Disclaimer: You know the drill. I don't own any part of Smallville, though I wish I did so Clark would grow a pair and just tell Lana the truth.
Summary: This is my first Smallville fic, so be judgmental but gentle. It takes place during 'Reckoning' right after the first scenario. I don't know if anyone else has tried what I'm about to do but oh well. Hope you like the changes I'm gonna make to this sad storyline. ENJOY!
Second Chance to do it Again
Chapter one
Clark shivered as his vision came back into focus. 'What the hell…' He felt the two pieces of coal. One in his chest from just enduring what he thought was the death of the love of his life, and another piece in his hand. The piece he thought he'd just used to make Lana's engagement ring in his ice Fortress. "I'm back. I have another chance, but-", his heart jumped as he heard Lana climb up to his loft.
He met her at the top of the stairs, hugging her fiercely, almost painfully tight out of joy. "You're here!" he sniffled into her sweater on the verge of tears.
"O-of Course I'm hear, Clark" she said somewhat confused at how strange he was acting. "I'm just not sure if this is what our relationship needs right now" referring to the secret day he had planned for them.
"So, where are we going?"
"I was th-thinking we could go out to the lake" he lied and she knew and frowned. 'Think, Clark think'
"Don't you think I can tell by now when you're lying?" she demanded raising her voice.
'Think faster!'
"'A day I'd never forget', that's what you said right!" she hissed though clenched teeth.
'I got it' the light bulb in Clark's head finally flicker on. "Your right, Lana I'm sorry. Can we postpone this? I thought I was ready, but I'm not, not yet. I need to be sure of this. Just give me a little more t-" he was cut short as raised her hand to stop him.
"Stop. Not another word." Not ready? Ready to what? More time! She was fled up with his excuses. She was tired of crying because the man she loves won't open up to her and show his real self. "Clark, I can't believe you! Ggrrr! You make me so- you know what, I'm so tired of this!"
'This? Did she mean us?' Clark worried
"Every time I think things are looking up, that you're finally letting me in, you pull a one-eighty." She huffed almost unable to control her anger. It seem like only Clark could make her this way. Make her feel like she could fly or douse her in gasoline and light a match. "…Clark" her voice softening for a moment "I love you, you know that, but…" she closed her eyes squeezing tears from them "but if you can open up and tell me……(sniffle) just leave me alone."
And with that she was gone, crying out of the loft.
Later At the Daily Planet
"Hey Clark" Chloe smiled at her friend as they walked down the stairs to the basement of the Daily Planet. Seeing him was an unexpected surprise. She knew he had planned to use all of today to spend time with Lana, though he didn't say exactly what those plans were. When he didn't respond she stole another glance at him and that's all she needed. She stopped them "What's wrong?" she put a supportive hand on his shoulder.
"Me and Lana had our last fight…" he said blankly. He eyes were cold…sad.
"Your day went that bad?" Chloe looked at the time on her cell phone "you sure don't waste time, do you?" she said trying to lighten the mood. It didn't work.
(Sigh) "Chloe, I was going to tell her."
It took her awhile to catch the on. "You were gonna what?" she put her hand over her month. The other employees stopped what they were doing. There were a lot stares and confused face over the outburst. "There's nothing to see here! Hey, mind ya business!"
"That didn't come up on the Doppler. So, what went wrong?" Chloe asked as they started walked again.
"I know it sounds crazy but I've lived this day once already"
"Like Déjà vu?"
"No I really meant I've been through this once. But I actually told her last time"
"Okay whatever you say" She replied, still not quite ready to believe him.
"Okay you don't believe me? Do you see the guy bringing in flowers? He's bringing them to this lady, and in the card some guy is asking her on a date" Clark prophesized pointing at the woman at the desk they were passing.
"Susan? Yeah right she hasn't been on a date in-"she was cut off when the flower boy drop off the flowers to the aforementioned Susan, who read the card, then began jumping and screaming for joy. "Lucky guess?"
"Okay, somebody is about to be fired and cause a scene." As if on queue, a man bust through the editor's door.
"You can't fire me! I QUIT!
Chloe nervously looked up at Clark "umm…people down here get fired all the time."
Ring, Ring! Chloe went to pick up the phone but Clark shook his head.
"Don't answer it, it's a wrong number" she picked up the phone anyway. "Somebody calling for Chinese food"
He was right again "I'm sorry we're all out of egg rolls" she hung up the phone wide-eyed. "Okay, spill it, what happened?"
"Well like I said I told her, everything" Clark took a deep breathe "then I asked her to marry me"
"Whoa" Chloe said, bug-eyed and jaw slacked "then what happened"
"She said yes. Everything was fine until my dad's election party. Somehow she got away from me and…" Clark seemed to shake as he continued, obviously something had gone terribly wrong "and next thing I know, she calling me on my cell saying Lex found out then…" he looked physically ready to cry now "she-she screamed…an accident…she didn't see the bus" with his faced buried in Chloe's chest, he shook, hard.
10 Minutes Later
Clark had finally composed himself enough to talk to Chloe about what he was going to do. As much as he didn't want to, there just didn't seem to be another choice. "I can't tell her. It's the only way to save her. If she didn't know then Lex wouldn't have chased her and none of this would have happened."
Chloe could see his logic, but she had a better idea. It was pretty simple and she couldn't really see how he didn't think of it himself. "Clark there's a big difference this time around" she paused gauging his reaction "you know what will happen, so you can stop it."
Clark shook his head 'no', "I can't chance that, it's too dangerous."
"Clark, think about it. You know when she… so all u have to do is watch her like a hawk for the rest of the night." she could see that he was still doubtful, but she was determine to help him.
She knew, even though she herself had feelings for Clark, he loved Lana and if he didn't tell her the truth soon he'd end up losing her for good. "Clark, this isn't 'Final Destination'." He forced a grin. "I'll help you, I'll get Lois to help, she can't sneak passed us all, please, you'll regret it for the rest of your life if you don't, and you know it." She looked him straight into his baby-blues.
He fell silent for a moment. She thought he would turn her down again. "Clark…?"
"I know I'd regret it"
"So you'll do it"
"I try" he smiled a full smile. He'd try, for Lana, for their future. He didn't know if he'd go through with the marriage proposal just yet… or maybe he would. He'd cross that bridge when he got to it.
"Well, go tell her, already!" She smiled and pushed him out the door.
Chapter one end
(See what might have been, next! Feedback please)