My Dear Son

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh!

BE Dragon: I left you all in a big cliff hanger. Evil? I don't know. Funny? To me, yes. I don't know hy. It just was. Lol But don't worry! There should not be any cliff hangers in this chapter. But grab a box of tissues!


"I have made my decision." he said aloud.

Atem dug his nails into the desk in front of him as Mark leaned forward a bit.

"The one who has custody of the minor child, Yugi will be..."

Atem and Mark leaned forward.


Judge James's grey eyes looked at the two males, smiling a small smile. "Yugi, will you come up to me please?"

Yugi blinked as Ryou lead him from the bench behind Mark to the Judge.

Ryou went back to his seat quickly and stared with everyone else.

Camera men and the media leaned forward, ready to capture everything.

The judge took Yugi's hand and smiled down at the small boy. "Young man. Tell me, who do you love more?"

Yugi's amethyst eyes looked between Atem and Mark before looking up at the judge with tear filled eyes. "I love my daddy."

James nodded. "Who is your daddy?"

Yugi pointed to Atem. "Daddy!"

James smiled brightly. "That is just what I was thinking of." he looked up at everyone. "I choose Atem Muoto to have custody of the minor child, Yugi Muoto!"

A cheer broke out among the people in the courtroom.

Atem's eyes glimmered with tears as they slid down his cheek. He got up on shake legs and picked up Yugi and hugged him tightly, running a hand through his hair. "I love you Yugi. I always will." he whispered to Yugi.

Yugi smiled and hugged Atem back, closing his eyes as he grasped his shirt in between his fists. "I love you too Daddy."

Atem nodded. "Yes. That is what I am.. I am your daddy, and you, my child, you are my dear son."

Mark smiled at the two, tears brimming and making his own eyes glimmer. They'll be happier. I've done what I could as a true father... He watched as Anzu and Ryou glomped Atem and Yugi. But right now, the thing Yugi needs most is Atem. He is his REAL father.

With a smile, and good luck wishing and blessings, Mark left.

----10 years later----


Atem jumped when he heard Yugi shriek from upstairs. His crimson eyes watched as the fourteen year old ran down the stairs, amethyst eyes narrowed. "She did it again!" he growled.

"I DID NOT!" yelled a shrill voice of a little girl.


"DID NOT!" said Mary glared with green eyes, pouting cutely she ran down to Atem and jumped into his lap. "I didn't do anything! I didn't go into Yugi's room again! Swear!"

Yugi snorted. "Did too! You just admitted it!"

"Did not!"

Atem chuckled. "You two will never stop, will you?" he smiled, eyes dancing with laughter. "Mary, stay out of Yugi's room. Yugi, calm down. What did she do?"

Yugi blinked, eyes giving a blank look as if he was taking in the question. "Uhhh."

Atem smirked. "Exactly."


Atem looked up over his shoulder towards the door conecting the Kame Game Shop to his, Yugi's, and Mary's apartment. "Who is it?"

A young man with tri-colored hair exactly like Atem's and blood red ruby colored eyes poked out from the doorway. "Erm, Yugi, are you ready?" he asked, voice deep and silky.

Yugi's face broke out into a smile. "Yup!" he dashed over to the other boy and gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Dad! I'm goin' out with Yami!"

"You do that! Just don't bring me home any grand kids!"

Yami laughed out loud and Yugi blushed cherry red. "I'M NOT A GIRL!"

"Never said you wouldn't adopt."

Yugi threw a shoe near the door at Atem. "I'm out! Bye!" he yelled.

Atem nodded as the door closed.

How they grow up so fast.

BE Dragon: I teased you last chapter by adding in that cliff hanger, so I made it up with this ending. I hope you all liked it! Tell me if you want a sequel to this, so I can get those cute little hamsters, that make my brain work, work! Lol. Now let me go cry in my little corner... .:goes off to corner and cries:.

Review! BED loves reviews!