By Unproductivity

"Hey Dief, you're coming home with me," Ray called out as he grabbed his coat from the back of his chair. The wolf-hybrid lifted his head from the floor and looked at Ray as if to say, I'm deaf remember? I can't hear you. "Ya know, sometimes I think you just have selective hearing. I know Fraser says that your eardrums were burst when you were a pup or something....I think Fraser's rubbing off on me, I'm talkin to the wolf." he said, speaking the last part more to himself.
"Arf," Diefenbaker barked as he trotted out of the police station.
"Okay, okay, I'm coming." Ray walked Diefenbaker out to the car. "Just don't get fur on the seats," Ray said as the wolf climbed into the passenger seat.
On the way home, they stopped for a stop light, right next to a bakery. Ray knew Dief loved sweets, especially doughnuts. Dief often stole them from various desks at the station where Ray and Fraser, a mountie who takes care of Diefenbaker, work.
"Sorry Dief, but Fraser says you're gettin' too fat," Ray said as he reached over to poke the dog in the ribs.
Diefenbaker just looked back at the bakery and whined. In a few minutes, they reached Ray's apartment.
"C'mon, we gotta go quietly, the old lady downstairs doesn't care much for pets, though she lets me keep my turtle." Once they got inside, Dief immediately ran for the kitchen, stopping in front of the fridge and wagged his tail. Ray came in a moment later, carrying a white bowl and a small bag of diet dog food. Dief made a weird noise, like a noise of disgust. He didn't care much for the diet stuff.
"I know it's not the best tasting stuff, but it is food. When you get done, we can watch a movie. I know! How about Call of the Wild?" Ray said, trying to please the dog.
It seemed to work. Dief started gobbling down his food, and Ray turned to find the movie. Dief listened to Ray mumble in the other room. "Hmmm.....know I had it...maybe.....borrowed....could call...might...not....great." Dief could only hear a few words, but it didn't sound good.
"Um...I can't seem to find it, Dief. How about.....A Christmas Carol?" Ray turned to find that Diefenbaker seemed to have multiplied, because there was about 15 dogs who looked almost exactly like Diefenbaker. The Diefenbaker in the middle turned to Ray with a snarl and barred his teeth. "Hey, is this about the doughnut? I'm sorry, but Fraser said--"
Ray was cut off by Diefenbaker's sharp bark. All of the other dogs followed suit and jumped towards Ray. Just as Dief was about to reach him...


Ray's hand flew up to hit the button on his alarm clock. He sat up, mumbling as he got ready for another day of work. A half hour later, he was ready to go. A few minutes after making a quick stop, he arrived at the police station, carrying a small white bag.
"You're late again, Kowalski." Lt. Welsh said as Ray walked by.
"Yeah I know, but I had to make a quick stop." he replied making his way to his desk. Moments later, a man dressed in red with a white wolf at his side made his way to Ray's desk. "Hi Fraser. Hey Dief, just the wolf I was looking for." Ray opened his bag and pulled out a big glazed doughnut. Diefenbaker took it and happily trotted away.
"Ray, I don't think--" the mountie, also known as Fraser, started to say.
"Fraser, you would not believe the dream I had last night..." Ray said as the two cops walked down the hall.
