembering the kiss at the end of the night; it wasn't a Josh Mankey mechanical well rehearsed kiss. This kiss had passion and yearning to it, a kiss that was unlike any she had ever received before and from of all people her best friend in the whole wide world Ron Stoppable. She still couldn't believe it.

Kim's thoughts were interrupted by her mother who knocked gently on the door, "You awake?"

Kim smiled and waived, "Yea, I'm up, I was just thinking about last night."

Her mother smiled and walked into the room and sat on the side of the bed, "So Ron was an OK date then?"

She smiled and nodded, "He was beyond the beyond."

Mrs. Dr. Possible smiled, "I figured he would be if someone would only give him a chance."

Kim laughed, "Well he has his chance now, I wish I would have spotted that he liked me…that way sooner."

Her mother smiled, "All the signs were there, you just had to look."

"All right rub it in why don't you…Mom, how did you know that dad was the right guy for you." Kim asked with a serious expression on her face.

Her mother let out a deep breath, "Well, hmmmm…I wasn't always this cool, I used to be sort of a shy mousey girl when I started college. I first spotted your dad at a mixer that one of the professional fraternities was sponsoring, he was geeky and awkward like me but he had a dashing sort of charm that came through if you looked hard enough."

Kim shook her head, "Mom, I've heard this story a million times."

Mrs. Dr. P. narrowed her blue eyes at her daughter, "You've heard the sanitized kids version…I think your old enough to hear the truth now."

Kim sat up in bed now willing to pay much more attention to her mother, "Oh"

Mrs. Dr. P. returned to her story, "It was 1982 and I was a freshman at Go City University, I was asked out on a date by a boy named Dean Daniels, he was a nice looking boy that drove a powder blue 74 cutlass supreme 4 door, but he had the manners of a troll."

Mrs. Dr. P. leaned her head back and began to relive her long ago memories. She was walking up the stairs being drug along by a boy with blonde hair that was wearing blue blazer that had sleeves that weren't quite long enough for his arms, tight jeans and a pair of converse high topped basketball shoes. The boy turned before they went inside and pulled her into a tight embrace and kissed her as though he were trying to suck her face off.

"You look great tonight Anne, that little mini skirt and that half shirt that says 'Virgin' is really making me hot, do me a favor though and lose the glasses, it ruins the whole effect." Dean told her forcefully.

Anne quickly took off her glasses and shoved them inside her purse, she could barely make out her reflection in the windows of the house, her red hair was pulled back into a pony tail and her white lacey gloves with the fingers cut out matched the lacey white socks and black shoes she wore. The Madonna look was the rage and young Anne Destructible had the look down solid.

Dean eyed her appreciatively, "You are so hot without those horn-rimmed glasses, maybe at the end of the night if your luck that shirt will say Virgin No More." He began to laugh at his own feeble joke.

Anne chuckled nervously and pulled her head into her shoulders, "I shouldn't have said yes to Dean when he asked me out, but I was tired of sitting around the dorm doing nothing."

She walked into the house and looked around, Dean took off to go flirt with some of the cheerleaders he spotted, and he was on the football team and figured he'd have a good shot dating someone closer to his food chain than Anne. When he asked Anne out it had taken her quite by surprise. Anne was flattered at first that he had asked her but once she found out what he was like, she had just wanted to get the evening over with.

Then it happened, she spotted him. He was taller than her and awkward in his suit he was with two other friends, she glanced around for Dean and then casually made her way over by where the tall dark haired boy was standing. She was hoping to catch his eye.

She didn't catch his but did catch his friend's eye, "Jim, that red headed girl is checking you out."

Jim looked surprised, and then looked at Anne who quickly turned away, "No she isn't…Ramesh your imagining things."

The Chinese boy shook his head, "No I think Rammie is right, she was looking you over."

"Chen, good looking gal like thataren't interested in physics majors like me." Jim Possible pointed out to his friend.

Chen smiled, "I don't think she was sizing you up for your major…Go introduce yourself."

Jim Possible shook his head, "No, I really think we should wait for Drew, he promised us he'd find dates."

Ramesh rolled his eyes, "Drew is a pathetic loser, he couldn't find his nose if it wasn't attached to his face…Go talk to her."

He looked at his two friends and nodded nervously and walked up to where the attractive red head was standing and cleared his throat, "Ummm…Hi, I'm Jim Possible."

Anne feigned surprise, "Oh, I'm Anne Destructible."

Jim Possible smiled and nodded, "Anne's a nice name, incoming freshman?"

She smiled and nodded, "Yea, I'm originally from Lawrence Kansas, I'm here on scholarship."

He smiled and nodded, "Me too, on scholarship that is, I'm from Butte Montana."

Anne batted her eyes at Jim, "So what's your major?"

Jim pulled himself up straight, "Physics, I'm hoping to become a rocket scientist and work for NASA…How about you?"

She smiled, "I'm going into medicine, and I'd really like to become a brain surgeon someday."

Jim smiled and cocked his head to one side, "Whoaaaaaa, hey…There's a lot of brains in brain surgery."

Anne giggled at Jim's attempt at a joke and this obviously pleased him, he looked up and heard music, "Would you like to dance?"

Anne nodded, "Yes" and the two went to the small dance floor and began dancing to Marvin Gaye's Sexual Healing.

She was having a wonderful time and Jim Possible was a very nice handsome boy. Anne however had completely forgotten about Dean Daniels but he had not forgotten about her. She felt a tug on the arm as she was yanked away from Jim Possible, "Get your own date loser."

Jim looked at her with shock and embarrassment written all over his face, "Sorry, didn't know she was with someone."

