Disclaimer: I do not own The Outsiders, S.E. Hinton does. I own my new character, Sunshine Curtis.

Authors Note: Alllllrighty! New story time! So this story is about Dally, where my other one is about Johnny. I hope this one is good, please review and tell me what you think!

Chapter One: The Curtis Family

Sitting on the front porch of our house in a chilly, crisp day in Autumn smoking a cigarette, I was waiting for my brother to wake up. It was early in the morning. I had just watched the sunrise.

I had three brothers, but two of them had already gotten up and gone to work. Sodapop and Darrel Curtis. Darry for short. Soda was my twin. My name is Sunshine. Sunshine Curtis. I was the only sister in the Curtis family, which made me the only girl. My parents were dead.

Anyway, I was waiting for my youngest brother Ponyboy to wake up. He was sleeping in, since it was a weekend and he didn't have to go to school. I never went to school. Soda and I are both dropouts. It's weird, I dropped out and I didn't know Soda dropped out too until the next day. We do things alike all the time. It's part of being twins.

In our house, we had a rule that the first person who wakes up has to make breakfast. That was usually Darry. Then the last two who woke up had to do the dishes. Today, Pony and I had to do the dishes. I figured I would do them, though. He didn't need any more responsibilities. He'd been through a lot in the last little while.

It started with Darry hitting him one night when he came home late. To make a long story a little shorter, him and Johnny, our gang's pet, went to the park, got beat up by some Socs, Johnny killed one of them so they hid in an abandoned church for a week with the help of another one of the gang, Dally, then the church caught fire and Johnny got burned and almost died. Then Ponyoby got beat up in a rumble, then he got really sick. So yeah, he's been through a lot.

Finally, when I was putting out my cigarette, Pony came out to the front porch, looking down as usual.

"Hey Pony," I said softly.

"Mornin', Sunny." He said and sat down beside me. Sunny was a nickname. Like Pony, Soda and Darry. He still didn't seem too happy.

I put my arm across his shoulders.

"You okay, Ponyboy?" I asked my kid brother.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said, not very convincingly. "So I guess we have to do the dishes, huh?" He asked.

"I'll do them, Ponyboy. You go relax, okay?" I said. He looked at me.

"Thanks, Sunshine." Then he went back into the house.

I sighed. That boy needed to cheer up. And coming down the street, I saw something that would help. Another one of our gang, Two-Bit Mathews.

"Hey Two-Bit!" I yelled down the street. He ran up and onto the porch.

"What's up Sunny?" He said.

"Nothin', go inside and cheer up Ponyboy while I do the dishes will ya?" I asked.

"Sure thing," He said, kissing me on the cheek like the guys do sometimes and went inside.

I laughed a little. Two-Bit should get a job.

Then I went inside and walked through the living room, where Two-Bit had Ponyboy in a headlock on the floor.

"Oh Two-Bit, we've talked about this, let him go," I said, stepping over them to get to the kitchen.

"What!" Ponyboy said, offended. Two-Bit let him go. "Sunny!" He whined. I just laughed at him. It's all part of being a big sister.

"Suck it up, Ponyboy!" I said, sticking my tongue out at him as I filled up the sink with water.

About 20 minutes later I was done the dishes and went to watch TV with Two-Bit and Ponyboy. They were watching Mickey Mouse, as Two-Bit always does. He was even wearing his Mickey shirt today.

"Hey, has anyone seen Johnny today?" Ponyboy asked.

"Nope," Me and Two-Bit said in unison.

"Wanna walk down to Johnny's house an' get him?" I asked the boys.

"Sure, let's go," Ponyboy said. So we left the house, and trudged down the street with out hands in our pockets toward Johnny's house. Pony tired to leave with just a t-shirt on but I made him put on a sweater.

Two-Bit and I were wearing black leather jackets.

Finally we got to Johnny's house and usually his parents are fighting, but currently all we could hear was silence. We walked around to the side of the house and looked up and Johnny's window.

"Johnny!" Ponyboy called quietly.

I picked up a rock and chucked it at the window. Johnny soon opened it and stuck his head out.

"Hey guys!" He whispered. "I'll be there in a sec!" He opened his window higher and stepped out onto the roof. Then he walked around the roof until he got to the porch. From there, he jumped onto the porch and then walked down the stars and over to us.

"Why didn't you just go through the house?" I asked him.

"My folks are passed out, I don't want 'em waking up an' yellin' at me," He explained.

We nodded in understanding. He was wearing his jean jacket.

"Is Dally with you guys?" He asked. We shook our heads.

"I don't even know where Dally is, do you guys?" Two-Bit said. I laughed.

"No, but he's probably in the cooler again," I scoffed.

"Well, that ain't very nice Sunny," Said a voice from behind me. I turned around and found myself looking Dallas Winston in the eye.

To tell you the truth, Dallas and I weren't too fond of each other. We disliked each other. Alright, we hated each other. He was a jerk. A mean, hot jerk. Oh God, did I just say that? Pretend I didn't.

"Hello Dallas," I said, glaring at him with my big gold eyes directly into his dark ones.

He just glared back. I stuck out my tongue at him and turned back to Ponyboy.

"Let's all go back to our house; it's too early to do anything else." I said. He nodded, so Ponyboy and I lead the way back to our house.

When we got there,Two-Bit sat and watched Mickey, Johnny and Dally sat on the couch and talked, and Ponyboy and I play-fought in front of the kitchen. I laughed as Pony took a swipe at me and I dodged it and slapped him on the leg.

I looked around for a second and Dally was staring at me. I was about to give him the finger when Ponyboy tackled me to the ground.

"Ow, you way like a million pounds!" I said. He just laughed. When he got up, I went into the kitchen to get everyone a piece of cake. Dally followed me into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

As I was getting the cake out of the fridge, Dally was sitting at the table drinking his water, and he said something so dirty I couldn't believe he hadn't been murdered by feminists yet. I glared at him.

"Dallas Winston, you disgust me!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

Johnny's P.O.V.

Dally followed Sunny into the kitchen, and I knew this wasn't going to turn out well. A little while later I was proven right, I heard Sunny yell,

"Dallas Winston, you disgust me!"

"You disgust me more!" Dally yelled right back.

I couldn't believe him. He'd always tell me how Sunshine was hot, and how "if the little broad didn't hate me so much I'd ask her out".

Yelling insults at a girl and saying dirty stuff to her face ain't how you get her to not hate you, much less go out with you, I thought.

Pony and Two-Bit had heard their yelling too and were looking at the kitchen. Sunny stormed out of the kitchen and sat in between Pony and Two-Bit, glaring at the TV, arms crossed over her chest.

Dally calmly walked out of the kitchen, grinning evilly.

I shook my head at him.

He looked at Sunny, scanning her up and down, then he grinned some more.

"I'll see you guys later," He said and strolled out of the house.

(A/N: Alright, first chapter of new story. If you want me to continue, review and tell me if it was good or not. Thanx)