Delilah and Julius Murder Mystery

Chapter 1

"I don't believe it."

"I know what you mean."

"It just seems so impossible."

"This hasn't happened since, well, this hasn't ever happened."

"This is just so…"





Truly there were no words to describe how pleased Delilah and Julius were with their entire month off. No missions, no training, nothing. Complete bliss.

"You know, its going to be a long month. Maybe we could go out…on a date? I know a nice restaurant on the other side of town." Said Julius. He had wanted to ask Delilah out for a long time now, but they were always busy. Life at the Academy is certainly never dull. Anytime he had become close to telling her how he feels about her, asking her out, or kissing her, there had always been some sort of interruption. This was finally his chance. He wasn't the only one excited about the date. Delilah had always known that he loved her, and she loved him too. How couldn't she? He was everything a girl could ever dream of. She was really looking forward to this break. "Pick me up at eight." She replied

They both thought happily to themselves, "This is going to be one hell of a month." They did not know how right they were.

Five hairstyles and twenty dresses later Delilah walked downstairs to see Julius waiting in a tux. They smiled at each other and headed to the car. Julius had to keep reminding himself to keep his eyes on the road and off Delilah while driving. They arrived at Chez la Rouge, one of the fanciest restaurants in town, took their seats, and ordered appetizers. He reached across the table and held her hands.

"I am so happy we finally have a chance to you know, go out like this." He told her

"Yeah, it's nice, we should do it again sometime."

There was a moment of silence, as they stared into each other's eyes. They started to lean into a kiss, when Julius' phone rang. It was Al.

"You and Delilah have to, like, come back to the Academy immediately. It's an emergency man."

"But Al, it's our break, and we're kind of, busy."

"Come here immediately, that's an order."

"Fine." And he hung up.

"What's the matter?" asked Delilah.

"We have to go back to the Academy."

"But it's our break."

"I know, come on, let's go."

Disappointed that their date was cut short, they headed back to the Academy. It was a long, silent ride home, both of them thinking, "What could be so urgent?". When they got back, they headed straight to Al's office. When they got there, all of the other academy agents were there, except Nosey. Everyone looked as confused as they were. After a long wait, Scarlett and Al came in with sad looks on their faces. "Follow me." Said Al. He led them to the stables, where everyone was horrified at what they saw.