Navi, IDon't Think We're in Hyrule Anymore

Chap3: Abi doesn't think we're in Hyrule Either...

A/N: Sorry for the long non updating gap, I mean, talks about MAJOR GROUNDING o.o; oh well. I hope your love for this story still burns with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns!

KINDA/PRETTY IMPORTANT: Mainly including Navi has directed this towards an Ocarina of time thing, but I would like to let you know we will be including characters, items, and other things from other games.

Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto or Zelda, thank you!

Bold is a different language, 'kay?


Dear diary,

Talk about odd. One day everything is run of the mill ordinary, the next day,

BOOM! The weirdest mission in the world is shoved in your face! Whatever, I guess.

So this Navi person and her brother Link. Well I think they're related… How odd.

There Navi and Naruto are, arguing about some gosh forsaken reason. I knew Navi

And Naruto didn't get along, but I thought they'd be a BIT quieter. Or they'd actually

Get along HA! As if! Then again we're talking about Loud and Louder, so I wonder

What's up? Dang, Sasuke is sure looking good today, we're approaching supposed to

Be entering a village soon, I'm not sure which ones, but we're supposed to stop in a

Few nearby villages for something. OH GOD! I GOTTA GO


Sakura immedietly stopped writing as she heard a large cracking sound, and I mean LARGE! "YOU LITTLE PUNK! GET OVER HERE!" Navi shouted as Naruto fearfully backed up. "Wh-whoa, don't do anything rash…" "I'LL DO WHAT I WANT!" she flared. Heaven knows exactly what Naruto did that was so horrible, but Navi was sleepy and in a typically bad mood at such times. Naruto tripped over a rock as he backed up.

Hopelessly sitting on his butt he pleaded, "S-simmer down!!!" Kakashi looked over with an expression of shock on his face, though he seemed frozen in his position, not even looking at his book. Navi was shouting in a language foreign to any ninja and even most hyrulians (most likely cussing). High over her head she was carrying a large tree, yes a large tree. Dee rooted and bug infested, but she seemed mad enough not to care. The thing was probably at least seventeen feet long, and pretty thick a well.

Unfortunately Link had gone off earlier that morning to train and nobody else could control her. They were basically all staring, waiting to see what happens.


The forest scene was beautiful and serene. Link observed his surroundings. Trees surrounded him in a small clearing. He gave a small smile and started training. He took his sword out swinging it in various ways, practicing moves. He went on until while practicing his horizontal strike. Suddenly he heard a large crack, then another, and then a big BOOM! "Shi-"he turned around and gaped at what he saw.

He chopped down a rather large tree which had something behind it. It was a large pond that seemed to pop out of nowhere. In the middle of it was an island with a few trees and some grass, but in the middle of the island was a… Conch shell? He narrowed his eyes to see if he was actually seeing this. Indeed it was a giant conch shell in the middle.

Link stepped over the collapsed tree, stepping onto the shore of the pond. The opening in the conch thing was enormous; a person could easily go in. Link hesitantly swam to the small island and closely inspected the shell. It seemed dull, though it could shine brighter, and has. He saw a hole in the opening that seemed to lead nowhere. He shyly took a small step forward, which unfortunately caused him to fall into the fall.

Somehow he didn't crash and fall like he had expected to, instead he eased to his feet, almost floating until he landed lightly to his toes. "What the heck?!" he exclaimed, before seeing a girl in front of him. The area he was wasn't… Well it wasn't exactly a place he's seen, though it looked familiar. The walls were black though there were colorful glowing dots on them and in front of him was a small pool.

In the pool was a girl. She seemed to be struggling to move. She had long red curly hair and a pale skin tone. She looked up which revealed the fact that she was wearing glasses but besides that naked, with nothing but her red curls to cover herself. "WHOA WOMEN GET SOME CLOTHES ON!" Link exclaimed his hands flailing in the air. "Ugh I hate this…" she said, "I think I still have powers…" she muttered. A small beam of light flashed and the girl was clothed.

She wore a short white dress much like Navi's. "Wait, are you a….. Fairy?" Link asked the girl, finally recognizing his surroundings. "Yes, but I somehow have been reduced to such a…. Awkward form." She said, "Do you know what happened? I don't think we're in Hyrule anymore…" she muttered. Link nodded, "Yeah, don't think so." He seemed slightly irritated. "I've been drained of so much power since I got here… You, in the green, if you would please help me…"

"Fine, just follow me…" He said, having a bad feeling about the situation at hand.


"GET… YOU'RE…. ASS… OVER HERE!" A certain silver haired girl shouted. Naruto had proceeded to hind behind various boulders as Navi turned them into gravel with the large tree she was (still) carrying. The blonde quickly took cover behind another large rock. Link quietly crept up, seeing the commotion at hand. Kakashi was in a remote corner reading his book hoping to not be noticed. Sakura was a good distance away trying to strike up a conversation with Sasuke, who seemed to be more interested in seeing Naruto cower.

"Navi?" Link said. "NAVI?!" he repeated. "Excuse me, but. NAVI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the red headed fairy shouted. It seemed as if everything froze, even the birds. "WH-what the?" Link stuttered. "It's a fairy thing," the redhead whispered. Navi looked away, immedietly dropping the tree inches away from Naruto. She looked shocked, "Abi? Wh-what a… pleasant surprise…" she said to the redhead.

Why the hell is she here? Why isn't she in Hyrule?! Navi thought. "This is our cousin, Abi. I don't know how she got here. But I guess she was heading in the same direction. Heh, Heh, Heh…." She said. "Uh, I'm gonna go talk to my cousin now, in private…" "About what?" Naruto asked nosily. "Cows!" Navi said hastily. She then went up to Abi, pulling her into a corner and started speaking to her in a language that no one could understand. Ancient Hyrulian.

"How did you get here?!"

"I don't know! I went to sleep as I usually do. BOOM I wake up here!"

"…. I know. That happened to me too, but I mean, I got in here because Link touched the gaun…"

"Touched what? Navi, tell me! If you're here and I'm here, I bet we aren't the only fairies around this place. This… world that's not our own…"

"Before Link and I arrived here he was touching this gauntlet that was hidden away in the Hyrule Castle. Some bandit who was trying to get it. The bandit said, 'Take me some place far away.' And then we woke up here."

"But if you guys were touching it how did I get here?"

"I'm not sure, I mean, Link was standing there and he touched it, and I was touching him…"

"…And he was touching the floor, which was touching the castle, which was touching the ground, which was touching… Everybody in the village…"

"Who were touching each other, which were touching animals and water and…"

"Which was touching my island which was touching my fountain which was touching, me which was…?"

"Oh Zant! We've gotta tell Link!"


Once the two were done with the conversation everyone was staring at them, mainly wondering what gibberish they were speaking. "What the hell?!" Naruto said obnoxiously, breaking the silence. "We were talking about our family farm's cows, and horses."Abi said. "LIKE EPONA!" Navi chimed in.

Link rolled his eyes as the rest moved on. "Come on then, let's go." Abi welcomed herself into the little crew of people which nobody seemed to acknowledge it.

This is going to be very interesting… Abi thought as she saw Navi and Naruto arguing. Sakura attempting to flirt with Sasuke. Link standing back, scared that Navi will attack Naruto, miss, and hit him. And Kakashi, reading his book.

"Such a motley crew…" Abi muttered.

"Too bad, they're going to have to die."



Yeah hope you liked it :D!