Chapter 1: Hermione Arrives at the Burrow

It's been a whole year since the defeat of Voldemort. Things are steadily returning to normal in the Wizarding community and the Death Eaters have all been put in Azkaban (aside from those who have been killed).

Harry, Ron and Hermione have graduated from Hogwarts and Ginny is in her final year. The trio were glad to finally be rid of Snape, Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle. For them, life couldn't get any better...or so they thought.

A whole year went by and it was now the summer of Ginny's graduation. Harry had spent most of his year at the Burrow with the Weasley's because he had used magic on Dudley and Uncle Vernon was mad at him. He turned that distinctive shade of puce that told Harry he was angry. It didn't matter if Uncle Vernon was angry anymore, he was now 18. He could leave whenever he wanted, but there was a certain satisfaction Harry had when Uncle Vernon became angry. Seeing his uncle turn puce and blow up like a balloon showed Harry that he had quite an impact on him. All the same, Harry left without comlplaint. It was partly because he hated number four Privet Drive, but also because he knew that Uncle Vernon would regret it as soon as he left. Harry still remembered the day his fifth year at Hogwarts ended, when Moody had threatened Uncle Vernon not to treat him badly. He did not know what Moody would do and to tell you the truth, he was kind of anxious to find out.

When Mrs. Weasley offered Harry a room at the Burrow, he could not refuse. Harry knew he always had a home with the Weasley's, his real family, and Ron and Mrs. Weasley were not the only ones who were happy about it. When Ginny arrived home to find out that Harry was staying permanently, she was ecstatic. She ran upstairs and screamed into her pillow. When she finally came to her senses, she ran back downstairs and gave him a big hug.

"I'm so glad you're here Harry!" said Ginny with a wide smile on her face.

"Thanks Gin, but I can't breathe." Ginny's arms were wrapped so tightly around Harry's neck that he was starting to turn red.

"Bloody hell Gin, you're killing him!" Ron was slightly irritated that his sister was choking his best mate. Ginny shot him a dirty look.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to." Ginny was now turning slightly red herself as she backed away.

"That's okay Gin. I know you didn't mean to." Harry's face was now back to its normal color but he was starting to grin.

Nobody thought too much about it because they knew that Ginny liked Harry, but Hermione decided she would say something to her later.

Harry was not suprised to find that Hermione would be staying at the Burrow for about a week for Ginny's graduation party. He and Ron hadn't seen much of her after Voldemort's fall because they were no longer classmates. She did stop by from time to time because of one, er, actually four words: S. P. E. W.

Much to Ron and Harry's displeasure, Hermione had been quite caught up in persuing Elf and other creature rights. She had been recently corresponding with the Ministry of Magic and she often stopped by the Burrow on her way there.

After Hermione was greeted by everyone in the house, Mrs. Weasley's voice floated out from the kitchen. "Ron, Ginny, help Hermione take her things upstairs and get settled. I wouldn't expect you to, Harry dear, you're a guest here."

Ron started up the stairs with Hermione but Ginny stayed behind. Ron gave her a look that plainly said "get your butt up here now and help." Ginny shrugged.

"I wish I could help you, Ron," she said, "But I really want to show Harry how the garden looks, all decorated, you know, for my party." She grabbed Harry by the arm and dragged him into the living room and out of sight.

"I had to do that, you know." said Ginny, once they were safely out of the range of prying eyes. "Otherwise they'll never get a moment alone."

"So, you reckon Ron and Hermione fancy each other?" Harry asked, wondering if Ginny shared the same suspicion he did.

"Are you kidding?" Ginny laughed "They are totally and hopelessly head over heels in love with each other! They're just too stupid to do anything about it."

Harry laughed. Ginny changed the subject before it started on stupid people who couldn't admit their true feelings. She had been wanting to tell Harry how she felt for the longest time, but couldn't decide how.

"So," said Ginny "Your going to be staying here for a while? Have you been looking for a place of your own?"

"No," Harry admitted "Well, I've been prolonging it."

"Why?" Ginny asked.

"Because if I lived by myself, I'd starve. I can't cook half as well as your mum." Harry said jokingly.

Ginny laughed too. "Well," she started, "have you been seeing anyone lately? Like a girlfried, I mean."

Harry took a moment to admire her boldness, and then he started nervously, "No...not now. Not at this moment. I- I kinda have my eye on someone though." His voice sounded soft and deep. Ginny moved a bit closer so that she could hear him better.

"Really?" she asked, cocking her head to one side. "Who?"

"Well, er, it's a girl..." Harry's voice trailed off.

"Well thats good to know." said Ginny, smiling. "Any girl in particular?"

Harry was not aware of moving closer to Ginny until his mouth brushed against her hair. As he was taller than her, he had bent his head a bit to whisper in her ear. "Well,'s you."

Ginny could have sworn the world had stopped moving, for the silence after Harry's words was deafening. The world suddenly came to life again as their lips gently brushed against each others. And then--

"Ginny, dear!"

Harry and Ginny both sprang apart as though they had recieved an electric shock. Ginny blushed and hurried from the room to answer her mothers call. Harry ran up the stairs to Ginny's room because it seemed Ron and Hermione were taking an awfully long time up there.