Author's note: Im back, and I bring you the finale!!!. I know it took me a little longer then expected, and it is really long, but bare with me here, lol. Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, except King Reynold, I only own the plotline. Its been wonderful writing this for you, I had just as much fun as you guys, but sadly, all good things must come to an end!!!!. So, enjoy!. You guys have been so wonderful, this is my treat to you!!!!!. Your all awsome!!!!!!. hugs!!!! So I hope you enjoy, and thank you sooooo much!!!!!!.

For the next couple of days, Cair Paravel was in full excitement. All was in preparations for the wedding of King Peter and Queen Susan. When the High King and his future wife announced their engagement, they would have admitted to being a little nervous, however, as the announcement still rung through the throne room, a cheer illuminated the heartbreaking silence, Narnia obviously rejoicing to the happy news. Great smiles returned to Peter and Susan's lips, themselves quite overjoyed to see their nation could be happy for them equally.

Even Mr. And Mrs. Beaver offered to stay to help prepare for the grand day. "I shall decorate the castle with many bright streamers and such!" Mrs. Beaver said with glee. Mr. Beaver, Lucy, Tumnus, Edmund, Peter and Susan laughed at her remark. "Oh, and your wedding dress shall be-" she began, but startled, Susan butted in. "Already being tailored. So there is no need for such a thing from you" she said kindly. Brushing off her initial idea, Mrs. Beaver went on about the decorations for the wedding.

Everything was going perfectly to plan for the wedding in a couple of days. Edmund, Lucy, Aslan, Tumnus, Mr. And Mrs. Beaver were all grateful to help Peter and Susan prepare for their special day. Aslan would be the one to perform the ceremony, Lucy was the maid of honor, Edmund was best man and the Beavers would be the ring bearers. Tumnus would assist with the decorations and Aslan's assistant in the ceremony, he was very honored.

All of Narnia was invited; also some of the dryads that still remained loyal to the High King and Gentle Queen. King Reynold along with some of his countrymen were also invited. Hearing all of this being planned out so perfectly, Mrs. Beaver had to smile. She was said to always love weddings, and the way she ordered thee decorations and such to be in place, it was truly was to be a spectacular event.

Aslan watched as the throne room, and practically all of the castle, was brought to life with ribbons of colors, banners of white, pink and purple, hung all over the place It was truly become more and more like the images he foreseen that day, watching them play happily upon the hill before any of this had happened (A/N: Back in the first chapter). He realize now that he had that prophecy for a reason, these two were obviously meant for each other, together against all odds or laws of the world, which brought them here to free them, and help their love to grow into this.

Aslan was so pleased that all would turn out as the lovers planned, especially after all that the couple have been through these past months in Narnia. Since it was also ending their first year here, this would be the perfect way to top everything off. A shout from Mrs. Beaver suddenly brought him from his thoughts. "No!. Not that color!" shouted Mrs. Beaver angrily. Aslan chuckled as the beaver began her rant. He noticed Susan coming towards him from the corner of his eye.

"Are you sure it was such a good idea to put her in charge of decorating and baking?" Susan asked uneasily, she raised an brow in Mrs. Beaver's direction, looking rather unsure of their decision of her part. Aslan chuckled again. "She is only wanting the best for both of you on your special day, I'm sure" Aslan assured her, but Susan still seemed stressed. "But she won't even let me help!. Nobody lets me help!" she sighed sadly, watching as Mrs. Beaver now ordered around some of the fauns and centaurs, even Lucy, who looked rather tired now. Aslan watched Susan for a moment; he had been observing her since the engagement was set.

The young bride-to-be had seemed rather nervous and stressed about the whole wedding thing, and so offered to help, however was instantly swatted away by everyone. All that Aslan knew that Susan had done was dress fitting and asked of her opinion of either flower arrangements or decoration height, never anything physical. Even Peter had contributed something to the completion of the ceremony, and leaving her rather left out.

"Susan, I realize you have a lot going for you because of the wedding. But I advise you to calm down before you do damage to your own self" Aslan told her, her cheeks growing red as she realized her own nerves. "Then we wouldn't have a bride and our efforts would be in vain" Aslan said, Susan and he in a chuckle. "I suppose I was going a little overboard, was I?" she asked. "Yes, Peter, Edmund and Lucy even came to me, asking if I could calm you down" Aslan joked, causing Susan to chuckle.

"You may see as you have no part in this" Aslan began again catching Susan's attention once more. "But infact, your part will come shortly, just you watch" Aslan cautioned her, Susan looked at Aslan completely taken back. Aslan only chuckled at her, and began to walk away. "But Aslan, what is that suppose to mean?" Susan asked hurriedly, seeing Aslan turning to leave. The lion only caught her gaze and smiled, stopping her in her tracks. "You'll see, Queen Susan" he said once again.

