Lion King 3- Denial, Evil, and the End
Chapter 1- Circle of Life
A/N: I'm probbly going to take a break from my Harry Potter Fanfic. I need inspiration! Reveiw! There's more to come! this will be in about three parts, and I'm trying to put part one up for a class I'm taking. Ms. Tremain, hi!
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing you reconise! I made som characters up though... If you want a description of the character I originally wrote, reply and say what character!
"Mother! Mother! I'm going to have a cub!" exclaimed Kiara
"Wonderful! Shall I tell everyone?" asked Nala.
"Not yet, I want to tell Kanika first."
"Kiara, you know that climb is very hard, should you do it with a cub?"
"Of course!"
"Very well. Shall I tell your father?"
"Not yet!"
Nala sighed -she is so excited!- she thought.
Kiara started to climb the black rocks that let to the top of pride rock to tell her best friend the news.
Panting, Kiara thought , "The climb up is hard, but I'm almost there, might as well continue."
"Kiara, what brings you here? I was just thinking about when the royal blood line might be continued..." remarked Kanika.
Kanika was a very moody lion, who mostly sat and pondered on top of pride rock. She only went down to get some food occasionally, and didn't encourage visitors. She had darkish fur, and her voice was just like silk.
Kiara wasn't up the whole way, just perched on a rock, for she new that without a invitation, Kanika didn't like to be disturbed.
"Come up the whole way, instead of just dangling there on that rock." invited Kanika Kiara smiled. "That's what I'm here to tell you about!" Kiara pushed herself up the whole way. "I'm going to have a cub! Rafiki told me!"
"The monkey who tells everyone they're a baboon? Do you really believe him?"
"Of course! Will you be there for the presentation ceremony?
"Why wouldn't I?" objected Kanika. "Oh, I don't know, you would be pondering what makes the sun move?" giggled Kiara as she playfully batted at Kanika's tail.
"I wouldn't do that! now go down so I can ponder why the moon moves..."
Kiara scrambled down the rocks, and went do Kovu.
"Guess what?" she asked him
"What?" he replied.
"There's some hyenas?"
"There's some vultures that attacked a baby warthog?"
"You got the baby part right..."
"We're going to have a cub?"
"That's wonderful!"
"I know, now I'm going to tell the whole pride!"
So peeps, what do you think? I have more, and I know this one has alot of diolauge, but there's not as much in later chappies. lol!
Aneis Rarraf