Well here it is the last chapter of Ch,ch,changes!

Hey. It's sad, but this is truly the last chapter. I might do a sequel I don't know. But I hope you liked this story. Well read on people!

The night passed quickly and all of them got up, ready to face the world. All of them were slightly relieved that everything was fixed after the hectic weekend. After that, they were sure they could face anything.

Rory got up and sluggishly got ready. The previous weekend had drained her. She pulled out her outfit, and began to pull her shirt over her head but she could feel someone's eyes drilling into her. She looked over to the bed, when she got the shirt off.

Tristan was sitting there smirking.

"Oh God!" Rory muttered throwing her shirt at Tristan. She knew he was going to make a lewd comment.

"Rory, I knew you wanted me but isn't this a little forward?" Tristan said walking over to Rory.

"Oh shut up!" Rory said smiling.

"Never!" He whispered in her ear, as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"But you're right I do want you." Rory said softly, surprising herself at her boldness and she wrapped her arms around Tristan's neck.

He gladly accepted the kiss and tightened his grip around her waist. Meanwhile, Rory played with Tristan's hair, running her fingers through it over and over.

Rory broke away after a while and Tristan groaned.

"Sorry babe but we have to get ready for hell!" Rory laughed.

Tristan let go of Rory and walked out knowing she was right.

Rory smiled at the shut door and then looked over at Amber, she was smiling brightly.

Rory walked over to the small bed, picked up her daughter and lifted her in the air. "Isn't your dad something?" She asked rhetorically.

"I love you Amber, I really do. And don't you forget it!" Rory told Amber seriously.

"Momma and Twistan!" Amber said, clapping her hands together.

"That's right, forever!" Rory laughed and put Amber back down on her bed.

Rory walked back over to her closet and pulled out her skirt and button up.

She pulled on her shortened skirt, then her shirt and knotted it at the bottom and then slipped on some flip-flops. On the way out of her room, she grabbed a spare tie that was lying on her desk. She walked into the bathroom that Louise was in. Rory stood in front of the mirror and started applying her make up.

"So I noticed Tristan wasn't on the couch last night…" Louise stated knowingly.

"He wasn't." Rory said unphased, as she continued to apply her mascara.

"So where was he?" Louise questioned.

"In my bed." Rory answered.

Louise smirked at her response.

"We didn't do anything!" Rory said, knowing what Louise was thinking.

Rory was done applying her make up at this point so she walked out.

She went downstairs into the kitchen and put a pop tart into the toaster and she grabbed a cup to pour the already made coffee into. The toaster dinged and Rory pulled out her purple and blue berry pop tarts and sat down at the table.

Tristan came in silently and kissed Rory on the cheek before grabbing himself a cup of coffee. Soon after, everyone else made their way downstairs and they headed out. Today they decided to take the Viper and the Jag.

As soon as they arrived, they pulled up to their normal parking spots which was right up front.

They then made their way to their lockers. They stopped at Tristan's first before making their way to the others.

Tristan stood of to the side since he already had his things and he felt some unfamiliar arms slink over him. He got out of the grip and turned along with everyone else who noticed the outsiders.

"Hey babe!" Summer droned.

"I'm not your babe!" Tristan snapped.

"Why don't you dump her…" Summer said glaring at Rory. "And date me?"

She said as she turned back to him with a fake smile.

"No way!" Tristan refused.

"Fine well why don't I share some information you don't know about your girlfriend." Summer said smirking like she won.

Tristan looked confused and Summer started.

"Well your little perfect girlfriend over there has a child." The surrounding group of people gasped. The ones who knew rolled their eyes. Summer didn't notice.

"So? I knew that!" Tristan said looking at her like she was an idiot.

"So your dating a whore, I mean any teenager who has a child is a whore! Summer said smirking.

"It doesn't make anyone a whore automatically. Paris stated calmly

"Especially if you didn't willingly have sex!" Louise said, knowing Rory wouldn't mind now that she had dealt with Dylan.

"How can you not willingly have sex?" Summer asked dumbly.

"Just because you go around bedding every single guy who leers at you even though you are butt ugly, doesn't mean that you can't have sex unwillingly." Logan said glaring.

"It's called rape!" Rory told Summer, who still didn't get it.

"So? You still have a child!" Summer said smugly.

"But Rory doll is not a whore!" Finn said, angry at Summer for calling Rory a name, that was far from the truth.

"And I could care less!" Tristan piped up.

"Why don't you care? I mean you're dating a teenage mother!" Summer screeched.

"Just because you have a child doesn't mean you have to be embarrassed by it!" Colin snapped.

"Yes it does!" Summer complained.

"No it doesn't. Having a child is a gift, a miracle no matter how you got it." Madeline said sweetly.

"It is!" The group around them agreed.

Summer could tell she was losing. "You're still a whore!" Summer spat out.

"If she's a whore Summer what does that make you?" Louise asked snottily.

"Yah, god knows you've been pregnant like 6 times." One of Summer's cronies said.

"So I've had sex once unwillingly and only god knows how many times you have willingly!" Rory said stressing the last word.

"And she got pregnant the first time, and you've been pregnant 6 times!" Louise went on.

"And she decided to keep her child, and you aborted all 6 of yours!" Paris said.

"So that makes you not only a whore, but a hypocrite, and a murderer!" Madeline said sadly, shaking her head. (I know the last part of this is offensive to anyone who agree with abortion. In my opinion women have the right to choose and if i ever had the choice i would see aborting as murder so i put that in. I hope this doesn't offent anyone deeply but it's my right to have an opinion about it and i hope you still like the story)

With that the eight friends walked away to first period, Tristan and Rory hand in hand just as the bell rang, leaving Summer to yell at her friends and for the rest of the student population to watch. It was them, eight, against the world for life. I guess there really are happy endings.

There's the last chapter. Sorry about how short it is. I loved how this ended personally. What bout you? Send me your thoughts please. And thank you for reading. Oh and thanks LoVe23 for beta-ing this story and all my others.