Aslan turned his head away from her, and they stood in silence for a moment. "Just remember to pace yourself" Aslan told her, before once more walking away into the direction of Mrs. Beaver, still ordering the fauns and Lucy about the decorations. Susan was about to go after the lion, when she was suddenly stopped by one of her handmaidens who had been looking for her. "My Queen, the alternations for your dress are ready!" she said excitedly, pulling at Susan's hand in the direction of the stairs.

Susan remained in her spot, her gaze still fixed upon the golden lion in the distance, she vaguely even noticed her handmaiden tugging at her. "Do you not wish to see, your majesty?" the maiden asked, seeing Susan's attention on something else for the entire moment. Susan suddenly snapped out of it, and turned to her maiden. "What?. The dress?" she asked, remembering her maiden saying something about it.

"Yes, your dress was fixed of the alternations, and I think you'll find it perfect!" the maid became quite excited; Susan laughed uneasily at the girl's excitement. "Oh, yes. Then we shall go see" Susan said, trying to act into the excitement, but her mind was still plagued with the question: what did Aslan mean by that?. Susan and the handmaiden called Lucy over in excitement, and off the three went to Susan's bedchambers to see the new improved wedding dress.

Peter watched this from the corner of his eye, pretending to be busy with something else, watching as the three ran off, all but Susan excited for the dress to be seen, Peter noticed this with much distress. Peter looked after them once they had disappeared from his sight, remembering that his fiancée did seem a little stressed over the whole situation, and being denied of any help didn't make it any better, knowing how she loved to busy herself with work whenever she was stressed or something.

Edmund also noticed the distress of his brother, and instantly came over to question him. "Something wrong?" he asked concerned, then doing as he usually did to lighten the mood, "Getting cold feet, Peter?" he said, bursting with laughter, however his fun came to a halt after seeing the cold glare his elder brother shot his way. "Not funny, Ed" he growled after a moment, but then softened his tone. "It's Susan…." He started again, becoming lost in thought. "Has she seemed a bit odd to you?" Peter questioned eagerly, glancing at his brother, waiting for an response.

Edmund was a bit taken aback by his brother's question, but decided to answer it politely. "I'm sure she's just nervous for the wedding in a couple of days" Edmund tried to assure him, however, Peter suddenly glanced at him worriedly. "I mean, in a excited and happy sort of way!" Edmund countered, hoping that would lift his brother's spirits a bit, this was a big deal after all. Peter still looked rather defeated over the subject. "Maybe I should have a talk with her" he said softly, half to himself, and went off back to his duties, Edmund stared off after him, rather confused.

That evening there was to be a special dinner in honor of the bride and groom, in which the Beavers and Aslan were to attend, and even fauns and centaurs and other creatures that served them in the battle. It was half for the wedding, and half to celebrate another victory, but the dining hall would be packed, it was promised. Everyone prepared for the excitement, the wedding was only tomorrow and the castle was buzzing with excitement.The Pevensies dressed in their best wear, the girls having their hair prepared nicely.

Lucy could hardly contain herself, however Susan sat at her vanity in a trance like state that the maid who was plaiting her hair seemed to be rather worried for the young queen.The world seemed to have disappeared for a moment to Susan as Aslan's words still rang through her head. What could he have meant?, she kept thinking to herself. It had only been a couple of hours, but it seemed to have consumed her. She bit at her rosy lip as she thought of this, haven't heard her handmaiden scold her not to ruin her makeup.

It wasn't until Lucy suddenly burst into the room excitedly that Susan snapped out of her state. Susan and her two maids jumped as the door hit the wall with unexpectedly. "Are you ready, Su?" Lucy asked happily, bouncing up and down as she made her way over to her sister. Susan laughed at her sister's excitement, and after a nod from her maid saying that she was done, Susan carefully gathered up her silk dress and together the two girls made their way for the staircase.

Running ahead of her sister, Lucy looked over the ivory railing to see Peter, Edmund and Aslan, Tumnus, and the beavers waiting for them at the bottom. Peter and Edmund seemed the most nervous. Smiling to herself, Lucy pulled back, returning to Susan. "Ready?" she asked happily, Susan smiling at her. With a quick smile and a sigh to each other, Lucy and Susan started to descend the stairs. It was Aslan's eye they caught first, and everyone else turned to see the beauties before them. Lucy's dress was a cheery red, off the shoulder and a whit ribbon tied in her hair loose around her face. Susan's dress was navy blue, tied at the neck; her hair was plaited with a forest green ribbon in her raven hair.

