me: hello, and welcome to the last chapter of this story. Yes...its so more disclaimer jokes for this sure you'll all miss them dearly.XD lol. well, I plan on doing a sequel, so keep an eye out for it if you liked this story!now...on to the final disclaimer...((I still dont like the sound of adding "last" infront of everything in the authors note!T-T))
InuYasha: were pretty nice to meh the last couple episodes...and you did fill my trailer with, I guess I'll do ur dumb disclaimer...she doesnt InuYasha...and never will!mwahahaha!
me:wow.O-O didnt even put up a fight!thanks InuYasha..although Im pretty sureit could have done without the evil laugh at the end.
InuYasha: ya,well Im sooooo happy this story is finally over!
me:theres a sequel.
InuYasha: noooooooooooooooooooooooo!
me: eh...on to the chapy!
Chapter 23
Suddenly, he heard a rustling next to him and what sounded like a faint heartbeat. Without looking up, he felt something touch his ears. "Your….ears are doing…a dance up here."
InuYasha jerked his head up to see Kagome smiling up at him, and her arm reaching and rubbing his ears. "Kagome!" he exclaimed in surprise, too happy to express it in words.
"Hey, InuYasha; I'm…..glad to be back." She said, as she stopped rubbing his ears and sat up. She looked at his face hard before she reached up and traced each demon mark, still there, but faint now. His hair had turned back to black, and he was almost full human again now that his anger had left him.
InuYasha looked back at, grabbing her hand as it lowered back to her side, earning a small gasp from Kagome. She looked down to where InuYasha was holding her hand and looked back up to see InuYasha leaning in closer to her. She let out a small gasp before she felt his lips against hers. Finally getting out her shock, Kagome snaked her arms around his neck and leaned into his kiss. They stayed like this for what seemed like forever until they finally let go of each other's lips, each having big red blushes across their faces and small shy smiles.
After a small pause of each other looking at each other in embarrassment, InuYasha spoke up, "Kagome, I love you. Do you have any idea how much it hurt when I had to go through your death, twice?"
Tears welled up in Kagome's eyes, and finally, a tear spilled over down her face. "I'm so sorry, InuYasha."
"Kagome, can you promise me something?" he asked, as he reached up and wiped her tear.
"Anything, InuYasha. I owe you my life twice over."
"Good, then no matter whether you love me in return or not , you will never do something so stupid as to die on purpose ever again." He replied, smiling.
Kagome gave a small laugh and smiled in return. "I promise." She paused to look across the treetops below her. "InuYasha, I would never have done something like that in the first place unless I loved you more than life itself. You know that."
"Yes, I know." He reached for her hand and held it up to his face and kissed it. "And you know I love you more than life itself to have gone and fetched life for you twice now."
"Yes, I do know." Kagome held his hand to her face and kissed it.
InuYasha looking at her and putting on a sly grin. "Two lovers, sitting and staring at each other uselessly. Whatever will we do?"
Kagome putting on an identical grin, smiled back at him, "I can think of a few things." As of finishing this statement, they both leaned in for another kiss, more passionate than before.
That night they spent the night together, both engulfed in eternal happiness, and the next morning, they woke up, looking at each other and smiling. "Oh, InuYasha, I love you so much." Kagome said, running her hand through his silver hair.
"After last night, I think I already know that." He answered, running his fingers through her raven black hair in return.
They both laughed softly, looking up at the sky. "We should get back to the others sometime." Kagome said.
"Why? It's not like they'll be waiting for us." He said, kissing her cheek.
"Uh….ya, they will." She said uneasily.
"What did you do this time? Send your spirit over there to tell them you died?"
"No! I had told Sango that my life would end that night…."
"You idiot! You didn't think I would save you, huh?"
"Well, no….actually, I didn't. Excuse me if I can't see into the future!"
InuYasha sighed and got up. "Well, I guess we better get back. Come on." He knelt down for Kagome to get on. Without saying anything, Kagome got up and got on his back.
