Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Power Rangers. These rights belong to Disney and I'm just a lonely girl using them for the amusement of others and myself.


Chapter Nine / Elsa

Elsa took a sip of her hot coffee before setting it back on the coffee table. She sat back once more clutching the papers in her hand tightly. A meeting was to take place in two days with her speaking on the new project she had started. For some odd reason, she felt as if she were not doing her job as good as she could be doing. Not knowing if the next day would be even bearable, she shut her eyes tightly and rubbed them under her glasses with her thumb and index finger.

She sat up once more and looked around her home. She sighed heavily and rubbed her head scratching it in the process. Sighing again and letting out a heavy breath, she flinched at a small healed incision she had on the mid back of her head.

Standing up, she walked to the mirror in her hallway and spread her hair to her front making her long black locks fall suddenly atop her chest covered with her warm cream blouse. Realizing quickly that she wouldn't be able to see the wound, she took a couple of steps into her bedroom and drew a hand-held mirror out of her dresser. Taking the same number of steps back into the hallway, she lifted the mirror to her face and turned around.

Focusing her eyesight, she moved her head slightly to the left to get a better view of her head. Her eyes widened at the sight. A bump could be felt and a red spot was visibly shown. She touched it slowly, gently passing the tips of her fingers over it, slightly pressing on the bump. Again she flinched, harder this time. For a quick moment, memories of being with Mesagog came into her head causing her to put the mirror down and stare at the chocolate painted wall in front of her.

"Elsa, I know that I specifically told you about this" Mesagog's voice could be heard hissing at her as Elsa took slow steps toward the monster that had brainwashed her months ago.

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again" she told him bowing her head down at him slightly and looking at his feet. She saw his boots move, one after the other making their way toward her.

"Now Elsa, why is it that every time I send you to do something…" he told her halting his words a bit. He grabbed the back of her hair tightly, and pulled her head back, "you always come back saying a million apologies and promising me that the same thing won't happen again?" He let go of her short black hair, and he stepped back ready to instruct the next order.

"Master" she told him feeling a hand press against her lips, making her stop her sentence.

"Prepare yourself Elsa" he told her letting go of his hold on her lips and pushing her back with such immense strength, causing her to fly backward hitting the wall behind her.

"Sir, I doubt you should do that!" Zeltrax interrupted Mesagog's treatment.

"How dare you…" Mesagog began spreading out his hand and controlling Zeltrax's mind making him fall to his knees, "interrupt my work?" He released his mind control and held back for the first time, "Get out of my sight Zeltrax" Mesagog hissed once more.

As Zeltrax's robotic body began exiting the room, he looked to his left as he saw Elsa still on the ground holding the back of her head looking up at him.

She pleaded with him mentally showing fear in her eyes as she saw him stop before exiting. 'Help me' she thought thinking that the thought's must have trespassed to him as she noticed the slightest hint of forgiveness in his stance.

"Out!" Mesagog yelled before going over to Elsa once more and picking her up from her hair again.

The doors slid open and out walked Zeltrax. Elsa saw his back until it hid from the sliding of the doors being shut. "Mesagog…" she started saying with pain in her voice.

Mesagog at this felt a small wetness in the back of her head. Cocking his head to the side, he looked deeply into her eyes, he removed his hand from her hair and looked at it.

Elsa at this looked at him looking down at his hand. Atop his black glove was a liquid that she knew came from her. She passed her fingers over his and felt the warmth of the fluid on her own hand. Turning it over, she saw the blood stained on her fingers. As she looked up at her master, she saw his hand come up to her face and felt him rub his tips on her cheek just beside her nose staining her face with her own blood.

She at this, closed her eyes and felt a strong slap across her face. At this, she yelped with pain as she felt her body hit the cold floor. "Mesagog, please." She tried to reason with him. His actions were of no sequence. He would have mood swings often and one would never know what his mind would think of next.

Mesagog walked two steps toward her and picked her up from her left shoulder making her close her eyes so tightly, she felt tears run down her face. "Ah" she screamed as she fell to the side again hitting the floor from him flinging her from her shoulder to the ground. Again she felt a hit, this time on her stomach. "Ah" she yelled again feeling the pain his boot caused hitting her upper stomach. She held on to her ribs hugging herself tightly as she felt a kick on her legs.

"Get up!" she heard him say. "Get up!" he repeated.

"Please!" she pleaded once more, trying to pick herself up from the floor.

"You are weak Elsa" he hissed at her taunting her as she sat herself up. "It is absolutely no problem for me to believe the rangers can defeat you" he spoke through his teeth.

"I'm sorry…my lord" she said painfully between heavy breaths. "I'm sorry" she repeated.

She looked up at him and saw him turn around. She mentally sighed taking in a deep breath. Looking down, she was not prepared at yet another hit crossing her face with the back of his hand.

"You are worthless" he told her once more before again turning around.

Yet again she looked up at him crinkling her forehead from the pain she felt on her face. Seeing his back as he walked out of his chamber, was the only thing that gave her a safe feeling at that moment. She took in a deep breath feeling her ribs hurt in the process. She got on her knees with her hands on the floor attempting to pick herself up. Blood could be seen falling to the floor from her mouth.

Elsa heard a noise of the doors sliding open once more. With fear, she gaped and looked up intently. To her relief, it was Zeltrax. Still on all fours, she remained looking up seeing him walk toward her offering her his hand.

"Let me help you this time" he told her taking her accepted hand and gently picking her up on his arms.

"Thank…you" she told him feeling her ribs throbbing with every step Zeltrax took.