Peter and Edmund were in complete awe as they watched their sisters making their way down the stairs, their eyes locked as they came towards them, shooting them the most beautiful smiles. It wasn't until Lucy spoke that the boys came out of their stare, "Sorry if we're a little late" she said a bit nervously, glancing towards Edmund and smiled. "Nonsense, your just in time!" Tumnus offered cheerily. All went quite and they could hear the noise of the people in the dining hall behind the closed doors.

"Well, we had better get in there and start dinner!" Aslan offered, going to take his place at the front of the precession, Tumnus followed after complimenting the queens. The Pevensies took their places; the brothers offering their arms and the sisters took them with a smile. Seeing all was well, Aslan nodded to Tumnus, who opened the dining hall doors, causing the trumpets to sound and everyone stood. Tumnus was first inside, bowing by the doors as the precession passed; Aslan was first then the beavers, waving as they passed.

Next was Edmund and Lucy side by side, and finally Peter and Susan. Everyone was in awe of the Kings and Queens, the boys dressed in their best silken robes, Edmund in blue and Peter in teal. The crowns of each sparkled magnificently in the soft light of the dining hall, it was absolutely amazing. Everyone clapped as the kings and queens stopped at their respected places at the table, Peter and Susan stood at the head of the large table, Edmund to beside Peter, and Lucy beside Susan, Aslan spoke before them.

"Tonight, we are here to celebrate that of the victory of Narnia…." Aslan begun, in which some of the creatures clapped in joy. "And to begin the union of High King Peter the Magnificent and Queen Susan the Gentle", he announced and a loud clapping and cheering irrupted the table, in which Peter and Susan smiled nervously, although Susan seemed to be lost in thought for a moment. "So in celebration, let us eat to the new day to come" Aslan announced once more, everyone raised their glasses, cheering once more before beginning to eat.

The night went on wonderfully, the food served was excellent and the Pevensies held wonderful conversations with the creatures of Narnia, laughter rang through the halls adding to the aura of excitement and joy. Once or twice, Peter, Edmund or Lucy would notice Susan being quiet, remaining in her train of thought earlier, the puzzle of Aslan's words becoming more difficult. When her siblings tried to console her, she just admitted to being fine and smiling politely at them, however, they remained unconvinced.

Peter became uneasier about Susan's behavior as the night went on, glancing at her in the corner of his eye for a moment before returning to the conversation, he could only hope his suspicions were wrong. The night went on and still Susan was rather quiet, it wasn't until a faun had asked her a question that Susan finally came out of her thoughts. She seemed a little startled at first, and was asked if she was all right. "Yes, um…" she began uneasily. "I-I think I just need some-fresh air" she stumbled slightly, quickly pushing out her chair and walking off towards the balcony doors, Peter watched her before quickly getting to his feet as well and running after her.

Everyone watched the young couple disappear, the chatter went on without them. Once outside, Susan rubbed her bare arms against the chill of the night, slowly moving towards the stone railing overlooking one of the gardens. She sighed deeply before shutting her eyes to the night. "Susan?", she suddenly heard behind her, turning to see her elder brother behind her at the doors, a concerned look on his face. She didn't answer, but turned back to face the gardens.

Peter made his way towards her, reaching out to gently touch her bare shoulder. "Susan, is something wrong?" he asked softly, she could smile at his concern but it only flicked across her lips. Silence filled the air around them, Peter's heart fell at her silence, his suspicions had been confirmed in his mind. His hand slowly slipped from her shoulder, his head now downcast. "Is it-the wedding?" he asked finally, tears coming to his eyes, not wanting to hear the answer if it be true. "Are you not wanting to marry me anymore?" he continued sadly, his heart beating faster in anticipation.

Susan's brow furrowed at this question, turning once more to face his now saddened expression, tears seemed to glow from his eyes from the moon above them. "What?" she asked softly, not believing her ears. Peter thought she would have understood for it was her own statement. "I mean, I'd understand if you don't want to go through with this-" he began sadly, but was cut off when Susan placed a finger against his lips to hush him. "Peter, of course I still want to marry you!" she laughed, placing both her hands firmly upon his shoulder.

She watched as a smile once more broke out on his face. "What made you think I didn't want to marry you, Peter?" she asked, Peter thought this for a moment. "Well, you seemed sort of stressed and-" Peter began but was stopped when Susan began to chuckle. "Oh Peter. It is that I am a bit stressed, but I love you more than anything!" she said smiling, Peter mirrored it. "After all we've been through, I don't want to be apart from you again, my love" she said, Peter pulled her in for an tight embrace. "I know, my darling. This all seems like a dream." said Peter.

