Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers; thus not owning anything in the story. Although there might be characters in this story that will be mine; go ahead and use them if you'd like; no permission needed.

A/N: Hey all, I'm back. Let's just hope this does not take me as long as the other stories. Oh and if you're wondering if this is a sequel to Budding and Blooming, well, it is. I decided to make a trilogy and finalize it a bit. Well, on with the show.


Chapter One / Explanations

The airport was full of people rushing in and out of gates. Luggage was being flung from the carts and into the planes' storage place for what seemed to be the longest trip any of these people would take.

"So, where's your gate?" asked Tommy halfheartedly.

Kat, who had her tote on her shoulder and a luggage bag strap over the tote's strap looked over to him as they were walking in through the doors of the airport.

"Tommy…" she began.

"Kat just tell me."

"You know; if this is going to be a problem, then just go ahead and…"

"No, it's not going to be a problem, but an experience for both of us" he said with a lying tone in which she saw through very easily.

"Oh, that's a load of bull."

"What do you mean?"

"Tommy, I've seen how you've been acting since we've talked about this. We decided that…"

"No Kat, see that's the point; you decided."

Kat stopped dead in her tracks and looked at him angrily.

"What?" he asked stopping as well.

"You still ask 'what'?"

"Yeah; naturally that's what people ask when they want to question something."

"Don't get all tech…"

"Don't get all what Kat? You know, you come into my life; make me the happiest man in the world then all of a sudden you want to leave; just like that; without even considering my feelings about this whole thing at all."

"Excuse me? Not considering? Tommy, you're the first person I thought about when I decided to leave."

"That's just it Kat; you decided even before considering anything else!"

Kat was taken back by Tommy at this point. He was still holding her two bags of luggage, plus grasping the handle of her carry-on.

"I can't believe you" she said.

"Wh…Why?" he asked a little lost at this point.

Kat squinted her eyes at him and shook her head.

"We had talked about this Tommy. You told me that it was fine and you'd support me in what I wanted to do. Now we come here and it hits you; so you just start going off on me."

"I said I'd support you and that's what I'm doing."

She exhaled rapidly making her chest come in a bit while gently shaking her head again and looking out of his direction.

"How could you say that?"

"Because it's true" he said innocently.

"Support? You're supporting me" she repeated. "I'm sorry, you should get me a dictionary because the last time I checked, support wasn't yelling at someone an hour before their flight took off."

"Kat, it's just that…"

"No Tommy. You know what? You wanna scream at me or anything else, why don't you just do it now?"

"I don't wanna scream at you. It's just that…"

"What? What is it?"


"No, come out with it. I know there's something wrong…"

"I'm scared okay."

Katherine paused for a short moment taking in what he just said.

"Of what?" she asked, changing her tone now as well.

"Of losing you again" he answered one of the toughest questions he thought.

Katherine closed her eyes for a split second and opened them again to reveal glassy watery sapphires inside of them.

"Kat" he said, "I love you so much. I don't want you to go" he said holding his hands out towards her.

Kat retrieved his gesture and blinked making the salty liquid run down her cheeks.

"Why didn't you tell me that?"

"Because…I don't want you to think that I want you to give up your dream."

She looked down wrinkling her eyebrows and in deep thought. She sniffled before looking up at him again and smiling.

"I guess they could always use a teacher here in Reefside huh?"

Tommy couldn't hide his smile nor wanted to, he took her hands and pulled her towards him making her meet him in a hug.

"Kat, thank you" he said, "thank you so much. I love you; I just don't know what I'd do without you."

Katherine smiled as she hugged him back. She could feel his embrace taking hold of her tighter as he spoke. She knew he wasn't being selfish, but just a bit self-conscience at the fact that she wanted to go back to Russia and teach dance.

For an unknown reason, she somewhat felt the same way. She couldn't face being without him for more than a day; how could she go on without him for more than a week; maybe even a month or two? She had gotten so excited as her friend told her about the new teaching position in St. Petersburg at the Russian School of Arts.

It was always her dream to dance for the Russian Ballet; she had already done that. Yet, teaching a group of advanced teenage Russian dancers was on top of her list of dreams as well.

Not one thought of regret went through her mind as she saw Tommy grabbing the luggage again and taking her by the hand as he kissed her passionately. It wasn't like them to express public displays of affection; except for those very special moments. They headed out the sliding mechanical doors of the airport smiling at one another and talking about their future together.

"I told you" said Kira to her boyfriend.

"Told me what?" asked Trent.

"I told you no."

"But why?" he asked innocently as if being held as a child.

Kira looked at him making a sad puppy-dog face and smiled at him.

"Alright" she said giving in.

Trent stood up quickly expressing his enthusiasm.

"But only for a minute" she continued, "I really have to work on these songs for next week."

"Yeah, it's only gonna take a second" Trent said taking her by the hand and leading her outside towards his motorcycle.

Krista and Conner were now walking along the shore of Reefside Bay hand in hand.

"Thanks for everything Conner" Krista mentioned the night of their prom.

"Hey, you're welcome. I'd do anything for you" said Conner as he felt her halt making him stop as well.

"You know, I'm going to Los Angeles next month to work with my aunt at the Zoo."