Elsa walked into her bedroom and retrieved her nightwear from her dresser as she placed the mirror back where it belonged. Taking in a deep breath she looked at herself on the dresser mirror in front of her. Lifting up her blouse gently up to her bra, she looked at her stomach and upper abdomen. She turned her body from side to side to see if the bruises were still there. They were. Even though they could not be seen, they were alive inside her. It was as if her ribs had been broken the day before, or even that instant in that second. Her reflection she saw of a broken woman was dull and dry.

Though she knew Anton and Mesagog were completely separate now, she couldn't help it feel that there was a hint of something inside Anton. Never again could she feel safe around him, being Mesagog or not. Seeing him transform in front of her very eyes, hitting her over and over again…she just couldn't find herself looking at Anton with anything but a question of dislike inside of her.

Again she looked at herself in the mirror. Licking her lips that were once torn and stained with red blood, her memory once more forced her to remember the past.

Zeltrax walked into the lab with a now healed Elsa, stepping aside letting her see his creation.

"He died" she taunted him a bit about his created son.

"It was of my DNA" he told her questioning himself as he spoke.

"Yeah" she scoffed at him. "Probably 'that's' why he failed." Placing a hand on her hip, she heard him begin to yell at her once more as usual. They would both begin to argue for a moment before she ended it with a quick flick of her finger saying, 'no more.'

"Since I've been here, not once have I seen you…"

"Shh," she placed her index finger over her lips and waved her hand in front of his face to silence a still talking Zeltax.

"What is it?" he questioned.

"Shh!" she repeated louder.

Once the room grew quiet, the faint sound of footsteps could be heard coming their way. They both heard them and simultaneously looked at each other, saying, "Mesagog" with fear in their voices.

The door was flung open so quickly and forcibly; a swift cold air passed through her body. Taking in a deep breath of courage, she looked at Zeltrax then back at the door at a now walking Mesagog that was getting closer to them. Inhaling again through her nostrils, she stepped back and felt the chrome table behind her making her hold on to it as she pressed the back of her body against it.

"You have let me down for the last time Zeltrax" he told his inferior as he stepped in front of them both.

"I apologize my lord, but…the black ranger…" he began to say before he was silenced with a punch toward his chest making Elsa step to the side.

"It's always the black ranger with you Zeltrax" Mesagog told him getting an inch away from his face. "Why is it that you cannot finish one simple little task?"

"I'd like to see 'you' out there mingling with us" Elsa scoffed at Mesagog not knowing what came upon her; as if she instantly got courage from absolutely no where. Yet, as fast and easy as it came, it instantly left. She widened her eyes at the slap that she felt after seeing Zeltrax now step another step to the side. She stepped to the left, getting her balance at a predicted hit and looking up giving Zeltrax a 'help me' look. One of many that she had given him already.

At this, Zeltrax nodded and drew his sword striking a not noticing Mesagog on the side of his neck making him fall on top of Elsa. She quickly pushed him aside letting him fall to the floor and swiftly drew her own sword.

Mesagog at this swept her feet making her fall on her stomach causing her to lose her sword seeing it slide two feet away from her. Zeltrax seeing this stomped on Mesagog's hand making him yelp with pain. Elsa quickly got up and retrieved her sword turning around seeing Mesagog now on his feet. Taking in deep breaths, she lifted her sword and charged toward him.

Zeltrax split Mesagog's leather vest from behind him with his sword making Mesagog bend back in pain screaming with agony. At this, Elsa swiped her sword across his chest again making him yelp even more. Zeltrax punched Mesagog on his side and kicked him on his back causing Mesagog to fall forward. On his way down, Elsa lifted her leg and pressed it down on his back making the fall even harder.

Mesagog, as soon as he felt the foot off of his back, quickly rolled to his left where nothing would bother him. He jumped up and landed on his feet swiftly and perfectly. "You have both made a big mistake" he hissed at them both.

Elsa, with her sword somewhat protecting her body in front of her couldn't believe her eyes. She looked quickly at a quiet Zeltrax on the side seeing him putting his sword away. 'What is he doing?' she asked herself.

As soon as she looked back at Mesagog, she saw him flying toward her with a kick rounding her stomach. "Agh!" she yelled with pain.

"Elsa!" Zeltrax yelled her way running to her side before kicking Mesagog on the side.

As his foot went up, Mesagog at this stopped the kick quickly, and punched Zeltrax on the stomach making him fall back.

Starting his mind control against Zeltrax, Mesagog held Elsa from her arm feeling her try to wiggle herself out of his grip.

"You two will do differently next time the thought of betraying me comes to you," he said as the waves made their way to Zeltrax's head. As the waves were still going into his mind, Mesagog walked up to Zeltrax dragging Elsa along with him. He punched Zeltrax harshly lifting him up with the strength of the uppercut, and kicking him in mid air causing Zeltrax to fly back and remain on his back for several moments from the impact.

Mesagog looked down at a still struggling Elsa. She at this looked up at him knowing she should have never of believed the two could take Mesagog on. She felt him lift her up holding her by her back.

"Get up Elsa" he told her silently in a near whisper.

"I'm sorry" she simply told him knowing nothing would come of her apology.

"There is no need to apologize Elsa…" he told her devilishly, "not yet."

He again gripped her and swung her up. He punched her as hard as he could on the center of her mouth making her taste her own blood on her tongue. He simply left it at that as he threw her to the side. "You are nothing. Not even worth five seconds."

With that, she left them both to aide each other in the lab.

She questioned her mind getting over Mesagog as she passed her entire hand over her mouth. Closing her eyes, she remembered the bloodshed from her lips as she pried them from being stuck to her teeth. She lifted her upper lip still seeing her scar passing her tongue over the soft wet part before shaking her head and removing her shirt completely getting ready for bed.