Susan pulled back a little bit. "And I would never abandon you when our dream is coming true" she giggled at how corny they were sounding, but enjoyed their little moment together. Resting their foreheads against each other, they leaned in for a kiss, the world faded around them, their hearts bursting with pride and excitement. The doors were flung open once more, and Lucy and Tumnus came to check on the young lovers. They giggled mischievously as Peter and Susan pulled apart slowly.

"Come now, your party is going on without you!" Lucy called, giggling to herself, she and Tumnus returning to the party after bidding to them to follow. Laughing Peter took Susan's hand and the two returned to their party, more joyous then ever. After their little talk, Susan seemed more anxious to participate in every conversation; Aslan's words now faint in the back of her mind. The party ended late into the night, excitement still buzzing for the next day. Mr. And Mrs. Beaver spent the night; Mrs. Beaver having a hard time ushering the Pevensies to bed, they were still so excited.

The gentle rays of the sun flowed through Cair Paravel, promising a beautiful day for the ceremony to come. Lucy's eyes shot open with excitement as she noticed the rays of the sun seeping through the curtains, a smile spread quickly across her face. Throwing the blankets off of her, she climbed out of her massive bed and out the door; the first one she saw was Mrs. Beaver. They chatted quietly the beaver explaining she was on her way to wake Susan; Mr. Beaver was on his way to wake Edmund and Peter.

Deciding on doing it as a surprise, Lucy and Mrs. Beaver crept to Susan's room, slowly opening the door. The curtains still pulled over the window; the two could begin to make out Susan's peaceful form hidden among the silk sheets. They divided, Lucy creeping over to the bed, and Mrs. Beaver slowly making her way to the window. They counted to three, Lucy jumped onto Susan's bed excitedly at the same time, Mrs. Beaver through open the curtains, the room flooding with light. "Wake up!. Wake up!" Lucy shouted happily, bouncing up and down among Susan's sheets, a growl from below them was heard.However, Lucy didn't stop until Susan's head appeared. "Lucy, what in Narnia-" she began angrily but Lucy suddenly shouted happily into the air, "It's your wedding day!".

Lucy repeated her shouts of joy as Susan sat up in the bed abandoning sleep, Mrs. Beaver joining them. "It's here, its here. Its your wedding day!" Lucy continued, Susan stared at her rather grumpily. "Yes, Lu. I'm sure the whole castle heard you" she began. "And unless you want to see a very grumpy and tired looking bride I suggest you stop, please!" Susan yawned, flopping back down onto the pillows and once more covering herself with the blanket.

Lucy watched this for a moment; Mrs. Beaver helped her off of the bed. "Lucy, why don't you go down to breakfast while I get Susan ready" Mrs. Beaver offered, walking Lucy to the door. "I'm sure Peter and Edmund are already up!" she suggested, closing the door. Lucy's lips broke out once more in a smile, and she took off for the dining hall. Once she entered, she was amazed to see more strings of colored banners were hung; it really looked like the preparations were coming along. She found Peter, Edmund, and Mr. Beaver and Tumnus already eating breakfast at the table.

She hurried towards Peter, engulfing him in a huge hug. "Morning to you, Lu" he greeted happily, taking her in his arms and sitting her on his lap. "I'm so excited for the wedding, I could barely sleep!" she said happily, Peter and Tumnus giggled. "Of course, the way you were shouting from Susan's room, you probably woke the whole castle" Edmund joked. Lucy shot him a look, "That was the only way to get Susan up!" she said, getting down from Peter's lap and sitting at her spot, watching as Tumnus poured her some juice.

"And how is my bride doing this morning?" Peter chuckled, taking a sip of some tea. Lucy giggled, taking a bite of her toast. "Oh, just cheery. Mrs. Beaver is waking her!" Lucy joked, Peter, Tumnus and Edmund joining in on the joke. Breakfast had almost finished when Mrs. Beaver appeared, coming from the kitchens.

"How's Susan?" Peter asked, Mrs. Beaver turned her attention to him after accepting a kiss from her husband. "Just fine, she's up and I am helping her prepare" she said. "And I am taking up her breakfast, because you are not aloud to see her until the ceremony, I want everything to be a surprise!" she said, pointing a claw warningly at Peter, causing the young king to chuckle. "Well, we wouldn't want to ruin it!" Edmund joked again, Mrs. Beaver's attention shot to him, making him uneasy. The silence was broken when one of the chiefs came to deliver Susan's breakfast.

