What's Left of Me

By: lilindiangurl147

Chapter 1: After Effects

Disclaimer: I don't own wildfire!


It had been 3 weeks. 3 weeks since Kris had spoken to Junior. She remembered the last time she talked to him. She had left him with an unanswered question. The question that changed her life forever.

This thought had been all Kris could think about day and night. She wouldn't eat, sleep, even Pablo noticed that Kris wasn't acting like herself.

After 3 weeks of hesitation, Pablo finally decided that it was time to do something. First thing in the morning, knowing that Kris would be awake, Pablo knocked at the door of Kris's trailer.

"Come in!"

"Hey Kris"


Trying to start a conversation, Pablo started, "Wildfire's doing better. He cut a minute off of his usual time."

"That's good."

Noticing that Kris was not as enthusiastic as she usually was, he went straight to the point, "Hey Kris, you know you could tell me anything right?"

"Yeah, I know."

"Well, you haven't been yourself for the past couple of weeks so I was just wondering –"

"Nothing's wrong, Pablo. See I'm fine." Kris cut in and gave him a smile.

"Yea, I see but… I mean… lately, your mind has been off your job and wandering somewhere else. I mean you are constantly late for work, you aren't eating, and you look like you haven't slept for days."

"It's nothing, Pablo, I just wasn't feeling that great. You know, the stress and everything."

"All right, but if anything is wrong, don't hesitate to tell me."

"Don't worry about it."


At the Davis's

On a luxurious bed was lying Junior Davis. Never had he suffered a worst pain than that night. All he was ever found doing was sleeping, eating junk food, or watching TV. Dani, had to cover for him all during this time. Plus, with Ken Davis, gone, the work pressure built up even more on her. Nowadays, she was always cranky and moody. She hated the fact that her brother didn't even care. She knew she had to do something but she didn't even know how or even why Junior was so depressed. She finally decided that it was time to talk to him and stop this madness.

All of a sudden Junior saw Dani stomp into his room, where Junior was sleeping with his boxers, and start cleaning it up. With the noise, he woke up startled.

"Hey, who told you, you could come into my room and clean my stuff?"

"You were obviously not gonna do it yourself, so I figured that I might as well do it. Since the cleaning lady is gone for a week. I cant stand to bear this mess."

"Hey, it's not your room, so you shouldn't care."

"Well, it's not just the room Junior, it's you! YOU have been such a pain in the ass! For 3 Weeks, I have been seeing you moping around this house doing nothing but stuffing you face with junk food, sleeping, and watching TV! You don't even go to see Matt anymore! What the hell is WRONG!"

"Dani, I don't feel like working or doing anything besides what I am already doing. Stop being such a brat!"

"Oh, so now I'm the brat? Who has been maintaining this household ever since your little depression? Huh? It certainly was not Dad! I don't care what you do but what you're doing right now is bringing ME down! Why won't you understand!"

"Dani, just leave me alone! I need time to think. You don't know what the hell is going on so stop bugging me!"

"Then why don't you TELL me? You know, it's gonna be SOOOO much easier if you tell me!"

"I… I… I cant."

"Well, until you decide to suck it up and tell me, I am expecting your help tomorrow at the stables."

"Fine, just go."

With that, Dani left Junior to think about things.


So, wat did you think? I'm gonna try to update as fast as possible but I'm on vacation right now in India.

But 1 thing is sure, I want least 7 reviews till next chapter. thnx