My dear son

Summery: Father son ficAtem loses the second to last piece of his family. Now he is depressed. But what can this one little boy named Yugi do to change Atem's life?

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh. Other wise Atem

BE Dragon: Hello folks! Uh... this is my first Father Son fic. Umm.. I don't really know what to say besides enjoy the story.

Black liquor bottles laid and stood lazily on a dark stained oak wood coffee table. Flashing lights from the TV reflected off of the bottles and some of the light bounced off of the walls of the small apartment. A young man, around the age of 18, sat with his chin resting on his jean covered knees. The small wind from the heater was noticed by his tri-colored hair gently moved. Watery crimson eyes watched the addicting soap that was flashing by. Not that it mattered to the young man.

Soon a ring was carried out through the apartment as the man snatched the phone off it's cradle.

"H-hello?" the man's deep voice said into the phone.

"Atem, how are you doing?"

"Oh. Hi Seto." said Atem, relaxed it was his said cousin.

"Atem, don't give me any back talk but, I think you really should get out of little 'shell'. I mean-"

"Seto, please, not now-"

"No. Yes now. Atem, you have bin in your apartment for two weeks straight. I'm surprised you are still alive!" Seto said, taking a breath.

"I don't need any complaints. Especially from you." Atem growled dryly.

"... I know your still.. Upset. But you need to get on with your life."

"And what do you suppose I do? What would you do after your closet sibling- no. Scratch that. Your ONLY sibling. Dies? Hmm?" Atem snapped. Crimson eyes beginning to water more with the memory of his decreased sister.

Atem waited. Staring the oak wood clock down. 12 o' clock midnight.

"Nadia... Where are you?" Atem questioned out loud. The moonlight seeped through the curtain covered window, his crimson eyes stood out in the bare light.

An annoying ring came from the phone that sat on the coffee table.

Atem's bronze hand reached over and picked up the phone from its cradle.

"Marhaban. Atem Muoto speaking."

"Atem. This is Dr. Henson from Domino Hospital. We have news for you."

"What kind of news?" Atem's breath got caught in the middle of his throat.

"... Nadia Muoto. Is she related to you?"


"... Her body was found in a car crash about an hour ago. She was half conscious. She told us to call you. But sadly. She just died."

Atem felt tears prickling at the back of his eyes. His only sibling... was now.. Dead.

"Mr. Muoto?"

The line went dead as Atem put the phone on its cradle. Before staring out into the darkness.

A sad sigh was heard through the line as Seto tried to think of something to say.

"Atem. I know this is hard for you but please. You need to at least need to show, the people that care about you, you are still alive."

"How can I do that when I feel like I'm in hell?" Atem muttered in a low voice through the phone.

"I'm just saying that you need to pull yourself together. Nadia meant a lot to us all. But still. Do you think she would want to see you like this? Even though she isn't there with you in flesh and blood doesn't mean you have the right to worry every one else that you might do something you will regret in the afterlife." Seto snapped.

"I have to go now Atem. I want you to at least take a walk. Give us all some hope you will live."

A long 'err' went as Seto hung up, leaving Atem to deal with his depression.

Atem sighed, placing the phone on its cradle. He stood up slowly. "I'll take you advice, Seto. Maybe I will go for a walk.." Atem grabbed his jacket as light taps were heard on the window. He took another look around the room before placing a cap on his tri colored hair and leaving the apartment.

BE Dragon: I hope you liked it folks. I know it is short. Next chapter will be longer though! R&R please!