I know it's been a few MONTHS (gasp) since I've updated. I want to tell you all about a few things that have been going on lately in my life that may help you understand my situation at the moment. Please take the time to read this before you jump to conclusions.

When I moved to Japan in December, I didn't move immediately into my new house. We had to stay at some hotel for TLF (don't ask, no idea what it is either). They did have internet, but they didn't have any programs that would let me type my stories up. I know it sounds really stupid, but I can't explain what the computers were like. Okay, here. Well, when you turn on the computer, this black screen with three big buttons and a picture pops up. Those three buttons were INTERNET, TOURS, and something else I forgot. If I attempted to use the computers for any other purposes than those three mentioned above, my family would be in BIG trouble.

When I finally moved into my house on January 5th (which REALLY sucked because I spent my Christmas in a boring hotel and we couldn't go anywhere), I didn't even have my computer until February 27th. The reason I was able to update on January 31st was because I asked one of my friends if I could upload it on her computer.

When I started school on the 8th of January, I was already expected to finish up on projects that kids in my class had a month to work on. They were due on the 1st of February. I had SIX major projects worth 200 points or more EACH due on the FIRST OF FEBRUARY. Not good. Haha.

And while I will admit that I was lazy and didn't write for about one month, it didn't matter because I didn't get Internet connection in my house until APRIL.

What happened in May, will you ask? I had FINALS. Big, long 8th grade finals to study for. Not to mention that these kids had studied different subjects than I had back in the states. I stayed after school almost every day to ask for help from my teachers. And let me say, I have a LOT of pride. Saying sorry to a person is easier for me than asking for help. So yes, I will admit that while being a straight A student, I didn't understand a lot of what they were trying to teach me.

And NOW! This is the big part, the part that needs you to become involved. I always have emergency chapters ready for times like this when I can't update fast enough. Emergency chapters SUCK and are not a reflection of my skill as a writer. However, I only post them when I am dire need of inspiration.


Please help me and offer some suggestions for what should happen next, because I haven't been writing in so long that my inspiration has left.

If this has not convinced you to not flame me, then please, go ahead and flame. I deserve it.

Thanks for everything.

Always yours, littlechineseazngirl

P.S. I forgot to tell you all! I was hacked as well, starting around the middle of March to the middle of June. Otherwise, I would have posted this chapter up earlier. I couldn't get my password back because I use the same password for most of my accounts on both email and myspace. I have an idea who it is. If you have recieved any nasty emails from this account or my email, IT WAS NOT ME.