The Phoenix Souls

Did we become an ANIME?!

Note: I don't own Harry Potter or Characters or Idea, I do own the extension of the idea from Miaka Kennyuuki

Hope you all like child loving Severus, and my reason for him hating to teach kids is because he'll never be able to have kids of his own, and that's why he has distaste for children no matter what. And it all boils down to his inability to get laid.

Snape is a 'Father' figure; he will not have a sexual relationship with any of the adopted kids,

however anyone else is fair game.


Great Hall, Hogwarts

7:39 pm January Third

All the lights in the Great Hall suddenly turned off, and the hall fell quiet. In the silence footsteps on hollow wood could be heard. Slowly a quiet murmur grew throughout the room. The noise turned into a low rumble in the crowd.

Unseen by crowd two girls nodded to each other. Suddenly a big bright light turned on loudly, and illuminated two girls brightly dressed in cooperating outfits. They wore dresses at the bottom of the outfit that were puffy skirted and of a form fitting bodice with puffed off the shoulder short sleeves. On top of that they wore vest type pieces that joined with buttons below the chest to accentuate them and which on opposite sides for both garments went over the individuals shoulders.

"WELCOME!!" The two called out together. The two spoke like the Weasley twins as they introduced everything.

"We are your hostesses for this evening program," The two stood back to back as they held their arms out the crowd their other arms holding the microphones.

"We are the Bluosirces! I'm Ismene,"

"And I'm Antigony!"

Then speaking together, "We are glad you all are here tonight! Because there is something special we want to share with all of you." They both traced hearts in the air with their fingers, "The newest members of our beloved Professor Snape's Family!"

At first everyone was cheering until the crowd realized, 'Wait? Did they say Snape?!' Then the crowd grew quiet. But to prevent confusion the Bluosirce twins cut their introduction short.

"Presenting, his eldest Daughter, Aurelia Anui Snape," and then a moon going through it's phases appeared up on the left side of the stage and out came sweet Aurelia, in a dress of white with blue lace around the edges and a little pale blue crescent moon with a magical glow around it embroidered onto the bottom right hand corner of the dress. From the mid upper arms down were arm gloves tied with a bow and ended before her hand. She came out and extravagantly curtsied for everyone.

She walked over to the Bluosirces and stood by them as they announced the next child.

"Presenting, his youngest son, Blaise Zabini Snape," Then a budding flower appeared on the right side appeared and Blaise burst forth from the flower. He wore a civil war-esque double button down the center jacket, a bow tied around the collar to hide the top center button. He wore knee shorts and dress socks, and his entire outfit was in shades of red. He bowed gracefully and walked over to stand by Aurelia.

The two were beaming, and with good reason because the audience was cheering loudly. Things were going good. They kept sharing glances and their grins grew even larger every time they caught each other.

"Presenting, his youngest Daughter, Ginerva Weasley Snape," and then fire flumed up on the left side of the stage and out came little Ginny, in a dress of white with red lace around the edges and a little red heart with a glow around it embroidered onto the bottom right hand corner of the dress. She wore the same things on her arms as Aurelia did. She came out and daintily curtsied for everyone. She too preceded over to the Bluosirce twins.

"Presenting, his Son, Draco Malfoy Snape," the two called out gesturing to the center of the room. People cleared and the shining spotlight was on a beaming Draco sitting atop a toy dragon. A few quick and discreet spells and the dragon was flying tamely to the stage. Draco jumped off and landed be side Ginny, his light blue clothes while slightly ruffled were clearly just like Blaise's clothes only different colors.

Draco and the other three shared quick grins before looking towards the back of the Great hall where its tall solid oak doors stood regally.

The doors burst open and riding atop a very large black dog was Harry and Hermione, holding tightly as the dog bounced around the room at a running pace. Not long after that was what looked to be a creature called a Kappa from Japan. While some of the students thought this was real, it didn't matter; either way the show was about to begin.

Antigony and Ismene did three quick magical girl poses and then jumped off the stage. Both of them had summoned bright colorful weapons to fight their combatant.

Then from the ceiling fell Aria and Artemis, beautiful glistening snow fell from the enchanted ceiling. Ismene startled dropped her stance and held her hand out to catch some, and she was shocked to find out that the snow was real!

"It's real?! You can't be serious Ismene," Antigony exclaimed, and then she felt some land on her nose and let out a gasp, "You aren't!"

And back with Aria she was in her fox form as Artemis held her and there was a soft murmur of a Lumos spell and Aria seemed to glow. Hidden by the glow Aria morphed back from her fox animagus form. Artemis then threw Aria at the Kappa in shock, and the Kappa shriveled on contact with an object held in Aria's hands.

As the Kappa shriveled it suddenly shrank into a ball and disappeared in a classic pink 'poof!'

Aria floated down to the floor light as a feather. She 'mew'-ed in her cute fox ways and padded her trail softly back to her beloved father Severus, and attempted to present the choker necklace in her mouth to him.

"Aria," he began sternly, making her loose a bit of her pride, "Return to normal and tell me where you got that." His eyes were unforgiving, so Aria reluctantly transformed back and held the red choker out for her father to take by the four-point star pendant.

Looking at the ground bashfully, "I accidentally took it from Artemis when she threw me at the Kappa—But I didn't mean to—," She paused to think about what to say, "It was the thing that got rid of that creature-thingy!"

People had started to gather around them and Artemis suddenly burst though the crowd. "Aria, Are you okay?! I was worried your plan wouldn't work!" Artemis had picked Aria up and was inspecting her for injuries. "Thank Merlin you are safe. Where's my enchanted pendant?"

Aria paled. "Well, you see…," Severus cut her off.

"I have it."

Dun Dun Dun!

That's what we authors call a cliff hanger! Is the locket good or bad?! Why does Sevvie care?! Where did the monster come from?! Why have we seen so little of the normal Characters?! Why does the author love OC's so much?! Why did it take so long to update?!

If you want the next chapter after this any time soon, I want at least 35 reviews! Your opinions are necessary! It's how I decide to take the story in different directions. It will reach the same goal just sometimes it will take longer than usual to get there. So far this will be very short. And by the way for those of you who hate long author's notes I'm sorry. The next one will be shorter.

And End of chapter! I'm leaving this chapter to be titled because my creativity meter was seriously drained by my English project. I had to write six two page essays and in only 4 nights. I was working with terrible characters and my idea was so off the wall I think I failed. So I hope you all liked this chapter. I'm thinking of writing side chapters and there is an anthology type thing I'm making that is a companion to this story. I was a little sad at no reviews, but I will be having a few places where characters are needed, and if you review and say you are interested in being a character tell me. I'll leave my email in my profile if anyone is interested. The few I mentioned in past Author responses will get special prizes once you redeem them (i.e. send me a personal message). I Hope you all like this chapter and this cliffy!

Also most chapters will be revised soon. I'm also posting this before my beta sees this even though it peeves her off so bad. I just can't spend the time waiting when I owe you a Christmas gift! I hope to update sooner and sooner as things go on.

Ja Ne!

REVIEW!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!


I give you plot bunnies!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(-) (-)

Remember if you want plot bunnies working on the next chapter (which is a very good thing) you need to give me 35 reviews! And remember to redeem you prizes you reviewers! I'm tennyhindy at yahoo.  That's my e-mail. Don't question its childishness.