This is just a little one-shot based on something Billie Piper said in an interview about David Tennant being a good kisser. I know she kissed him in the New Earth episode, but he didn't actually kiss her back, which got me thinking about the end of the series. Enjoy!
Disclaimer - I own none of it (sniff). If I did David Tennant would belong to me and Billie wouldn't be leaving because she kept saying she was contracted for 3 series. Wah!
As the war waged around them the Doctor and Rose stood and stared at each other, knowing that they would have to go their separate ways, for now at least, if they were to ever win this battle.
"Good luck," Rose said, a nervous smile creeping over her lips as she tried to control the rollercoaster in her stomach. The Doctor took her hands and returned the smile.
"You too." He let go of her and turned to leave. Rose saw him hesitate.
"Roseā¦" he said at the same time.
She smiled for him to continue. He looked sad, as if everything that had happened to him in his whole life had come crashing down all at one. Rose held his gaze as he fought to blink back unshed tears. He broke the gaze for a second, looking at the floor before coming back up to meet her.
"In case I never see you again." And he pulled her into an embrace, locking her lips against his.
She seemed stunned for a moment, but sank into him as her brain kicked into gear.
And all too soon, it was over.
The Doctor looked deep into her eyes one last time and Rose felt hot tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Remember that I love you. Always." With that he spun round and ran off for the fight of his life.
Rose sadly watched him go. "I love you too," she whispered after him. "You had me at 'run'." Pulling herself together and taking a deep breath, she took off in the other direction, determined that she would see him again.
Nothing could keep them apart.
Could it?