Author's note: not enough votes to break it so i had to go ahead and choose. I choose Julia cuz since she's Spanish,'ll help me more with the story (I'm Spanish, wedding was done in Spanish...big Spanish So! x.x I chose her. Mathilda (since she's cute) is actually gonna be a family member n.n' I had so many little cousins running around in the wedding, they were so adorable x.x So she is a family member, cousin n.n So will Mariah since someone wanted her, and Miriam is playing Julia's sister as well n.n this way, everyone wins! (What was the point of having a vote -.- I have no idea T.T, I just don't want anyone upset…even though I'm sure I upset you all with a horrible late update…)

Yeah sorry T.T not only are my marks in school…not the best, but I'm starting to get a lot of assignments and will be busy with that. Because of my lateness for all of my fics, I blame Fumera x.x for she has gotten me into Role Playing . ;; so blame her…lol, anyway better late then never+.+ my policy…

Thank you:

Connie (3 reviews, I'm so sorry you got impatient (

Dark Kaiser (Sorry, neither are with him, but they're still playing a part n.n sorry for the late update

NeverSmile (thank you for the review n.n you got Julia.

MasterFranny (Lol, I'll give the TalaKai snippets this chap n.n

Winterblazewolf (sorry so late

NiennaAngel (Glad you like her Sorry no Mathilda ( but she's gonna be a relative of Julia being an adorable little cousin. The wedding was lovely, and we had four flower girls lol.

Dimmi Perché Zio: Chapter Two

-:-Marie's POV-:-

"Ah! The door!" Scrambling off of my bed, I rushed down the stairs. Creeping up to the door, my eyes were narrowed at the two figures' shadows on the blurred oval window. 'Dad never said anything about anyone stopping by, who is it?' The doorknob twitched again and then I heard a giggle.

"MARIE!" My face flushed. 'Oops. It's zio Johnny.' I winced unlocking the door letting him in with Max.

"Hi, sorry, Enrique didn't say anything about you two coming," I excused scratching the back of my head. Max was smiling as usual while zio Johnny scowled hanging his arm around Max's shoulder.

"Hehe, sorry 'bout that zio Johnny, Max too," I smiled apologetically rubbing the back of my head letting them in as I closed the door after them. Johnny nodded with understanding making me sigh with relief.

"Just came to ask Enrique if you guys were coming to Kai's house, you his girl this Saturday," Johnny stated dully placing his hands behind his head leaning back on the door as I tried to persuade him into the kitchen to which he declined with a shake of his head. Max sent me a reassuring smile that I couldn't return. I had frozen in place, lips held in a thin line no longer folding upwards.

"Marie? You ok?" I faintly heard Max question. I shook my head out of my thoughts drifting to Tala and back to zio Johnny and Max sending me curios-worried looks. I laughed brushing off their concern excusing myself and telling them Enrique and Oliver left for an outing for a while and should be back in an hour or so.

"Alright, then we'll be off, just let your dad know we dropped by to remind him about that, he can be forgetful about things y'know."

"Ya," I responded with a pretend smile waving them out.

"See ya Marie!" Max grinned waving back for both him and Johnny as Johnny simply walked into the car, saying good-bye so energetically like Max wasn't his thing.

-:-Normal POV-:-

Marie decided not to inform her dad about Kai's little get together dinner She would not go, and if she told him he would force her and give her a lecture about being there for family and all other crap that Marie could care less about. She would go...if Tala had still been Kai's lover...

But he just had to let him go! Just had to!

Fuming at recalling the news she had learned only a few hours ago, the Italian bambina mumbled all the way back towards her room, maybe role play a bit on web sites she hadn't been on since forever.

That night Marie ignored her parents when they finally came home. They ate some pasta and ice cream afterwards before she brought up that Johnny and Max had dropped by. Enrique questioned why and Marie did explain about Kai inviting them for a dinner party to get to know his new girlfriend

Marie did not sound so excited to which Enrique and Oliver immediately caught up on. Oliver tried to comfort Marie but she brushed him off like any misunderstood teenager and locked herself in her room in a fuss. When Saturday came within a week...she would not go! She wouldn't! They couldn't make her!

Too bad when that day came...her parents talked her into it, she went along...

She cursed herself that night for letting the encounter with Enrique and Max slip up. Cursed herself to a hell that would appear from nowhere and swallow her up. She wanted to see Tala…not Kai's female fiancée.

"Hey Marie! Wanna lick the spoon?"


The ten-year-old brunette girl with her bouncing curls, bounded up towards the redhead that called with the promise of licking the spoon with chocolate cookie batter tainted on it. Darkly toned hair swayed as a male walked in heading for the redhead's back as he was off-guard focusing on making the girl smile. Tala was about to turn around as Kai came up from behind, the spoon was given to Marie, so Tala held the bowl. It was once of those silly, humorous accidents that should have been taped to watch again. The bowl bumped into Kai, Kai bumped backwards, Tala fell the opposite way ramming into the counter as the bowl slipped out of his hands, and the redhead fell. Legs rammed as both asses fell. Faces twisted in pain, and bodies winced to the sound of the bowl smacking on the floor, and the chocolate batter splatting everywhere.

Marie laughed out loud falling off of the chair herself as Tala and Kai blinked at each other dumbfounded. Tala smirked finding chocolate that had smeared itself on Kai's right cheek absent from the blue paint he used to wear when he was a teen.

-:-Marie's POV-:-

I glowered as Oliver huffed about what I'm wearing. He complained it wasn't appropriate for a dinner like such with family. When Oliver stopped fussing as we got into the car, my frown stayed on my face as I glared out the window the whole hour to Kai's large and expensive home.

I fell asleep.

Marie was young, just a baby on Christmas Eve. She sat on the brown floor, tiny hands around the Siberian Tiger Animal four times the size of herself. Her zio Kai had won it for his boyfriend, Tala. They had dated for two years now, and still stuck like glue to each other.

Enrique and Oliver had stepped out to visit Tyson and his gramps three blocks. They were also picking up and dropping off some presents. At six months, little Marie didn't understand much. But when her eyes watched the loving embrace shown in front of her, she giggled and raised her hand up, wanting to be held by the two lovers. Tala was laid on the couch on his back, Marie's zio lying flat on top of him, eyes shut.

The small Christmas tree was in the middle, red and blue bulbs shown with harmony as the silver light complimented both. The built in fireplace was blazing giving off heat as colored gifts sat at the base.

Blue eyes shone as a smile graced the pink lips. The little girl cooed taking one of the strands of red hair in her tiny fingers.

Zio Kai's footsteps beat on the flooring, as did a lighter pair following behind him. As Kai came, a beautiful woman walked next to him with a nervous smile. Marie winced looking away as Kai smirked greeting them a hello, and stating that zio Johnny and Max had already arrived.

Oliver tugged me closer as I huffed relieving my face of the strain from glaring, raising my hazel optics brightly up to the crimson ones my zio owned and glanced to the green pair that the woman owned.

"Buona sera -1- Zio Kai, and senorita."

-1- Good Evening.

Author's note: Done…