Author's Note: Here is your update. There is more dark drama in the future but the rape is over. Thank you for sticking with the story even with the rape. I hope you like how it continues and still want it to continue. If you do please tell me. I don't want to write this for nobody.
A few weeks later Ginny still lay in bed. Her friends had been in out of her room and house to see her almost every day. Harry also proved to be her guardian angel.
Harry hadn't taken her to the hospital against her wishes, but he did ask their old school nurse, Madam Pomfry, to come and examine her. Their deal was that he wouldn't take her unless she insisted on getting out of her bed against her health.
Harry had healed nicely over the time, and was almost back to normal except for his limp. He assured her though that he always had a limp since he'd flipped on his cousin Dudley's bike as a boy. He said that the reason it was worse now, was because the leader hurt his leg when he tried to kick him.
Today was the day Ginny would go back to work. She was a little wary of going out of her house because of her fear of Draco and the men, but Harry had been such a good friend to her and helped her so much with her recovery that she had allowed him to make a key to her house. They had become really close lately. Their relationship had now gone beyond mere dating or seeing each other once a month, to seeing each other every day.
Every day after Harry went to work, he would come over to her house and sit by her bedside attending her every need, and he wouldn't leave until she had fallen asleep. A couple of times, he would fall asleep before she did. Those were when she felt the safest.
Ginny learned about his past during these times. She had learned about the three years directly after his graduation that he would never talk about before. She learned that Hermione had become his wife and she had left him when he was twenty. She learned about his aunt and uncle and how they had died in a car accident. In return he learned about her parents and how her mother had left them to get away from her father who had become a drunk after Fred, George and Charley died in the war. Harry told her his greatest fear was of someone he loved dieing like his parents, or even like his aunt and uncle. And she told him her greatest fear of seeing her children in a broken family. Ginny had never felt so open with anyone. Not even her best friend Lavender.
She felt that she could tell Harry anything. Well, almost anything. When the Aurors came and interrogated her she never felt so alone and scared. She wished she could tell everyone her secret but she couldn't afford to tell, not even Harry.
The only times that she did feel safe was when Harry was near her. She had come to rely on him too much. She was scared for them. And in the times when he wasn't by her side she felt terrified.
What if he thinks that she had told Harry who attacked them? What if Draco hurt Harry because of it? What if Draco thinks that she told the Aurors about him? What would happen when Draco wanted to find out if he had managed to get her pregnant? What would happen when she told Harry she was?
Ginny hadn't told her class what happened to her. Not that she didn't get asked about a million times where she was or if she had a secret boyfriend on the side. six year olds were a curious lot.
She was just sending the children out to lunch when one of them asked if she could talk to her in secret. Ginny agreed. The little girl then told her that a man was asking for her before school. He had said that he was a friend of hers.
Ginny's heart fluttered. Harry! He came to the school to see her! She was so excited that she forgot that the little girl was still talking.
"He asked if we knew where you were the last other days. When we had a sub-sit-ute." She finished.
Ginny froze. "Where were you when he asked you Cindy? Were you outside? What was his name?"
Cindy was playing with the hem of her dress robes and wasn't paying much attention to anything else besides resisting all the man told her, "He said to tell you when I saw you that he was looking for you Ms. Weasley. And he wanted to meet you. He said that it was a secret and I was the only one to know."
"What was his name?" Ginny repeated kindly. She was scared out of her mind.
"Draco." she said.
Ginny shuttered inside. Oh no. He will kill me. "Is that all he said to you Cindy?" she strained.
"No. He said that you didn't need to be scared. He will find you when he needs you the next time. You will see him soon Ms. Weasley, don't worry."
But she was worried, "Thank you Cindy. You've been very helpful. If you see this man again, don't go near him. Run away, okay?"
"Why Ms. Weasley?"
"It is a game we like to play. Anyone who he talks to has to hide from him every time they see him and they must never let him find them again."
"Fun game, Hide and seek? Wow I want to play." Cindy exclaimed.
"Yes, Fun." Ginny mumbled. She had to call Harry.
Harry was just signing an order form for another shipment of lobster when Ginny called.
"Hello?" He answered. "Hey, Gin how are you doing?" He sat down in his office and signed another document, this one approving the printing of a new menu. "What do you mean your scared to go home?" he asked. "Do you want me to stay with you tonight?"
No I cant take a vacation right now. Ginny what has gotten into you? Are you okay? Are you feeing well?"
Harry was just in the middle of signing another paper when she told him that if he didn't come with her then she had just wasted her money on extra train ticket.
"Now why did you buy train tickets? Is there something that you are hiding from me Ginny?" He asked urgently. "Ginny!" He shouted. She was crying now. "Where are you?"
Ginny told him that she was at the muggle train station and the train left in one hour. It was harder to track her if she was on a train than a broom or through Floo, she said. She told him that she didn't have any bags with her and that she was too scared to go home for them, but that she was going to go far away so that they wouldn't hurt anyone that she loved. She said that she wanted him to come so he would be out of danger. Otherwise, they would kill him too and she couldn't bare it because she loved him. She also told him not to go to the Ministry because if he did then they would only kill her faster.
"Ginny what are you talking about? Talk to me, love. Tell me who they are. Are they men from the ally?'
She said yes.
"I'll be right there. Don't move."
When Harry reached the train station he saw Ginny huddled up on a corner bench rocking back and fourth. He ran up to her and pulled her into his arms.
"Gin." He rocked her. "What are you doing here? We cant leave. Tell me what's wrong."
"Not until you agree to run with me." She said against his chest. "We need to get on board now. Harry I have some thing to tell you. It is very important."
"Okay. But I'm not running. Lets go." Harry held her too him and they found an empty train compartment. He ushered her in and she huddled up against his side.
"Now tell me why these men are after you." he ordered. "It cant be just because of that night."
"Its not. But I'm not saying a thing until you promise me that you will run with me."
His sigh parted her hair "I will promise you that I will do what i think is best." he answered.
"This is the best solution. We cant go back there because they will kill us. You too. You know too much and I cant let you die or my friends die because of me. I love you Harry. I always have"
Harry was stunned. "I love you too. But I cannot let you live your life on the run. We will let the Aurors catch them. Tell me who they are." He demanded.
Ginny shook her head.
"Alright, I promise you Ginny. I will go along with this for a time."
Ginny was satisfied. "Draco was my boyfriend once. I dated him but he kept pressuring me to have a baby and I was scared. I told him that I wasn't ready and I dumped him when Lavender told me that I could do better then him. They set me up with you then."
Ginny could feel Harry shaking with fury but she wasn't done yet. "Harry I couldn't afford to pay another hospital bill. And I couldn't keep telling the nurses that the reason I was there was because I was accident prone. Draco always hurt me, Harry. And he will kill me the next time. Daco's looking for me. He came to the school and asked one of the children about me. I cant let him hurt them.
"I have to get away. The only thing he wanted was a child. I keep thinking that if I just gave in all would be well. But they wouldn't. And I cant let this baby grow up in an abusive home. That wont happen. The baby wont end up like I did and I had to get away. The Aurors be damned. They couldn't put him in Azkaban the first time they won't be able to now. Harry, I'm pregnant."
Harry was shaking fiercely now. He held her tight in his arms and pulled her onto his lap. He cradled her head in his arms and whispered loving and comforting words to her. He promised that she would never be hurt again and that he would take care of her. He told her that he still thought that the best solution was to go to the Aurors but if she didn't trust them then he would take care of her.
He promised.
The last thing he said when he noticed that she was crying, was "Ginny, will you marry me?"