After a little while, they finally got back and earned a loud gasp when they both walked into the hut. "Kagome!" they all yelled happily.
"Hey, guys." Was all she could say in reply, as she received hugs by all.
As Sango was hugging Kagome tightly, she froze, still in her embrace. "Uh…Kagome? Is this a hicky on your neck?" she asked, pulling out of embrace and tilting her head at Kagome in confusion.
Kagome's eyes got big as she slapped her hand on her neck. "No!" she yelled, trying to hold back her blush that had crept across her face.
Sango looked at her, but then caught sight of InuYasha. He was also blushing furiously. Her confused expression turned into an excited smile. "Oh my goodness! Kagome, you and InuYasha finally got together!" she exclaimed, as everyone else stared at them in surprise.
InuYasha yelled, "No!" simultaneous of Kagome's embarrassed, "Ya." InuYasha and Kagome turned to each other and once again simultaneously, "Yes?" InuYasha asked, as Kagome asked, "No?"
InuYasha yelled in frustration and walked out of the hut, leaving Kagome in the midst of her fellow traveler's stares. "Well? I'm sure we can all trust what you say." Sango said expectantly.
"I…I…uh…well, I certainly thought we were together…maybe he's embarrassed." Kagome answered, tilting her head and smiling innocently.
"Well, good for you! I'm so proud of you, Kagome. Oh, and your not getting out of telling the story of what happened!" Sango said happily, ending her excitement in an excuse to go talk to InuYasha, as Sango could tell she wanted to badly.
Without saying anything in return, Kagome dashed out of the hut and ran over to InuYasha who was sitting under a tree, staring at the branches above him. She sat down to him silently, staring up through the branches. "What's so interesting up there?" as she said this, InuYasha jumped, not knowing she had been there.
"Oh...nothing. I was just….thinking." he replied, although he still didn't lower his gaze at the tree branches.
Before saying anything, she took a deep breath, "InuYasha, I have to know. Are we…together together, or just…together….oh, that didn't come out right; but you know what I mean, right?"
"Kagome, I love you. I thought I made that clear to you." He said, finally lowering his gaze on the tree and looking at her straight in the eye.
"Yes…I know….but then why did you say no to them when they asked?"
"I don't know. Instinct I guess."
"Oh…okay." She said this is a sad tone, knowing that wasn't the real answer.
Hearing her sad, he felt guilty immediately for not telling the truth in the first place. He pulled her into his arms and hugged her. "Kagome, I love you so much, but I'm not sure if you would want to be with me for forever." He said, still hugging her tight.
"InuYasha, I love you as much as you do me. If you would want to be with me for forever, then my feelings are the same." She hugged him back tightly.
There was a pause, but finally broke by InuYasha suddenly asking Kagome, "If you love me as much as I love you……" he paused, blushing strongly, "Kagome, will you be my mate?"
Kagome pulled out of their hug and stared at InuYasha with a blank expression. Finally, her gaze parted as she put on a huge grin. She leaped onto InuYasha, making him topple backwards with Kagome on top of him as she yelled, "Of course I will!"
InuYasha looked up at her. "Really!" was all he could say.
"Yes!" she replied, feeling InuYasha's tight grip around her waist. She leaned down for a kiss.
Inside the hut, Sango was peering out the window, watching InuYasha and Kagome talking, and suddenly saw Kagome jump onto InuYasha and hug him tight. "Their finally together." She said, as she walked away from the window.
hello, and thats the end of the chapy and story, so goodbye at the same time!wheee!well, as I said before...theres gunna be a sequel to this story, and Im pretty sure Its gunna pick up at a pretty good part, too!so, now that ur all anticipating an awesome sequel, I shall begin it now!The sequel will most likely come out as fast as I've been updating chapters!arent you all lucky!lol.well, hope you liked my story, bye bye all! everyone gone?good...I can cry now!T-T T-T T-T Im gunna miss this story sooo much!good bye story!