Mrs. Beaver bit them farewell, suddenly turning to Lucy, "I shall call for you when I need you" she said, before walking back up the stairs. Everyone looked after her, rather uneasy about the situation. "She's a little bit of a perfectionist, eh?" Edmund said, the table chuckled. "Try living with her for a while" Mr. Beaver added, he turned to Peter, "You'll see what I mean!" he added, they laughed once more. "I better be preparing myself" Peter said, getting up from the table. Peter bit them goodbye, Mr. Beaver and Edmund agreeing they'd help him later. Lucy was still beaming with excitement.

After breakfast, Lucy returned to her sister's room to see of the progress, still in a robe after her shower, happily munching on her toast. Edmund and Mr. Beaver went with their own preparations for the wedding, helping with decorations or anything Peter set them too. Unlike the girls, they had time before they had to dress. The morning quickly slipped into the afternoon and the excitement only grew. Everyone was so busy there was absolutely no time to rest. And people explained there was still so much to do.

The time ticked by some thought it slow as the afternoon drew on. The only time that Susan was allowed out of her room, she was coming down the hall back towards her room after grabbing something from Lucy's and Peter almost saw her. He chuckled as he caught a white blur suddenly duck into the closest room. Adding to the joke, he knocked on the door, he was answered with, "Go away!". "I'm sure you look beautiful, love" Peter chuckled, but only got the same response, "It's bad luck for us to see each other before the wedding" she countered, causing Peter to chuckle once more.

After agreeing that he'd leave, they exchanged words of love and once more separated. After making sure he was nowhere in sight, Susan hurried back to her room and shut the door tightly. Lucy, Mrs. Beaver and the maids all looked at her confused. "Peter almost saw me" she said, breathing heavily, Mrs. Beaver scolding her for going out. "Come now, it is time to finish preparing!" she said, gesturing for Susan to sit at the vanity. She did as told, and removed the towel wrapped to her wet hair, and they began to work.

It was now close to sunset, the time of the wedding was at hand. Peter, Edmund and Mr. Beaver were helping Peter with the finishing touches to his wardrobe, Edmund and Mr. Beaver preparing themselves as well. Noticing his reflection in the mirror, he sighed deeply, a smile spread across his face, his eyes shining. Peter could feel his heart pounding in his chest at the thought of what was to happen, he still couldn't believe it was truly happening. Peter was suddenly brought from his thoughts when Edmund touched his arm.

"It's time we were down there" he gestured softly, smiling to his brother for comfort. "They will be waiting for us" he continued, Peter smiled back at Edmund, glancing at the mirror once more before heading out the door with Edmund and Mr. Beaver. In the next room, down the hall, Susan remained at her vanity, her maids finishing up with her hair, Lucy helping her touch up her make up, she had already dressed in her finished wedding gown, it flowed to the floor magnificently.

Putting down the blush, Susan took a moment to gaze at her reflection, her heart pounding in her chest, wondering if this was real. She sighed deeply, she felt as if she was going to faint. She was suddenly broken from her thoughts as Lucy held out the lipstick for her. "Thanks, Lu" she smiled at the girl before applying the cherry color to her lips. She glanced in the mirror once more, noticing that the maids had just finished her veil. Silence filled the room. "It's time to go down now, my Queen" one of the maids said through the silence, Susan took a moment before nodding and following her sister and maids out, all bursting with excitement.

By now, all of the guests were seated in the throne room, King Reynold and some of the Archenlanders were seated up front, Peter, Edmund and Aslan standing on the stairs that would serve as the alter, waiting for the ceremony to begin. Peter was dressed this time in gold and white except for the cape, which was red, Edmund was in sliver again, his cape now a navy blue. Both their crowns gleaming in the dying sun, the throne room was decorated beautifully, just as Aslan had seen.

Many lit candles added a comforting glow around the room, along with the setting sun, the room hummed with chatter. Mr. Beaver waited outside the throne room for the girls, and finally seeing them, he was completely sunned. After complimenting her, Mr. Beaver called for Tumnus to tell the rest they were ready to begin. Quickly, they arranged themselves into their order, Susan stood extremely nervous, looking herself over once more before she heard the music from the throne room begin, Lucy smiled at her.