Dean then pulled Anne towards the exit and Jim was getting ready to return to his friends, but something told him to follow Anne, "This guy doesn't look like he's the right guy for this girl."

Dean had drug Anne to the parking lot as she was trying to pull out of his grasp, she was trying to explain what had happened but he didn't seem to care much about what she had to say.

He opened the back door to his car and shoved Anne in and began yanking on her miniskirt as she did her best to fight him off. Then she saw a hand on the collar of his jacket and he was yanked out of the car and thrown to the ground.

A familiar and welcome voice is what she heard next, "I think I heard her say NO."

Dean scrambled up off the ground and glared at Jim Possible, "You seen the way she was dressed, they're asking for it, they're all asking for it."

Then he swung at Jim and he moved to the left to avoid the blow, he slapped Dean on the side of the face with his left hand and then followed up with a right cross that Dean had no idea was headed his way.

To Anne's ears it sounded like a baseball bat hitting a ball, there was a loud crack and then Dean stumbled backwards a few feet and toppled over backwards unconscious.

Kim's eyes grew as large as saucers as she interrupted the story, "You mean dad knocked the goon out?"

Anne smiled and nodded, "Dropped him like a sack of potatoes."

Kim clapped her hands, "And that's when you knew dad was the right guy for you."

She shook her head, "No, not just yet…Anyway I was still in the backseat of the car trying to get myself together…I was upset and ashamed and then your father poked his head in the car and in a very gentle voice asked me if I…"

"Are you OK?" Jim Possible asked the red head tenderly.

Anne fought the urge to push past him and run, she tried to answer and then he held out a hand to her. She looked it over nervously before taking it. He helped her out of the car, "He didn't hurt you did he?"

She finally found her voice, "No, no…I'm sorry about all this…I saw you at the party and Dean ran off and I thought you looked very handsome and, and…."

Jim looked away she could tell he was blushing, "Ummm…well then umm…would you like to go back to the party?"

Anne looked at Dean as he lay sprawled out in the parking lot and shook her head, "No…I think I'd better get back to my dorm."

"Would you like me to walk you there?" He asked nervously.

"Uh huh, that would be nice." She replied still slightly dazed from the whole evening's events.

It was a warm September evening under a crescent moon as they headed away from the party, the air had a magical quality about it that Jim could not quite put his finger on, and yet there was something. He decided it was time to try and make small talk with the pretty red headed girl he had that he had only recently met, "Anne, can I ask you a question?"

"OK" she replied nervously.

"Your shirt, the whole 'Virgin' thing, I'm seeing a lot of them on campus…What's it mean? A part from the biblical meaning of course." He asked in a slightly embarrassed way.

Anne giggled, "It's the Madonna material girl fad, I listen to a lot of Madonna, Adam Ant, and when I'm in a dangerous mood sometimes the Ramones…What kind of music do you like?"

Jim smiled, "Whewwwww, wow, I was afraid it was a religious cult of some kind. Music, I guess I don't listen to very much music, Conway Twitty, Eddie Rabbitt, country I guess."

Then he thought about it some more and in a displeasing tone said, "Madonna…huh, show folk."

"Ohhhh I'm not much for them either, probably because they live by no recognizable moral code." She added quickly. "Jim, can I ask you something?" She said in return.

Jim nodded, "Sure, I'm an open book as they say."

Anne looked at him, "Where did you learn how to fight like that?"

He smiled, "Oh that was from living on a ranch with a rambunctious older brother, one thing I know how to do is throw a good punch."

She was amazed at how she could talk to him; she had never been this talkative with anyone in the past. She talked so much that they had walked past her dormitory, "Oh, I'm back over this way, I live in Donner Hall."

Jim pointed the other way, "Oh…I live down a ways in Liberty Hall. Can I ask you another question?"

Anne nodded and smiled at the wonderful new boy she had just met, "Yes"

He stopped walking and looked to his right and bit his lower lip and turned once again to face her, "Do you think we could see each other again? You know…for a date?"

She blushed and looked at the ground and shifted her weight nervously, "Yes…I think I would like that very much."

He let out a deep breath and smiled, "Whewww I've wanted to ask you that for the better part of this walk…but I was afraid a pretty girl such as yourself wouldn't be interested in me."

She smiled and then reached into her purse and pulled out her glasses and put them on, "I only took them off for the party, I don't get asked out much either."

"I have contacts; I was always too self conscious to wear glasses, older brother and all." Jim said sympathetically.

Anne smiled, "I want contacts but my dad says their just a fad."

Then James Possible did the unexpected, he put his hand under Anne's chin and lifted her gaze to meet his and then he bent down and kissed her. She kissed him back and folded herself into his body. He broke the kiss first but continued to hug her, "I'm very happy to have met you tonight Anne."

"I'm very happy to have met you too, Jim." She said as she gazed into his eyes from her now smeared horn rimmed glasses.

Kim stayed quiet as she watched her mother breathing deeply with her eyes closed remembering the moment. Finally she could contain herself no longer, she had to ask, "So that's when you knew dad was the right guy?"

Mrs. Dr. P. opened her eyes and nodded, "Ummmm hmmmm"

There was a knock at the door it was her father, "Kimberly, there's a young man waiting for you down in the living room with a very stupid grin on his face. You want me to have him wait or would you like him sent into a black hole?"

Kim narrowed her eyes at her father, "Ohhhhh Daddy, tell Ron that I'll be down in a minute."

Mrs. Dr. P.'s adoring gaze was transfixed to her husbands as he winked at her and left the room, "It's been nearly 25 years and he's still the right one."