And now – the FINAL CHAPPIE!

Twenty Seven – Our Parting Words

Gorka pipes blew louder then trumpets as Robin stood in the Great Hall, Tameranians cheering for him. He gave a courteous smile and wave, but really, he felt like crying. Galfor raised his hands for silence. Then, he picked up a satin pillow with a medal on top of it. He took it and held it high.

"For noble deeds in the name of Tamaran," he decreed, "and for outstanding heroics and bravery in the face of danger," he turned to Robin and placed the metal around his neck, "I give you this honorary metal. Let it be known, that you shall always be recognized as a hero on Tamaran." Then, he saluted and bowed.

Robin forced a smile, and turned to the exit; he was ready to leave. But then –

"Her highness, Empress Koriand'r!" announced a squire. His head whipped around, and there, standing across the room from him, was Koriand'r. She stood with as much grace as possible.

The crowd parted a walk way as she made her way over to him. It seemed to take forever, but she walked right up in front of him and stopped. Time seemed to freeze over for a split second. Robin could feel his heart thumping as she stared into his eyes. Then, she spoke.

"I honor you, Robin of Earth," she said, "and for your noble acts, I am forever grateful." Then, she bowed her head. "You will always be honored here."

Robin also bowed his head. "Thank you, Your Highness."

When he brought his head back up, he could see Koriand'r's eyes starting to tear up.

"Robin," she whispered, "if there was anything I could do, I would do it in an instant…"

"I know…"

"I love you, Robin…"

He could feel a huge knot forming in his throat. "I love you, too…"

It felt like his heart was being torn in two. But, he kept his composure and turned to the exit…

"HALT!" Galfor declared. Robin and Koriand'r looked over at him as the music stopped. He pointed an oversized finger to the Empress. "Empress Koriand'r has committed TREASON!"

Gasps were herd from the crowd, and Robin could feel his stomach fall out.

"She has been involved in adulterous acts," he pointed to Robin, "WITH THIS OUTSIDER!"

"Galfor you bastard!" Robin spat as he lunged for him. But he was held back by Tameranian guards. Koriand'r herself was coming close to tears.


"Therefore!" he continued. "I move to impeach Empress Koriand'r from her duties, and ban her from Tamaran. Does anyone object?"

Stunned, the crowd remained silent.

"Very well. Then she must leave the planet immediately!" He turned to her. "And seeing as that the earliest flight out of Tamaran is headed towards Earth… it looks like you will just have to take that one." The giant smiled as realization dawned on Kori's face.

"You – you mean I can go with…?" Kori began. He nodded. Robin also began to see Galfor's logic. As it rested in his mind, it seemed almost unbelievable.

Kori was coming home with him.

The guards let him go once they realized he was too shocked to resist them.

"Of course," said Galfor, so that only they could hear him, "I will be checking in every now and then. So," he looked at Robin, "you had better take care of her."

Robin grinned. "Oh," he said, "you don't have to worry about that."

Beaming, Kori turned to the crowd.

"My people," she said, "because I have no other living relatives, I wish a boon of you. I wish to choose the next ruler of Tamaran!" Because there was no objection, Kori took off her crown and smiled. "I leave you in good hands! The hands that cared for me as a child!" She turned and placed the crown on Galfor's head. "All hail Emperor Galfor!" she announced.

Not knowing what else to do, the crowd began to cheer "All hail Galfor! All hail Galfor!"

A touched smile found itself on Galfor's wrinkled face as Koriand'r hooked her arms around his thick neck.

And in his ear, she whispered: "Thank you… father…"


"So," said Robin, "ready to go?"

"Yes," said Starfire proudly. They happily got into the small ship together. "Perhaps this time we can visit a park?"

Robin kissed her on the cheek. "Of course."

But, just as he was about to take off, he paused and looked over at her. "Hey, Star?"


"What the hell is a gunther knife?"

She giggled.

"I will explain on the way."

You really thought I was going to tell you what it was, didn'tcha? HA! So, overview: what did you like/hate? Tell me!


PS – if you really want to know, a gunther knife is a stake knife. Yeah. That's all it is.