"Are you alright?" she asked, Susan nodded, thanking her, smiling. Everyone turned their attention to the doorway, which was covered with a silk white curtain. The Beavers appeared, carrying the rings on the satin pillow, their faces pudgy faces filled with pride, wide with smiles. Then Lucy appeared, she was dressed in a silver dress, this time a blue ribbon tied to her waist, her hair in beautiful ringlets, her crown sparkling. She happily made her way down the carpet, a wide smile also on her lips, randomly throwing rose petals as she made her way to the stairs. She caught gazes with both Peter and Edmund, both with beaming smiles as she took her place across from Edmund. The music stopped as Lucy took her place, and all turned their attention back to the curtained doorway, waiting in excited anticipation for the bride.

Susan let out a long breath as she heard the wedding march begin, this was really happening. Closing her eyes for a moment, Susan counted to three softly before walking forward and into the throne room. Everyone was just in splendid awe at how beautiful she was, some even began to tear at the sight, the gentle queen shooting them a small smile in appreciation as she passed, before she returned her gaze to the front, where her family as Aslan awaited her.

All, except for Lucy, were also in disbelief, especially Peter. He just couldn't believe the lovely beauty before him. Susan's dress was strapless, the bodice sparkled with many tiny jewels beaded into it, the bottom half was frill that flowered to the floor beautifully, the hem coming up from the floor from the left side, creating a perfect view for her glass slippers, completing the Cinderella affect. Her hair was braided along the back of her head, the lace veil was pinned just under it, her face also covered in the lace, you could just see her crown sparkling from underneath. The rest of her hair was parted and curled into ringlets falling over her shoulders.

Peter's eyes dancing, a huge smile swept over his face as she came up the stairs towards them, ever so careful of her glass slippers, Lucy and Edmund shared an smile, Aslan smiling proudly at them, the candles flickering joyously to the music, and the fading light from the sun just created the mood as magical. As Susan finally stopped beside Peter, she removed the veil covering her face, smiling to Peter as the music came to a close. Aslan smiled at them before beginning. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here this evening to witness the union of High King Peter and Queen Susan in holy matrimony!" Aslan's voice boomed through the high walls of the throne room.

As he continued, Peter and Susan held their hands, tightening a hold on each other, before glancing at their brother and sister, the beavers and Tumnus, shooting them each a large smile before the wedding continued. The promises of eternal love were exchanged; the rings were issued, along with the heart filled vows, a couple of tears fell at this moment, even some of the audience. Aslan blessed the two, wishes of eternal love, health and joy and as they stood and faced the crowd, Aslan announced, "I now present to you, the newly wedded Peter and Susan Pevensie", and the crowd went up in a loud cheer. Once it had quiet down a bit, the lion bid them to kiss.

Turning towards each other, Peter and Susan leaned in slowly, their lips finally meeting in a sweet kiss to seal off the perfect moment. As if by magic, snow began to drift softly passed the window against the now dark sky. The snow and stars mixed to seem like beautiful jewels alighting the perfect moment. "It's snowing!" Lucy cried happily, releasing the couple from their kiss and all turned to gaze happily out of the high windows, excited chattering now filled the room. The crowd was ordered to calm, the bride and groom now back down the isle, Lucy and Edmund, the Beavers and Tumnus after them.

All then filed into the dining hall for the great feast in honor of the newly wedded couple. The feast was bigger then the one before, the enlarged table was filled with varieties of delicious food, all digging in immediately. However, before the feast began, Edmund and Lucy were to say a few words, "We've known them all our lives, through the bad and the good, and we couldn't have been more prouder of them today" Edmund said, the crowd sighed in awe. "I can only wish the best for them, they truly deserve this night because of all that they've been through!. And I know that they will be a wonderful husband and wife as they are brother and sister!. To Peter and Susan!" Lucy said, raising her glass, the others doing the same, the crowd in a cheer before drinking from their glasses.

The rest of the reception went on beautifully, the music played on by the band was lovely, and playing the first song, Peter and Susan had their first dance. Everyone remained in awe as they watched for a moment as the couple twirled around the dance floor, before grabbing their own partners and joining in the dance. Susan smiled at Peter, before turning her attention to try and find her siblings. Her smile widening when she found Edmund and Lucy dancing quite closely as they were, and the next thing she's paired with Tumnus, Edmund with another. Lucy seemed to have two partners.

Susan and Peter laughed at this, before Peter caught her attention once more. "I do believe we have that affect on them, Susan" he laughed, Susan laughed whilst raising a brow. "Mischievous?" she questioned, not sure what he meant. "Finding their way to love, I couldn't have done it without you" Peter said softly, smiling at her as she playfully hit his shoulder. "You sap!" she laughed, before Peter twirled her to the music and capturing her once more in his arms. "And its because of you" Peter said, suddenly capturing her lips in another kiss. The world faded for a moment, Peter dipping her slightly to deepen the kiss before releasing her a moment later.

