Not sure of the timeline for Naruto but it's about three years before the start of the Final Fantasy IX. I'm not completely sure of the plural of kunai. I so wanted to say Sgian Dubh but really didn't think that could exist in the FFIX so went with the Pugio (as if that would be better but it's slightly more plausible).

Just so you know, a Pugio is a small dagger.

I'm Not Lost

By Dark Ice Dragon

What do you think you're doing?

Kakashi Hakate was late. Again. That was because he'd found himself in a city not knowing how he had gotten there and no idea how to get back to Konoha.

Wandering around the streets showed that there were more than just humans living in the city. Beings that looked like humanoid seals and hippos walked among the humans, conversing and making deals with them with 'Gil'. There were the small pink bears that had pink wings and a fuzzy red bauble that was somehow connected to its head by a string. He'd even seen a rat-like tail poke out from a red coat once.

This was good since he wouldn't stick out so much.

He was standing outside a weapons shop when he reached down to close a hand on a wrist that was pulling itself out of his kunai holster. He looked down at the pickpocket.

"Hey! Leggo!" the boy said in surprise. He was young, short with blond hair that was tied in a small ponytail -he also had a monkey tail swinging behind him. "I didn't do anything!"

"Then let go of my kunai."

"I haven't got your kunai," the boy denied. "I don't know what a kunai is." The boy tried to yank his hand from Kakashi's grip but it didn't work. Slightly amused by the boy's antics Kakashi let go causing the boy to stumble back a few steps, his hand still clutched around a kunai.

Kakashi nodded towards the boy's hand. "That's what a kunai is." He held out his hand.

The boy looked at it confusedly. "It's a weird lookin' pugio." He stared up at Kakashi defiantly. "A sword's better."

Kakashi tilted his head. "You can't throw a sword."

Waving the kunai about experimentally, the boy stated, "It's light."

Nodding, Kakashi added, "That way, you can use two at the same time."

"Huh. It hasn't got a long reach; maybe a dagger would be better ... " The boy gave Kakashi a cheeky grin and then ran off, disappearing into a crowd.

He knew that he would be able to catch the pickpocket but he didn't bother. He still had more kunai in his holster so it wouldn't be missed too much. Kakashi was wondering what had caused him to started the impromptu lesson. Had becoming a sensei have something to do with that?

The Jounin glanced back at the weapons shop. Maybe he could find something he could use in there.

And then he could try to find a way home.


Zidane seems to be more in character than Kakashi. Damn.