A/N: Random thoughts after that little line. That little, world-breaking line. The things we never know about the ones we love, eh?

Drabble - Indifference

' I was a dad once.'

The words make her mentally freeze in her tracks. Said so casually, so in-passing, that it makes her wonder what else he's hiding from her. Maybe he didn't tell her because it was too painful. He had mentioned that he'd had a family, once, so long ago it seems -

"Rose, my whole planet died. My family, my people. Do you think it never occured to me to go back and save them?"

- but she'd presumed he meant parents, or maybe siblings. And what hurts more is that with his previous self, the one that had died to save her, it would've actually been being introspective and secretive, keeping all his past locked away inside – getting him to open up had been as painful, for both of them, as squeezing blood from a stone.

But with this one, loud and


child-like and sometimes frighteningly serious, the chances were it was sheer absent-mindedness, saying precisely whatever was on his mind at the time, without care or thought for



A mental head-shake. Just when she thought she knew him well enough, that she had him mostly figured out, he went and said or did something that made him seem more alien, more enigmatic than ever.

Just when she thought she knew him fully…

…something tells her now that she never will.

A/N: This is the jingle,

So here's what to do,

I've written, you've read,

Now read and review!