"I love you" she whispered, somewhat in a daze, and Peter smiled, admitting the same before Susan closed her eyes, resting her head on his shoulder as the song continued. The rest of the night was just as enjoyable, some of the creatures joined Lucy and Tumnus in the snow, Edmund coming over and dumping a handful of snow onto Peter's head, and a chase began, when caught, it was Edmund's head that got ducked in the snow. As tradition, Peter and Susan fed each other pieces of cake, Susan making a game of throwing smaller pieces, but that also ended up in a food fight. All in all, quite enjoyable and everyone had a wonderful time.

A little after midnight, the guests decided to leave, thanking Peter and Susan for the lovely evening and shaking their hands in congrats. King Reynold was one of the last, coming up to them and giving Susan, then Peter a tight embrace. "It was truly magnificent, it was the best time!" King Reynold said laughing. "Good luck to you both, and don't be strangers, you may come anytime you like. But do come in the near future" he said, Susan and Peter agreeing, before hugging the aged king once more and the rest of the Archenlanders as they passed. Finally, it was the Pevensies who broke off to bed, Edmund, Lucy, Tumnus and the Beavers all gave last congrats and hugs before bidding goodnight and off to bed.

For the night, Susan was to share with Peter; tomorrow they'd move her things into his seeing as they were married now. As Susan readied herself in the bathroom, Peter sighed in satisfaction, commenting on how lovely the wedding turned out. Susan finally came out of the bathroom smiling, having already changed into a silk nightgown and crawled onto the bed beside him, agreeing to his comment. "Oh, I'm tired!" he commented as he was suddenly overcome by a yawn, Susan looked at him with a mischievous smirk. "Really?. Cause you know…." She began slowly, her fingers crawling up Peter's bare chest. "The night is not over yet!" she said, catching his eye and smirking evilly.

Peter instantly caught on, mirroring her expression and suddenly grabbed her around the waist, causing her to giggle, as he turned her onto her back. "You mean, this?" he said softly, leaning down and sucking and nipping at the base of her neck and moving upwards, creating shivers up her spine, she giggled. Once he got to her jawbone, he stopped, looking once more into her eyes. "And this…." He said again, this time capturing her lips in now a more passionate kiss, as it deepened, Susan could feel Peter's hand snake up under her nightdress.

Peter broke away from her lips, trailing kisses all along her cheek leading to and down the jawbone, before he looked into her eyes once more. That's when they knew, their hearts ablaze in the moment, they tore away from each other for a moment, throwing off as much of their clothing before helping the other. Climbing under the covers, Peter looked once more into Susan's eyes, she seemed uncertain by the way she was sweeping her fingers back and forth against his skin.

"Are you ready?" he asked softly, bringing her attention back to him, and she seemed to freeze, Peter's heart thumping loudly in his chest in anticipation, knowing he'd wait if he was going too fast for her. A smile appeared on her lips, obviously she knew the same thing, but she also knew her heart and body couldn't take it anymore. "Yes" she whispered, and smiling down at her, Peter leaned down once more, and captured her lips, beginning another passionate kiss. All you could say was, Susan's moans of pleasure were heard through the night.

The months that followed the wedding were indeed pleasurable for the newlyweds. The family witnessed their first real winter in Narnia, only have experienced snow when the White Witch was a threat their first time there. The Pevensies introducing the creatures of Narnia to such things as snow ball fights and ice skating and tobogganing, making of snow forts and snowmen, and they had a wonderful time. They also had their first Narnian Christmas, in which Lucy brought up some thoughts of home. Peter and Edmund went out with Orious and Tumnus for the tree getting the tallest and bushiest tree they could find, Susan and Lucy decorated it, along with Susan baking the usual Christmas treats.

Lucy even hung up some stockings, remembering their meeting of Father Christmas, Edmund inquired about it curiously, Peter and Susan laughed. However, indeed by Christmas day, the stockings were filled and there seemed to be many more presents under the tree, much more then they had ever seen. As Edmund and Lucy tarred through their presents, Susan approached Peter slowly and unsurely, Peter catching the expression in her eyes. "Su, what's wrong?" Peter asked, quick to abandon his present to comfort his wife, however he got a card shoved at him. "Here, open it" she instructed simply, Peter looked at her, rather confused.

Susan chewed on her bottom lip as she watched him slowly open the green colored envelope, revealing a white card inside. Peter's eyes scanned over the words in bold lettering: Congratulations!. Peter looked into Susan's eyes before opening the card, Edmund and Lucy coming over to see what Peter had gotten. Peter read what Susan scribbled inside aloud: I couldn't think of a better way to spend Christmas then with this, it seems our lives have taken a great turn, but the best is yet to come, below it, Peter read: Congratulations New Parents!.