"Really? That's great Krista" Conner said not knowing why Krista's emotion and tone were so sad.

"Umm…I might not be coming back though" she finished.

Conner at this let down his smile and looked into her light green eyes. He couldn't say anything. Here was the one girl that had completely let him keep his guard down and not act like a jock. He couldn't see himself without her, yet wanted her to be happy.

"They have a great facility for wildlife and huge environmental offices there. I was hoping to work as an intern while I attend the University at UCLA" she simply said.

Conner again looked deep into her eyes and found himself smiling at her. That's all he could do for her at that moment; just smile.

Hayley was behind the counter wiping it with a damp towel when he walked in. Strands of brownish-black hair; his height and figure were perfect for a baseball player; and his deep brown eyes making their way towards her. She looked up a small bit to catch his soft caramel skin colored hand tapping gently on the counter.

"Hey Hayley" said Ethan.

Hayley looked up and saw Ethan beside him.

"I want you to meet somebody. This is Dr. Maxwell Monroe" said Ethan pointing to his right with his thumb. "He's checking out Reefside cuz, you know that knew building for Apple Technology they're putting up?"

"Yeah" she answered.

"Well, he's the Vice President" he said with enthusiasm in his voice.

"Umm…hey" she simply said after taking a deep gulp, "Hayley" she finished while reaching out her hand to shake his.

"Hello Hayley" he said taking her hand and shaking it while saying, "Call me Max. Ethan tells me you're into technology as well?"

"Yeah, well…yeah" she said again not knowing what to add and getting completely blushed red at this point.

"So, how are you?"

"Umm…good…" she said not getting her eyes off of him; for the first time Hayley was speechless.

"Nice place you have here" he said looking around without moving his stance.

"Umm…" she said before clearing her throat, "thanks. So…umm…can I get you anything?"

"Sure" he said sheepishly, "What's the special?"

"Well, we have our chicken salad plate with any side along with your choice of drink" she said.

Ethan saw the conversation through both of them going well with a huge smile on his face. He saw Maxwell and Hayley exchanging glances and both blushing a bit as they chuckled with just one order.

A small white Havanese puppy with a small yellow bandana wrapped snuggly around his neck was jumping around in Trent's room exploring every aspect of what it could find.

The door gently opened with Trent leading Kira inside by her forearm and having her cover her eyes with her two hands.

"Can I open them now?" she asked.

"No, not yet" said Trent as the puppy ran full speed yet not so fast having in mind that he is a puppy towards Trent and Kira. The Havanese puppy quickly started barking softly with such a shrieking bark that made Kira instantly put her hands down and see what was going on.

"Oh my God!" she cried upon seeing the miniature size pup. She bent over and picked it up immediately.

"Do you like 'em?" asked Trent.

"Oh Trent!" she said while bringing the dog up towards her face and cuddling it, "is it yours?" she asked, wanting him to say yes so she could see the puppy more often.

"Well, no" he said. "It's yours" he soon added.

Kira at this placed the puppy towards her chest with one hand and hugged Trent with the other.

"Trent, thank you so much!" she cried, "It's so adorable!"

"No problem babe" he said as he felt her lips meet his meeting him with a sweet kiss.

"Oh, he's so cute!" she said as she got the puppy with both hands bringing him up to meet her face, "wait, is it a boy or a girl?"

"It's a boy" he said.

"Awww" she simply said before holding him again and reaching over to Trent to kiss him once more.

"Wow, if I had know you were gonna spread out so much love, I would've gotten you two" he joked.

Kira smiled knowing that he was joking.

"So, are you gonna take him on the road with you?" he asked her.

"I don't know, you think I should?" she asked.

"Yeah, aren't they gonna provide you with luxury as well?"

"Trent, he's an unknown artist in Great Britain. He's still struggling to get a world tour going on and you're talking about luxury?"

"Hey, I only want the best for my girlfriend" he said with a smile knowing that Kira was going to instantly like the comment.

As he knew, she did and again kissed him. "Thanks for looking out for me Trent" she said walking over to his bed and sitting down.

"So" he began, "what are you gonna name 'em?"

Tommy and Kat arrived at their house and decided to leave the luggage at the door since they could come back later and Kat could start unpacking.

"You know, I really don't want you to think that I'm being selfish or anything" Tommy said with a sad tone.

Katherine turned to look in his direction and shook her head, "Don't worry luv; honestly, I felt the same way."

Tommy went over to her and took her hand while again rubbing his thumb over the well sized diamond on her finger, "I love you Kat" was all he could say before the phone rang.

"Hello" said Tommy upon answering it having Kat walk towards her luggage at this point.

"Oh really…Okay…I won't; hold on" he said before handing the phone to Kat.

"Who is it?" she asked as she grasped it.

"It's Tanya" he said letting go of the phone and heading to the kitchen.

"Hello?" asked Kat with a smile on her face going over to sit on the couch.

A/N: Okay Okay, so I started another story. My God am I in over my head or what? You know, I just think it's way too much since I honestly don't know where I'm going with this one. Anyways, I hope you guys like this mushy chapter and explained a lot of what I didn't tell you before.