Hola Everyone! Here's the last chapter! This story it the intro. story so it may seem dull. I'n going to post the second part tomorrow so look for it! Read & Review Plz.

Three years have passed since Sakura's arrival. She is going to start 6th grade soon. Physically she hasn't developed. She was still a child. I've realize that I love her either way. I haven't told her or anything for fear that it might ruin our current peaceful relationship. Eriol still continues to make to daily visits and all three of us go out to the penguin park. I look at the calendar. It was April 1st, Sakura's birthday and her parent's death day (Even though technically it was April 2nd). We do celebrate her birthday but it always has a sad atmosphere towards the end. Today her surprise party is at Eriol's. Her friends Koji Kira and Hiro Sionji have also helped in the preparations. I don't like them very much and you all probably know why so don't ask. Well, it's time to take Sakura to her birthday party.


Eriol's House

"Happy Birthday Sakura!"

I look at Sakura who is speechless. I smile.

Sakura:"Th-Thank You!"

I continue to look around. It was Eriol, Hiro, Koji, Sakura and me. She was the only girl. Sakura has only two girl friends and they were unable to attend because the party was just announced yesterday. (This is last minute.)They had to go to a retreat. She also has more guy friends but they…I don't know why they're not here. I've asked Sakura why she has so many guy friends and not girlfriends. Her response was "Guys are nicer." I guess I can believe that too. I don't really trust women (Except Sakura) and having live surrounded by women, well, I guess you can say I'm a bit paranoid.

Ding! Dong! Ding!

Eriol opens the door and lets around thirty boys in. "Sorry we're late Sakura-chan," one of them says, "We were playing at the park and didn't notice the time." Sakura smiles and says it's alright. The little boys make their way to the food. I watch them but I can't remember their names. I only remember Hiro's and Koji's because they come visit Sakura often.

The celebration continues and they play games and other random things. I sit in the couch and watch Sakura.

Eriol: "When are you going to tell her?"

Me: "What are you talking about?"

Eriol: "You know."

Me: "What?"

Eriol: "Do you want me to say it out loud?"

I sigh.

Me: "No, I forgot you can read minds."

Eriol: "You still think I can!?"

Me: "Am I wrong?"

Eriol: "Back then you were."

I look at Eriol. He's very serious when it came to this topic. He's been able to read minds occasionally and has had premonitions. He has some kind of ESP or something. In the Li Clan this was normal. I'm thinking he has it due to near death experience. They do say that experiences like that can do that.

Eriol: "I really think you should tell Sakura."

Me: "Why?"

Eriol: "I don't know how to explain. I have-."

Sakura: "Mrs. Li!"

I look at the door and I see my mother standing there. I instantly get up and bow. I notice that mostly everyone else had gone outside leaving Eriol, Sakura and I inside.

"Syaoran, Sakura."

I stand up straight.

"Oh, Eriol Hiiragizawa? I haven't seen you since you were a baby!"

I look at Eriol and he shrugs.

Me: "You know him?"

"Xio Lang! How can you forget about your cousin?"

I stand there confused. What was she talking about?

"You know, never mind it's a long complicated story. Just remember that you are cousins."

Eriol: "It's nice to see you again Aunt Yelen."

"You remember?"

Eriol: "Not really but I've remember seeing you picture in our family album."

I feel someone behind me so I tilt my head and see Sakura looking up at my mom.

"Ah! Sakura, Happy Birthday!"

Sakura: "Thank you. Is it time?"

"Yes, I'm afraid so."

Me: "What?"

"Sakura has to come back to Hong Kong with me."

Me: "What!? Why?"

"I'm sorry Syaoran but I can not say."

Me: "When? You knew Sakura?"


Sakura: "Yes."

I look at Eriol.

Me: "Did you know also?"

Eriol didn't say anything. I stare at the floor. I feel betrayed.

Sakura: "I will come back though."

I look up again and see Sakura crying.

Sakura: "Mrs. Li said it was only for little while. I don't want to go without you."

Sakura hugs my waist as she sobs. She is still a lot shorter than me. I'm 5"5 and she's 4"0.

Me: "Am I also going?"

"No, the elders said you must continue here."

Me: "The Elders!? Is that why you sent me here by myself!?"

"Syaoran, you're the only heir and you and I must obey their request. You know that."

I hate this. I hate the elders.

Sakura: "I can come back though, right?"

"Yes, when you finish what you have to do in Hong Kong."

I feel lonely.

"I'm sorry Syaoran."

I want to cry.

The Airport

"Come Sakura, the airplane has arrived."

I look at Sakura who's holding my arm. She stills has her bear in her arms. She hugs Eriol and then comes back towards me.

"I will come back, Syaoran," Sakura whispered as she placed a kiss on my cheek.

I watch her walk towards my mother. She turns around and waves.

Eriol's P.O.V

In the end Syaoran didn't listen to what I had to say. Everything that has happened up until now is like that eerie peace before the storm.

Well the chapters were rather short but I hope you enjoyed it! I will now try to write longer chapters for the second part.