Peter couldn't believe it, he gazed up at Susan once more, her lips quivering trying to hide her growing smile, not wanting to ruin the surprise. "Oh, Susan!" he cried happily, embracing his wife tightly. "I'm to be a father!" Peter cried joyously, releasing his wife and embracing the entire family happily, tears of joy starting to run down their faces as the Pevensies shouted with joy, it truly was a wonderful Christmas.

The months flew by, along with the snow that melted back into the grass that lay dormant during the winter. Peter and Susan's baby grew also, the Pevensies watched in amazement as Susan's stomach grew wider and wider, the royal doctor examination claims it still a healthy baby. But as the baby grew, Susan's abilities lessened to the point where she needed to be helped down the stairs or not at all. Peter, Edmund, Lucy and Tumnus tried to make Susan as comfortable as they could, Susan denying all the attention, bidding them to go out and play. Peter however refused, never leaving his wife's side.

The summer drifted away too fast for the Pevensies and the air grew colder as August then began to fly by. With some help, Susan made it down the staircase and into the library, comforting herself with one of her favorite books, also having convinced her family that she was fine by herself. It was only a little past two when Susan suddenly felt a jolt in her stomach, she cried out in pain, Peter, Edmund and Lucy rushed in to help her.Quickly getting to the medical ward, the delivery of the baby began, Lucy helping Susan's breathing, Peter never letting go of her hand, Edmund helping the doctor with anything he could.

"Alright Susan, your doing great!" one of the nurses encouraged, wiping the sweat from Susan's brow as she pushed once more. "The head!. I see it!" the doctor cried, the room in complete excitement and Susan was encouraged to push once more. "Here, it comes!" the doctor announced a few minutes later, easing the child out, and finally relieving the mother of the agony. "It's a girl!" the doctor announced over the cries that filled the room. Susan slumped back into her bed, her breath still heavy, Peter brushed the sweat soaked hair from her face.

The baby girl was brought over once bathed and wrapped, gently handing her over to the awestruck parents. Susan's eyes overflowed with tears as she gazed at the beautiful baby in her arms, Lucy and Edmund as well. "Way to go!" he encouraged, Lucy cooing over the newborn. "What are you to name her?" she inquired a moment later. Peter and Susan shared a knowing glance before Susan smiled at Lucy. "Michelle Marie Pevensie", Susan said with joy, watching as a smile spread across her sibling's faces as she pronounced the name. The tiny baby groaned as she was switched from the arms of her mother, then father then doctor, the professional claiming that Susan needed her rest after such an ordeal. Peter and Susan watched their daughter placed in a bed not far from where Susan lay, Peter stroked his wife's forehead once more, before leaning down to capture her lips once more.

Days after, the new mother and daughter were moved back into Peter and Susan's room, seeming to adjust to the new life well, Susan getting her rest. Once more the days slipped by and the lush forests blossomed into colors of red, orange and yellow, some being carried off by the autumn wind that blew past. Susan watched this from the balcony of their bedroom, memories flowing past her like the wind across Narnia. Her smile grew as she heard Peter's footsteps approach and stop at the sight of her.

"Susan?", she turned at his voice, a bit startled to see him suddenly so close. She just smiled and turned back to view the trees, her heart leaping as Peter wrapped his arms around her thin stomach, Susan placed hers onto his, gently resting his head onto her shoulder. "Do you miss it?" Peter said gently into her ear, Susan gave a sigh, resting her head against Peter's. "A little" she admitted, Peter giving a sigh as well. "But we've only just begun!" she said, turning her head to look into his eyes. Peter smiled, capturing her lips for a moment, before the two pulled away slowly, once more gazing out into the horizon.

Author's Note: So...hope you enjoyed, cause thats it!!!!. I am thinking of a sequel if many of you are thinking that...yes, but its still in the thought process, lol. Couple of things though: Peter, Edmund and Lucy are dressed the same as the corination, just in the colors I described. I know thats not the best way to say you are pregnant so don't bug me.

I'd also like to give special thanks to Narnian Magic: been with me through everything, thank you soooo much, you've been the best. Aminuleen: Who's been a huge support and wonderful reviewer. And KibumiWong: You have been awsome, with huge support all the way!!!!. And Narnianqueen, cathzadz for your support as well. This is deticated to you!!!!!!.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!!!!!. love you all and hope to be hearing from you in the near future. Thanks again for the wondeful support. Keep up the awsomeness.

You guys rock,