Author's note: Why did I write this? What an I on? Well, anyway, I wrote this because I DO NOT like Tohru and Spongebob is a retard like Tohru but I like Spongebob better. Again, WHAT AM I ON?
Warnings: OOCnes-icity, Stupidness-icity
Charries are hopefully obvious.
Tohrubob Hondapants woke up one morning in her pineapple under the sea to her foghorn. She jumped up, jumped into herclothes, and ran outside and said, "Look. The sun is shining, the scallops are are chirping, everything's perfect." Then she began tohammer-loudly. Then her neighbor, Ha'riward, looked out into the yard.
"Can you lower the volume?" He yelled. Tohrubob said sure and hammered slower, one at a time, and looked up at the window after she hit the wood. Ha'riward was making so much noise that Tohrubob began to hammer all loud again. Ha'riward stuck his head out the window but Tohrubob was done and had made a bubble stand. "What is this?" Ha'riward said.
"It's a bubble stand? Wanna blow a bubble? Only twenty-five cents!" Tohrubob said.
"Why would I waste a moment of my time, blowing bubbles?" Ha'riward said. Just then, Tohrubob's other neighbor, Ratrick, came out.
"Hello, Ratrick, would you like to blow a bubble?" Tohrubob said.
"How much is is?" Ratrick said.
"Only twenty-five cents." Tohrubob said.
"Hmm. Sounds reasonable." Ratrick said. "Hey, Tohrubob, can I borrow a quarter?"
"Sure, buddy." Tohrubob gave Ratrick a quarter, and he gave it back to Tohrubob, who gave Ratrick a bubblewand.
"One bubble wand. Dipped and ready to go!" Tohrubob said. Ratrick tried to blow a bubble, but couldn't. While Ratrick struggled, Tohrubob put a sign on the stand that said "Lessons 25 cents"
"May I intrest you in lessons? Only twenty-five cents." Ratrick borrowed another quarter and Tohrubob started the lesson.
"Firts you do thiiiis, spin aroud, STOP! Double-take three times! 1,2,3! Then PELVIC THRUST! WOOOOOOOOOOO! Stop on your right foot, DON'T FORGET IT! Now it's time to bring it around town, bring it around town! Then you do this, and this, and this and this and that and this and that and then--" She blew a bubble in the shape of an elephant.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA IT'S A GIRAFFE! HAHAHAHAHA!" The bubble popped inside Ha'riward's house. Ha'riward came outside, with a very angry look on his face.
"Hello, sir would you like to--" Tohrubob started.
"NO! Bubble stand, that's the most idiotic thing I've ever two should be ashamed of your selves! Now go home1" Togrubobv and Ratrick went inside Tohrubob's pineapple. "Bubbles, heh, blowing bubbles." Ha'riward muttered. Then he picked up the bubble wand, and inhaled.
"That'll be twenty-five cents." Tohrubob said. Ha'riward jumped, and saw Tohrubob and Ratrick standing behind Ha'riward. Ha'riward threw down a quarter and began to blow, with no succes. Tohrubob and Ratrick tried to remind him to the tequnie, and it was so annoying Ha'riward yelled, "Oh, right, first you do thiiiis, spin aroud, STOP! Double-take three times! 1,2,3! Then PELVIC THRUST! WOOOOOOOOOOO! Stop on your right foot, DON'T FORGET IT! Now it's time to bring it around town, bring it around town! Then you do this, and this, and this and this and that and this and that and then--AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! AH AH AHHHHHH!" Ha'riward blew a GIANT bubble, and Tohrubob and Ratrick marveled at it.
"Woooooooow. See, it's all in the---" Tohrubob said.
"No, that was talent." Ha'riward said. Tohrubob and Rarick cheered on Ha'riward, and then the bubble picked up Ha'riward's house, floated him to the to of the sea, and popped. Tohrubob and Ratrick ran itno their houses as they heared Ha'riward moan in pain.
Author's note: WHAT. AM. I. ON?