
Just to let you guys know, this is a RyouXIchigo fanfic, but at first it's just a tiny bit of MasayaXIchigo. And there could be some Masaya Bashing in the next chapter… I have to think about how that's going to happen.

Chapter 1

Ichigo woke up and turned to see her clock blinking 8:37am. "Huh! You've got to be kidding me! My date with Masaya is at 9:00!" She got up straight away after that and took a quick shower, tied her hair in her usual high ponytails and put on a white t-shirt with pink strawberry buttons on it, a pink denim skirt and pink boots.

"Mum, Dad! I'm going out!" Ichigo said. "Just make sure to be careful, honey!" her mum replied. She ran to the park and saw Masaya sitting on the bench with his heart-melting smiles.

"Aoyama-kun! Gomen! I'm sorry for being late…..again!"

"It's ok, Ichigo." He patted a spot on a bench for her to come and sit next to him.

"So where are we going today? The zoo? Wow! I want to see the cute little monke—" Masaya broke her off.

"Ichigo…We're not going anywhere today. I asked you to come out here because I needed to talk to you." Ichigo stared at him. "You see, while I was overseas in London, I met this really nice girl and… Well… I just don't think you're good enough, and I thought Amy was…better."

Ichigo frowned. She fell silent and stared at the ground and began to cry silently. Tears fell down her cheeks. Masaya put his hand on her shoulder, but she just hit it away. "Don't touch me! You've already caused me enough pain!" he gave her a peck on the cheek. She cried even more.

"Goodbye, Momomiya-san..." whispered Masaya. And then he left.

She ran towards her house as fast as she can. She was sure her parents were home and about to ask her questions. But instead, she found a note on the counter and it read:

Ichigo, we'll be gone for 1 week at the Paradise Resort. There's some yen on the Dining table and some leftover food from dinner last night in the fridge. See you soon. Love, Mum & Dad.

'Phew' she thought. Thank the lord she her parents weren't home! She went up to her bedroom and lay down on her bed and started crying her heart out.

Ichigo's POV

Why did he do this to me…? After 2 years of having a good relationship and he decided to do this to me. My heart was whole before he told me I wasn't good enough for him and now it's completely broken. I've never asked anything and gave you everything and now, all that was for nothing.

(End of POV)

Ichigo got up from her bed and went towards the kitchen and got out a small knife. She put out her arm and cut lightly on to it several times until she felt great pain.

Her phone rung, she went over to it and picked it up.

"Moshi moshi..?" said Ichigo.

"Ichigo? We need help here at the Café." It was Ryou.

"Hai." With that, she put down the phone and put on a sweater to hide her cuts.

Ryou's POV

There's something wrong with her. She's most likely to complain, I don't know why she's not giving me any complaints today. There's definitely something wrong. I need to find out.

(End of POV)

Ichigo didn't rush. She walked at a slow pace. She was thinking about why Masaya dumped her. But wasn't it obvious? He dumped her because of "The London Girl". But she didn't think of that reason. She thought it must have been something else. 'Aoyama-kun wouldn't say something like "you're not good enough." That's just not him…'

Ichigo's POV

Why is this happening? My life is falling apart every second. Life is not worth living anymore. What have I done to deserve this? I loved Masaya and I guess he never really loved me back after all of this. I guess I'll just end my life and take away the pain of what some people caused me.

(End of POV)

Before she knew it, there she was, standing at the entrance on Café Mew Mew. She walked inside looking down at the floor, not noticing the noise that has been going on with Pudding, Lettuce and Mint. Zakuro just stayed quiet.

"Pudding isn't dropping anything, na no da!" shouted Pudding.

"Yeah, apart from a few dozen plates! You're wasting my tea time!" replied Mint.

"Now, now! Mint, Pudding! Please calm down!" Lettuce suggested.

"Tea time, huh! It's not like you do any work other than drinking tea, na no da!"

Now everyone noticed Ichigo. They didn't notice her before since she was so quiet, now they did. They looked at her, and started to feel concerned. Tiny blood marks appeared on the sleeve of her sweater.

"Ichigo…What happened to your arm?" asked Lettuce. As she said that, her voice was filled with worry. Ichigo ignored Lettuce and began to go to the changing rooms. She dressed in her uniform, but the blood was visible. She grabbed some tissues and dabbed it clear of blood and pressured her arm to stop any further bleeding for a moment. There, now it's not as visible as before… She thought.

Ichigo walked out of the changing rooms and began to take orders straight away.

"Ichigo! Wash the dishes! They're starting to pile up!" shouted Ryou.

She said nothing, but nodded and went to the kitchen. She started to wash the dishes as Ryou was watching how she was doing. Lettuce had told him something's up with Ichigo and she had some blood marks on her sweater before.

Some of the soap-water had splashed onto her arm where the cuts were and she twitched in pain as it stung so badly, it mad it bleed a little. "Ouch…" She said, but silently. Ryou saw this and began to walk towards her.

"Ichigo? Let me see your arm."

"No, don't worry, I'm fine." She gave him a fake smile, after she said this.

"Ichigo… Let me see it." Ryou repeated

"I said I'm fine" She held her arm and went to the changing rooms and left the dishes unwashed. She dabbed her cuts with a cloth to make sure it doesn't go through her sweater, leaving it for the whole world to see. Ryou came running after her as she stepped outside. He grabbed her arm as she tried to pull away. He rolled up the sleeve and saw what was there. Cuts… There were both light cuts and deep cuts.

She quickly pulled away and said, "It's nothing. I just fell." Before he could say anything more. "Ichigo, this does not look like the cuts you get from falling down! Tell me what's been going on!"

"I'm sorry, I have to go. My… I-I-I h-have to…" She paused for a second thinking about what to say. "I have t-to….. Do my homework…"

"Masaya….Did Masaya do this to you?" That bastard he thought. "I really have to go… I have to feed my dog..." She said without thinking about what she said before about doing her homework.

"Tell me, Ichigo! You're worrying everyone!"

"Just leave me alone, for once! Can I not have peace!" 'I guess I will when I end this cruel life' she thought.

Ryou reached out to catch her arm, but he was too late.

She ran back into the Café as quick as she could after this, with tears forming at her eyes. She went inside. She went to the kitchen, got out the small knife, went upstairs and into the bathroom. She locked the door and started cutting her arms again. She jerked in pain and this time, she cut her wrists lightly as well. Blood spilled through the floor as she cut deep, deep into her skin.

Okay, everyone! I've finished my first chapter of my first ever fanfic! R&R please! And please be nice on me seeing as this is my first fanfic! Thanks! Review people, you my day glow!